Please contact Jim White, Chelan PUD senior energy efficiency engineer, before installing your system to learn about your current options.

Here are the steps to become a SNAP producer
- Applicant downloads or picks up a packet from Chelan County PUD with these items:
- Applicant submits SNAP Application for review
- PUD Customer Service Engineer reviews the application and discusses the proposed project with the applicant. If approval is recommended, the Power Purchase and Interconnection Agreement will be signed by the appropriate PUD official and returned to the applicant. (If approval is not recommended, engineer will discuss reasons and potential remedies with the applicant.)
- Applicant obtains electrical permit from local code authority.
- Applicant (or electrical contractor) installs system consistent with Chelan County PUD standards and policies.
- Applicant (or electrical contractor) installs proper labels on electrical disconnects and meter base.
- Applicant obtains final electrical inspection approval from code authority.
- Applicant notifies Chelan County PUD of completion.
- Chelan County PUD meter technician inspects system and, if approved, installs meter.
- Applicant operates system.
- Chelan County PUD sends annual SNAP payment to Producer in April.
Questions? Contact us about the connection processes.
Update regarding the Washington state Renewable Energy System Cost Recovery program
On July 7, Governor Jay Inslee signed legislation breathing new life into the state's solar incentive program. Senate Bill 5939 closes the existing solar incentive program to new customers and creates a new program for renewable energy systems beginning in July 2017 and ending in June of 2021.
The bill makes only minor changes to the existing program. Here is a brief summary:
- The existing program continues as planned through June 30, 2020 for current participants, but the program is closed to new entrants.
- Residents who previously installed solar will keep receiving incentives based on the rate they received in June 2016, and can continue until 2020, when incentives were previously scheduled to run out.
- Responsibility on the state level for overseeing the program is transferred to Washington State University’s energy office.
Learn more about the Washington State Renewable Energy System Incentive Program.
Questions? Contact us.