A great deal of Fleet Services work is farmed out to vendors in the community. So, it appears that there is more fleet type work than can be done by the present personnel OR the work can be done cheaper outside. We need to decide if we want to continue to do our own work or downsize/eliminate the department. There is a case to be made for both routes. If the current model is more expensive than farming the work out with all of the union and management employees and associated infrastructure, then we should farm it out. If on the other hand our current model is cost effective, we should hire more personnel and do the job properly. This would require proper facilities. Show More
A warehouse facility is needed at Chelan Hydro to keep track of spare parts necessary for the reliability of the generations.
A water park placed in one of our amazing parks.
Acquire wildlife replacement habitats (nuclear, other) to replace those equivalent areas that were inundated by reservoirs. Do this during/via re-licensing at dams. More trails adjacent to reservoirs.
Add a second gantry crane to Rocky Reach intake deck. There is no reliable contingency plan to install head gates at Rocky Reach Dam. If the exiting crane were to break down, the 240 ton crane may be able to pull gates and dog them off in the gate slot that they are in at that time, but there is no way to move them to another unit. Show More
Add an additional park along the waterfront on the Douglas County side of the Rock Island Reservoir.
Add opportunities to do community work while getting paid by the PUD. Serving places like the YWCA, Habitat for Humanity, or volunteering at hospitals, etc. adds value where we live.
Add recycling bins in parks.
Adopt a rate schedule specific to schools and local governmental agencies to help reduce their costs of operations.
Advocate that no coal trains will pass through our county.
All Chelan County residents may use all Chelan County PUD owned parks at no cost (Discovery Pass fees waived).
All power currently allocated to ALCOA that is not used in the future, in whole or in part, shall be reserved for job producing, industrial uses in Chelan County.
An apprenticeship program would be nice at Fleet Services. It gives the opportunity to new technicians to learn a trade in the workplace.
Apprentice program for hydro mechanics, wiremen, and operators.
Are there opportunities to develop a higher education institute here in the Wenatchee Valley given the centralized location of Wenatchee relative to hydropower in the Northwest?
As a home owner and customer of our local PUD, I would love it if the additional revenue could be used to create training. This would produce candidates locally to fill positions that provide a living wage by the PUD. From what I hear, it sounds like there are jobs available, but we don't have qualified people to fill these positions. Bottom line for me is can we find a way to use the revenue to provide employment for residents in our community? Show More
As a pilot project, the PUD would make available a block of power with a rate in excess of 3 cents for the recruitment of a jobs producing industrial customer to Chelan County.
Assist with relocation of the BNSF facility to improve access to the waterfront and park.
Balanced education about energy for all ages.
Be a partner with local governments in resolving demographic challenges.
Be involved in the County’s Wenatchee Community Lands Plan effort regarding the Weyerhaeuser lands.
Be proactive and do forward planning for resource levels at the hydros. Currently we are not prepared for work load if everyone that's eligible to retire were to retire.
Be responsive to community economic development needs. Be open to listen to community needs, and assist where and when possible.
Be strategic about economic development to ensure it will truly benefit the greatest number of people for the longest period. We want industries that will increase the quality of life in this region, not just increase number of jobs of any kind.
Better target industries and jobs using “powers” and abilities in conjunction with other entities.
Better training of systems used within the PUD: Maximo, GIS, CIS. Basic training on electric systems would also be beneficial to many employees.
Biomass generation facility to facilitate healthy forests and jobs.
Bring in more internet and software companies, if possible.
Build a boardwalk in Walla Walla and Riverfront Parks.
Build a large parking garage for heavy equipment at Rocky Reach Dam.
Build a new distribution warehouse and fleet building in Sunnyslope. Access to all headquarters would be enhanced.
Build a new warehouse/tool room at Central Maintenance complete with loading dock to off load and load trucks.
Build a parking garage at Rock Island for crew vehicles.
Build a Pump & Hose storage building and repair shop to better keep track of pumps and keep them reliable.
Build a Return on Investment model for water and wastewater programs.
Build a squirt park at a PUD park (similar to Wenatchee's Rotary Park).
Build a waterslide park at Walla Walla Park.
Build an ROI model that can accept the multitude of variables that will affect comparing alternatives for/against adding water customers.
Can we collaborate with the college (i.e. summer planning and student interns)?
Change PUD gas and diesel powered vehicles to electric powered vehicles. The PUD produces clean energy, please use clean energy to power your fleet.
Chelan County PUD should take a leading role in new technologies such as electric buses, cars, hybrid vehicles, solar and wind. We are a power company and should diversify our investments in these "alternative" sources. One day, they won't be abnormal, but everyday.
Circulate a questionnaire to current users (maybe with the bill) asking them to rate quality of service, responsiveness, quality of water, value for money— and invite any comments.
City/PUD Partnership for wastewater.
Collaborate in the development of a biomass electrical generating plant that burns forest fuels.
Collaboration with WVC Automotive Tech program regarding electric vehicles.
Communicate with The Nature Conservancy about its efforts to improve forest health by increasing revenue for forest landowners.
Complete fiber build out to those of us that live in the "black" holes. (We can see it from our house.) From the perspective of of a disaster recovery—it’s not a possibility to work from home with dial-up connection.
Complete the install throughout the County. Privide high speed lines for business.
Consider a merger of Wenatchee City and PUD water. Benefits could include economy of scale for operations and management; single source of customer service; cost of service and rates.
Consider whether there are ways that the PUD can work with private or public landowners to promote healthier forests that would reduce the forest fire risk to PUD infrastructure and customer service levels.
Consolidate water services in greater Wenatchee area.
Consolidate water/wastewater systems on the Wenatchee River to Monitor.
Construct a proper repair shop at Rock Island Dam.
Continue and ramp-up conservation and provide generous incentives to more home owners to use electric heat.
Continue fiber build out.
Continue to electrify your fleet and create more electric charging stations.
Continue to provide a positive work environment and benefits that allow employees to raise a family in our valley.
Convert the fleet and CPUD vehicles to electric.
Convert the PUD fleet to electric vehicles.
Costs for any additional enhancements for the parks along the Lake Chelan, Rocky Reach, or Rock Island reservoirs should be paid by the Hydro Projects associated with that reservoir, not District surplus revenue.
Could a notice be sent out to all PUD customers in the mail to save electricity when possible? Turning lights off in rooms with no one in them is one example. I’m not sure if that would save the PUD money but I think it would. Motivate the customers by pointing out that it will save them money on their power bill and help the PUD solve their issues and help them keep the cost of our electricity at the low rate that we all love. Show More
Create a four year university.
Create a map showing spatial distribution of surface and ground water rights. Add notes explaining whether consumptive use is allowed; quality; limits to seasonal availability; and any other limits to use. This might be posted on District's ARC info or similar geospatial database. Show More
Create a simple PUD employee smart phone app listing district internal phone numbers, alerts, etc..
Create an Economic Development Think Tank where PUD employees and other citizens can come together to work on economic development initiatives using PUD resources. (I’m thinking along the lines of Microsoft’s Garage, LinkedIn’s InCubator, Apple BlueSky.)
Create an incentive program for conserving water and for septic system “check-up.” This is an immediate through long term solution that gets people responsible for their use and potential leakage right away. I think there might be some potential for partners in this area. Show More
Create major support for vehicle electrification 2.) Dark Skies- reduce excessive night lights in Wenatchee 3.) Serious support for water conservation
Create new line department and mechanic shop facilities to improve efficiency & safety. Growth over many years makes this necessary and overdue. Wait longer and it just gets more expensive. Time to bite the bullet.
Create serious support for water conservation.
Create student shadow programs for high school students.
Create underwater triathlon markers and course buoys in lake Chelan for local and out of town triathletes to use. The lake water is clear, making Lake Chelan a desirable location for these events. The cost for the markers and buoys is under $14,000 and these could be maintained by local clubs and sponsors of triathlon events. The course buoys and underwater markers could be put up in spring each year and stored in late September or October when the lake is drawn down There would be a minimum impact on boating since the course could be either 400 or 750 meters long. The ideal locations are by Lakeside Park running parallel to the road (the site of a local triathlon) or by Manson where swim lessons are offered. The investment would drive athletes and tourist dollars to Chelan and Manson, help the local economy, and be a very visible reminder of PUD's commitment to and investment in Lake Chelan. Show More
Create ways to push “authority” up-river.
Creatively consider ways in which PUD can expand outdoor recreation opportunities within its legal limitations.
Crew support to community activities. Leavenworth lighting is an example.
Decreasing Health Care Benefits for all PUD employees in order to avoid paying $300,000 Cadillac tax is only hurting the employees. Projected net revenues are over $100 million. Do you really value PUD employees so little? Show More
Demolish F&W, service building, tech shop, and possibly fleet. Construct a green site with underground parking, and build a large building in that area. This maintains our public “face” for billing, etc. The biggest issue I see with this, is it may be difficult to “let go” of the HQ building in this case, and I can see us with the same modernization struggles. The next site is the large empty fields on both sides of the CTC. Extremely large area, room for truck traffic to make deliveries, good access to the loop trail, and close proximity to RR, CTC, Hawley St. and Odabashian bridge. Show More
Designate down river green space for hang gliders and enlarge the marina dock on the down river shoreline.
Develop (in partnership with cities and counties) rate schedules for larger power users to facilitate economic development toward targeted industries. Utilize PUD authorities in conjunction with city and county zoning regulations as well as comprehensive plans to facilitate the growth and industry types that benefits the county in terms of economic output and quality of life.
Develop a utility assistance for low income households. Expand existing programs for seniors and disabled to qualifying low income households.
Develop an application for customer-owners to download all pud forms/standards for electric, water/wastewater, and fiber installations. This would help homeowners & contractors during construction so they can have requirements in "the field" as they install.
Develop an asset management program.
Develop an economic development model that takes into account things like value of tourism, increased agriculture, fiber telecom, etc..
Develop cross-training programs for PUD employees to become apprentices.
Develop education programs to train youth for the jobs of the future. Industries and jobs that we desire to attract require an educated workforce. Workforce training is one of the keys to successfully developing industry clusters. Look for opportunities to educate youth in innovation. Look for opportunities to educate youth with the skills that the PUD needs for the future… i.e.. Energy, environmental stewardship, recreation, public administration, etc.. Show More
Develop indoor aquatics center at Walla Walla Point Park or other location, funded in part by the community. Operated by the City of Wenatchee.
Develop parks and other recreational facilities along the Columbia River tributaries, including Lake Wenatchee.
Develop/strengthen community outreach in schools.
Discharge wastewater in the Columbia River.
Discounted rate for power be made available for other local government entities in Chelan County to help them lower their operational costs.
District could start a "district recycling center similar to Avista. (Recycling left over parts/pieces and re-using or putting back into inventory whatever possible.) Example might be a bucket or used bolts left from a job. Rather than toss, take to recycling where they can be refurbished and placed back into inventory. Show More
Do a regional pollution elimination project. This could mean: improving water quality in the region and beyond; revegetating riparian corridors; reverting irrigation (water right) back to river; educating homeowners to reduce storm water runoff; reducing PO3/PO4; providing tertiary treatment in Wenatchee River corridor; and detecting and retrofitting failing septics. Show More
Do everything possible to support electric vehicles in Chelan County.
Do not raise the cost of health care benefits.
Do something about goose poop.
Do water use education, via a community learning center, conservation, and work with other local entities.
Do we abide by previous commissioner decisions about sewer rates?
Educate and encourage the public to xeriscape [landscaping/gardening that reduces water usage], thereby creating habitat for animals (bees, pollinators, birds, butterflies, and beneficial insects) and reducing fossil fuel and pesticide use needed to maintain green lawns.
Education programs that will train people for the jobs that are in demand.
Electric cars for public use. Larger cities have them sign up, get a key card, and use the car. You are charged a nominal fee per minute/hour for use on your bill.
Electrification appears to be a real opportunity for the region, and I would encourage the PUD to be a pioneer for enhanced use of electric vehicles in North Central Washington.
Eliminate the ability of server farms to be established within the Chelan PUD Service area. They provide no jobs nor economic development. They are a one way greed for profit. They cause hurt to our purpose! Show More
Employees work in old, dirty, outdated conditions. Please update equipment, bathrooms, ask employees to wipe down work areas on a regular basis. No more dirty dishes left in restrooms!
Encourage and promote electric vehicles by transforming the PUD fleet of trucks, cars, etc. to battery electric.
Encourage change and forward thinking. PUD is like stepping back in time. Employees don't like change and are afraid to ask for newer technology and more efficient ways of doing things.
Encourage the Port District to do a better job of recruiting.
Ensure that our most valuable assets are kept in top working condition. The district has 33 hydro generators (19 at RI, 11 at RR, 2 at Chelan Falls, and 1 at Stehekin) with an expected life of 40 years each. These units bring in the majority of the revenue for the district, so look at the age of the generators, rehab one unit a year to endure that our main revenue source and generation reliability is kept intact. After 33 years it will be time to start rehab all over again on the first unit - keep the most valuable assets in top working condition. Show More
Establish a business model that consolidates the PUD’s four utility services into one.
Establish a political partnership between the PUD’s external affairs team and the homebuilders and realtors associations to work together on issues of mutual interest.
Establish a regional metered-domestic water system with a strong conservation component.
Establish a regional wastewater collection and treatment system.
Establish a single irrigation utility within City limits. Could expand to merger with Reclamation District.
Establish broadband access county wide.
Expand and improve Manson Bay Park to make it more attractive and customer-friendly.
Expand Beebe RV Park toward highway 97 and down river from current site.
Expand current energy conservation programs.
Expanding the service area in Lake Wenatchee will ensure that the Wenatchee River coming from the lake will have the lowest pollution of the entire river. Although the wastewater portion of the PUD is not a money-making endeavor, upkeep and expansion of the wastewater system have long term benefit for the county and for the economy (clean water for recreation and for salmon). It also helps PUD meet the necessary requirements for fish habitat. Show More
Expansion of Wastewater into Sunnyslope/UGA.
Explore an economic analysis based on incentives that would link number of watts offered based on number of jobs or another metric—such as sales tax projections or wages.
Explore carbon reduction efforts that could benefit Chelan County.
Explore possibility of creating an aquarium at the Rockey Reach site.
Explore “local” appetite for creating a Lake Wenatchee combined water/sewer district and Peshastin area water/sewer district (non-PUD).
Extend fiber up the Entiat Valley. We were told it would come, and patiently waited while "harder to reach" areas were served. Year round residents deserve the same treatment as vacation home owners.
Extend the Riverfront Park south to the Irrigation and walking bridge. This area is in need of help.
Fiber and telecommunications emphasis is important. Being on top with technology is great—working with solar power, etc.. Show More
Find a way for the District to play a more active role in local economic development, up to and including changes in state statute that would provide broader participation.
Finish painting the Chelan warehouse by completing the ceiling. Everything looks great except the ceiling looks terrible.
Finish the Pole Yard Project by completing the pole building for storage of all the vehicles during winter. Add power to the building so everything can be plugged in and kept clean and dry.
Fix irrigation on soccer fields here in town or create new soccer fields that are maintained—and/or a job that helps maintain all available fields here in town.
Fleet Services shop is too small for our employees and vehicles. Need more room for shop. Tools needed. We work outside a lot because shop is full. We are limited on space to put new tools that are needed. Show More
Focus on maintaining current infrastructure, hydro's, transmission, distribution. Without those assets, we have nothing.
Focus on providing domestic water and wastewater utilities throughout the Wenatchee River Valley.
Focus on staff. Appropriate size of work force (all areas seriously under-staffed) and succession management in particular. We talk about them but do not do much about it. Show More
For customers to be informed and involved, they need to be educated, and "experience" their PUD early. I'd like to see a comprehensive K-12 education plan.
Get rid of the self insured L&I and go to a system that treats employees with respect. The working classes do not like this system. This is bad for employee morale!
Have certain chosen PUD staff stay closely connected to the already-in-motion economic development activities throughout the county. Hire a few more people at the PUD (increase your bench for your core activities) but let this bench strength give some select employees the time to train and become regional economic development experts – folks that stay closely aligned with the organizations directly involved in economic development in all communities served by the PUD. Show More
Have we investigated hydropower hydrogen production? At first glance it appears to me that Chelan Power has the ingredients (water, electricity, land, transporation) and infrastructure potential to warrant study. By 2015 the DOE wants 15 percent of all hydrogen production to come from solar/wind and 20 percent by 2020. Is there an opportunity here?
Help diversify from tourism and agriculture: more blue collar and other manufacturing.
Help people retire earlier by adding part time jobs and a pre-pay insurance program. Add additional time/age so employees can retire and more young people with families can work here.
Help support recycling efforts throughout Chelan County.
Help the Leavenworth Fish Hatchery develop a more water-friendly hatchery system, similar to the PUD system at Rocky Reach (using recycled water?). This will prevent the Leavenworth facility from needing to put in additional wells. They currently have several wells and have a large cone of depression for their primary well. It would also be beneficial to help them develop a groundwater recharge program. This will keep the Icicle flowing better throughout the year, as well as recharge cooler groundwater which will flow into the Icicle and Wenatchee systems during the summer. Show More
Highly incentivize solar power production residentially.
Hire 1 comm. engineer and 1 mtr/rely engineer to help with technician work load, especially to deal with last minute assignments.
Hire and train a planner/scheduler that would help the 3 foremen with maximo, cip/wecc, etc. The planner should be a technician and equally compensated, including over time. If not, nobody would want the job.
Hire more technicians to better handle ever increasing workloads and requirements as well as improve internal customer service and morale. This need has gone unmet in recent years and is causing mounting frustration. More hands on deck in this department creates big value added for the whole PUD.
Hire one more recruiter. One cannot keep up with demands and provide great customer service with a friendly attitude.
Hire WECC/compliance engineers at hydros. The plant engineers cannot support day-to-day walk-in and project work and still effectively handle WECC stuff.
How could WVC partner with the PUD to provide a pool of prospective qualified technical employees?
How is the overhead of PUD allocated to different business units? Keep them fair but acknowledge that they’re not free.
I feel that the value of environmental stewardship could be stronger in this area, and the PUD could provide significant leadership toward this important social change.
I know that seniors on a fixed income do get a discount but it would be nice if the discount was increased during the winter months.
I look forward to future development of the riverfront, both residential and commercial.
I propose a 15% Water/Wastewater rate increase per year for 4 years. [Then] down to 9% a year for 4 years.
I propose the primary work force could include people with disabilities and special needs. This would go a long way to help these folks with regular and meaningful employment. Avista has a few employees who manage and direct the special work force and have a forklift operator to move heavy items. Win/win. Show More
I think that implementing a community garden section in each park would be very beneficial to our community. Apartment dwellers could have access to a small patch of land and volunteers could help organize it. Food could be donated to the needy or used by our local families wanting to incorporate fresh, homegrown, nutrient-dense food into their diet. Let's support the local food movement! One community at a time. Show More
I think the #1 priority should be to catch-up with maintenance of major District assets that has been deferred over the past two years due to unexpected events.
I think the PUD should take a serious look into its long-term infrastructure. I think getting all of the employees possible under one roof would be a huge improvement. Our current HQ building was built somewhere around 1955 (one year before Rocky Reach ph1 construction started) – roughly 65 years ago, and many of our employees are spread across the county in tertiary locations (CTC, F&W, Hawley st, etc.). Obviously we can’t move everyone, but all of fiber, finance, IT, operations, transmission, etc. could be. We could have faster collaboration, easier access for meetings, a more unified “presence” to our customers, and many other improvements. This would also get us out of the troublesome CTC datacenter and into one we control completely (e.g., Reach datacenter). The HQ building is very “franken-esque” right now, lots of ‘let’s make this work’ rather than ‘let’s do this right’ fixes; many times the ‘do it right’ fix is not possible in our building. A green site could bring huge improvements in Workplace Safety, HVAC, IT infrastructure, Carbon Footprint/green initiatives, Meeting Room technology, productive workspaces, and our public image. At some point we have to look at this, HQ won’t last forever—and it seems like we do a lot to try and fit the 21st century into our 20th century workplace. Another thought on this, to help illustrate my point—an example of potential. Wenatchee Valley College built a new building “Wenatchee Hall” in in ’05-’07. It is a 80,000 gross sq. ft. building, with 3 stories and a basement. Obviously it’s not set up as an office space, but in my mind it’s something roughly comparable to what we might need. In the basement is a large datacenter, and each floor has a small datacenter closet on it. All of the classrooms have complex A/V setups, security, and telepresence setups, not cheap by any means! They built and furnished this building for just under $25 million. They built the smaller 27,000 gross sq ft MAC building in late 2012 for $9.5 million. These numbers sound high to a regular Joe, but comparing the cost to the fiber build out, or some of our other capital projects, I don’t think it’s outside the realm of possibility by any means for a building we could get upwards of 70 years of use out of. I don’t know how large projects like this work but financed over say 30 years this could be very affordable. Show More
I truly would like to see a playground and Kirby Billingsley Hydro Park. The choices for younger children is really limited. I look at this as a parent who wants more options.
I would be interested in more training on new vehicles and new tools to repair all of the new equipment.
I would like to see faster restoration of power in Leavenworth. Currently they have one truck and they must call for back up once they get to the location. What can be done to get more service and faster restoration?
I would like to see money invested into our aging buildings. These buildings and properties are the public’s, and they are starting to appear "ratty" and generally not up to standards of any public entity.
I would like to see surplus sales be used for the Fiber build out. This is similar to when investor owned utilities did not provide electric service to non-urban areas because it was not profitable. The same thing is happening to fiber where it may not be profitable to build out to the majority of county electrical customers, but fiber is becoming a major need for customers like electric service was many years ago. Show More
I would love to see a new facility for Distribution line crews and Wenatchee Warehouse crews. The existing faculty is always bordering on being unsafe with so many vehicles, people, and freight deliveries coming and going in such a small area. In addition there are fiber crews, parks, fish and wildlife crews and fleet personnel picking up materials with vehicles and equipment being served and replaced here. Very, very tight quarters. Show More
I would propose that the city reconsider expanding fiber in Sunnyslope areas, especially where the new subdivisions are going in across from Crestview, and off of School St. We came from Moses Lake with an extensive fiber optic system. We found having fiber in the areas where good paying customers were building homes was a bonus for the city [in terms of marketing the town]. Show More
Identify the most difficult to hire or technically unique positions within the PUD and the utility or hydroelectric industry. Team with other utilities and/or an institution of higher education to create an institute school, college or university based in the valley that educates and develops such skill sets, while also performing important research on process improvements or developments related to those skill sets. Team with other utilities in the region, nation and world to help support the institute, so that it is broader reaching than just Chelan County, but instead becomes something of national or international significance. An example of such an institute is the Institute of Paper Science and Technology which was supported directly by the paper industry for 75 years and has since been integrated with Georgia Institute of Technology. Show More
If Alcoa were to go away, reallocate power to other in county industrial customers.
If supporting economic development of the region is a goal for the PUD, it is going to be difficult for the PUD to continue its policy of each line of business being self-sustaining, unless accounting adjustments are made to recognize the part of operating costs for some lines of business are actually investments in the economic development of the region. I fully applaud the structure and fiscal responsibility of insisting that each line of business be self-sustaining, but if regional ED is a priority, there does need to be adjustments made if some lines more directly contribute to particular ED goals than others (high quality fiber and water systems or electrical charging stations, for example). Developing a mechanism within management reporting to quantify the regional ED value and credit it to the respective lines of business that are making the investments might be a good idea. Show More
If the PUD ever decides to dispose of its Leavenworth service center, the City would be very interested in acquiring the property.
If water and wastewater are not bringing in sufficient revenues, either charge more or have someone else manage it.
Implement a policy to pay for line extensions and relocations which are a significant inhibitor to infill in the city. This applies mainly to power and fiber, but also may apply to water.
Implement a policy to pay for line extensions and utility relocations when driven by development. Often infill development is hampered due to the cost for relocating PUD infrastructure. The cost of development impacts the supply and price of housing, which is a problem for our region. Policies that help increase the number of units as well as the lowers the cost of development would provide great value to Chelan County. Show More
Implement a thorough and robust asset management standard and plan across the District. I realize an effort is underway to develop a plan, but this plan must become the foundation for our future financial and potentially workforce planning. The asset plan will identify future capital and maintenance work on the District’s assets and this information can then be used to prioritize the work (assuming a prioritization tool is in place) into the future. Although I cannot speak on the current state of our assets, there were too many years when we deferred maintenance and improvements to a point that the costs of doing so rose each year as the assets fell into further disrepair. The longer we wait the more it will cost. It may be necessary to reassign work or to hire staff to implement the asset management plan, but there must be a focus on this effort and simply adding this responsibility to current staff will result in a less than desired outcome. Show More
Improve facilities at Chelan Falls (at the channel of Blue Water and the Chelan River) to be on par to the up-lake portion of the shore. Also, enhance the beach around the nearby island to increase usage.
Improve irrigation for parks since there are dry patches of grass across fields. Mostly an issue for soccer fields.
Improve response to eurasian millfoil.
Improve the health of forests in Chelan County to reduce the risk of catastrophic forest fires. One way to do this might to buy or create biomass energy (a “renewable resource” under I-937) in Chelan County in order to create jobs and help improve forest health.
Improve the load capacity of the electrical infrastructure serving Front Street lighting and snow-making equipment.
Improvements and additions to the parks and trails would be wonderful. PUD Parks and trails have been an awesome benefit to our areas and are good for our economy.
In a budget surplus scenario, I would like to think the first (and most important) thing we take care of is ourselves. We should set up some sort of trust fund – and “live off” the interest. We need to have a significant nest egg established that can ride us through a future budget deficit scenario. Discipline and aggressive policies can keep our hands out of the principal to ensure the PUD is here in another 50 years. I am happy to the see the fruits of our 5 year plan, and our slice contracts, but this wouldn’t (shouldn’t) change any of that. I want the PUD to be a part of this valley in the future for my kids. Show More
In Dryden, fund individual septic to remove point source.
Incorporate health improvements in all PUD policies to promote health and safety.
Increase and maintain a high qulaity training budget for technicians so they can maintain the expert knowledge and tools they need to do an excellent job. This is particularly important because as technical equipment is rapidly changing, consistent learning is needed to keep up.
Increase apprenticeships and skill development in our human assets.
Increase awareness of the Sustainable Naturale Alternative Power (SNAP) program. Provide energy loans to install solar panels on homes and businesses.
Increase the use of re-circulation technology at Eastbank Hatchery. Reducing the hatchery's water demand on the Regional Aquifer helps conserve a vital resource for future generations.
Increase tourism and tourism related jobs by enhancing/promoting recreational opportunities. Tourism is one of the most promising areas to increase jobs in Chelan County. Tourism is already a large economic driver in Chelan County but has more potential. We are a short drive for the 3 million people who live in Snohomish and King Counties, plus many more outside those 2 counties. We have better weather, more natural areas and great existing and potential outdoor recreation opportunities compared to the west side. Tourism creates new and increased opportunities for small businesses, retail sales and sales taxes, managerial jobs, as well as many jobs for teenagers and people without skills. Washington’ s governor has formed a Blue Ribbon Task Force on Parks and Outdoor Recreation with the explicit goal of promoting economic development, jobs and businesses associated with outdoor recreation. Show More
Increased water and/or sewer rates if necessary.
Install auto charging stations at PUD facilities.
Install elevators in place of spiral staircases at Rocky Reach Dam.
Install underground utilities
Institute mandatory pay increases for professional certifications.
Invest heavily in increased energy efficiency of buildings, houses, appliances, lighting, etc.
Invest in a recreation center with grass fields, turf fields, an aquatic center w/zero depth area and competition swim pool.
Invest in economic development assets where/when appropriate for existing businesses, such as Confluence Health. What do they need to be as successful as possible, that the PUD can provide?
Invest in employee training to give opportunities to individuals who are interested in learning new skills and advancing their careers. Internal development enhances moral and builds careers.
Invest in employees. Support employees by keeping health care benefits the same as now even if that means the District pays the Cadillac tax. Employees work for the District due to the great benefits. If you want to keep getting great employees, the benefits need to be great.
Invest in making fiber available to all customers.
Invest in more electric vehicles and infrastructure.
Invest in more solar energy and the Sustainable Natural Alternative Power (SNAP) program.
Invest in our own small towns. Help the budgets of the small towns that struggle so that we all can start and stand on a positive note. Help take some of the weight off the city so that it can move forward which helps us all more forward.
Invest in our people, especially through education and skills development. Look for partnerships with the K-12 schools and Wenatchee Valley college. Also look at partnerships with institutions such as the WSU Water Research Center and UW Public Administration Program. Not only does education and skills development apply to future needs of the PUD, but they also apply to other industries already in Chelan County such as PA&E, local governmental agencies, agriculture technology, manufacturing, etc. In addition, Chelan and Douglas County is a hub for governmental services which yields the largest piece of the pie in terms of gross wages paid (25%). Public Administration offers a great opportunity for our youth to stay or return to the region and provide the necessary work force of the future of those governmental services. Show More
Invest in riparian buffer zones. This is a long term solution for both water and wastewater. It is ensuring we have good groundwater recharge zones along the streams, which will then supply the river during the dryer seasons. It also ensures that we have “filtering” systems for pollutants, thereby decreasing TMDLs and potentially making the PUD’s requirements from Ecology less stringent (i.e.. If the TMDL is lower, then PUD as a point source won’t have as much of a responsibility since the entire system will be cleaner). Show More
Invest wisely to make sure our hard earned dollars continue working for us. When investing, whether in existing or new infrastructure, always ask the question "Is this needed or would this be nice?” If the District wants to remain financially solid then we need to ask that question and others such as "what is the return on investment?" "What are the costs/risks associated with this?" "Will this investment become a benefit to a large number of customer/owners or a select few?" "Is this within the scope of our authority as a Public Utility within the State of Washington?" "Is this mandated in order to remain in compliance with a higher authority?" Show More
Investigate access to boat ramp on Chelan County side across from Turtle Rock. It would be nice to improve this existing ramp.
Investigate electric generation from gas.
Investigate feasibility of an energy research center, perhaps affiliated with WVC, focused on energy conservation, non-carbon energy sources and energy grid enhancements.
Investigate the feasibility of producing biomass electricity from Chelan County forests (Weyerhaeuser or other lands) or of purchasing power from a third party producing biomass electricity from Chelan County forests.
Investigate whether there are any habitat, water quality or other issues that might suggest getting involved in the future of the Weyerhaeuser 50,000 acres.
It appears that reducing the rather sizable debt is a PUD priority, and my comment would be to maintain that priority, especially given the potential risks you mentioned at the meeting.
It would be nice to have a back up generator for the East Bank Hatchery for when they lose power.
Keep jobs in the valley, and do in house training.
Keep our benefits. Don't raise premiums.
know capacity planning is in our plan, and something we are looking closely at, but we may not be moving fast enough in this regard. In some technical fields the “spin up” time is so long, we may not have time to replace knowledge that is leaving the district with retirees, even if we hired someone today. Without pointing fingers there are some departments where the average age seems in the 50+ range; to me that does not seems like a healthy model for knowledge retention. Some departments metrics for FTE’s are much different than others, and can be difficult (if not impossible) to justify new positions. It is frustrating to see some departments add multiple new FTE’s, and see others struggling to get everything done. Show More
Lack of parking at the fleet shop causes us to shuttle vehicles around or park them inside our workspace. This hampers our ability to work efficiently.
Live a safe, healthy, and happy life. The district works on employee safety and health but, there is a lot of room for growth in sustaining a happy workforce. Job shadowing in a different department for a few days to give us all a better idea of what others do may be one way to give us a better appreciation/perspective on our own position. Have an accounting analyst job shadow a CM Superintendent and vice versa. Show More
Look at infrastructure connection fees and line extensions.
Look for opportunities to not only provide recreation opportunities for locals but experiences that might attract people from the west side.
Look into "Canadian Geese" deterrent to make parks and swim areas cleaner for usability.
Maintain an apprenticeship program at C.M.
Maintain higher Lake Chelan water levels throughout the year, particularly the period of Memorial Day-through-September.
Make all PUD vehicles electric instead of gas dependent.
Make energy grid enhancements.
Mentorship at the high school level such as "fire sciences" like program. Focus on low income, and introduce students to different careers.
Merit increases should be for just that—a job well done. A separate pool of money—outside of the department’s pool – should be used to help move staff to their midpoint or conversely for exemplary performance. In addition, smaller departments have less flexibility to make adjustments so a District-wide pool provides greater potential for equity in salary increases across the District. Also, hire experienced staff in at or above the midpoint to avoid this need to catch-up and use the salary limits as the incentive to perform. It is my opinion that the District has not gotten back to the intent of the compensation system that was envisioned a number of years ago when professional staff had the ability to grow their salaries up to 115 or 120% of their midpoint. This was intended to keep professional staff in those critical roles. Instead there appears to be an effort to get and keep employees around the mid-point and those efforts to get employees to the mid-point may be at the expense of those above the mid-point. Show More
Mimic the CM shop at RI, using the same equipment. Meet with CM employees to get their input rather than telling them what the plan is.
Modify the “all lines of business must pay for themselves” policy to allow flexibility to assist small infrastructure systems to pay for required large capital costs to the system.
More educational programs about cost effective sources of power generation.
More effort should be made in reducing wasted energy and PUD resources: turning off lights, computers, vehicles, sharing resources and surplus items. Recycling.
More K-12 Student based education.
More Parks! Can we build a park on the east side like Kirby Billingsly? There are no other parks on that side!
Move the warehouse and line crews to a new building in Olds Station.
My previous employer had a program called People To People. At the beginning of each year all employees received vouchers to give to another employee for a good deed. These vouchers were then redeemed for a gift card of there choice. They used $50.00 gift cards and each employee could hand out 4. They were only good for the calendar year and it was handled through an online service. This was a great morale booster for employees. Show More
Offer customers low-flow shower heads.
Offer employees a chance at a different jobs, training people hands on, in house (for example I always wanted to assist the biologists with their surveys, nests, etc. in the field). Otherwise we are left with no opportunity for change or growth unless hired, retired, or dead.
Offer employees with 30 plus years an early out. This will help more frequently re-evaluate the positions as well as attract new blood, ideas and energy.
Offer more fiber access for ALL of Chelan County.
One idea that should be considered is to return excess revenues to county residents similar to oil payments to Alaska residents. This would only occur after the District achieves optimum debt levels.
Our Fleet Service shop is long overdue for an upgrade or replacement rather: 11 mechanics in an 8 bay shop. Multiple projects apart at one time. We need more space. Parking outside of the shop has always been an issue as well.
Our obligations to the CTC are a common hurdle I hear about this. I don’t know the specifics of our obligations to the port, but we could work with them to create an exit strategy to slowly close our space, and transition to the new building. Giving the port time to find new tenants.
Our staffing in Fleet services is insufficient to meet all of the "top priority" demands. This causes all of our internal customers to have to do without the equipment they need to do their jobs in a timely manner.
Our Visitor center at Rocky Reach is impressive as is, however it is antiquated and dated. A new facility off of 97A would be an eye catcher to visitors in the area. Add a freshwater aquarium in a modern facility and it could be a tourist attraction that could draw from areas outside the northwest. Make it the Space Needs of NCW. Hopefully bringing in $ to the area hotels, etc. Estimate $15 million. Show More
Participate in planning to explore creation of an institute for electric vehicle application.
Partner with Wenatchee Valley College to develop a solar/wind hydro installation technical degree.
Pay down our debt. The district has a good plan in place to pay down its debt and should continue with this plan.
People walking dogs on leashes shold pick up the dogs poo all the time and the ones that leave the poo should be fined. Dogs should be on leashes all the time.
People wanted this service in Lake Wenatchee and they didn’t sign up. It can’t pay for itself.
Perform an input/output economic analysis to set the baseline of benefit to the residents of Chelan County with the current policy of subsidizing residential rates with power sold out of the county versus the benefits derived by the residents of the County from the use of this power to entice new, jobs producing industrial facilities to locate in Chelan County.
Please build a water park similar to Moses Lake Water Park. It is great for the family and kids, affordable and has many amenities for wide variety of activities. Volleyball, BBQ picnic, ball courts, beach sand, non slip water toys and slow flowing "river tube" ride. We can if Moses Lake can. Cost is $5 per adult (possibly $7) and kids are less. Affordable! Show More
Please consider a parking garage or something like that for the new building.
Please consider combining the Wenatchee area facilities. It is inefficient to have our department split between multiple buildings.
Please consider investing further in our students at Wenatchee Valley College through our career development program by providing additional opportunities for student to job shadow and intern at the PUD. Expanding into different career areas. Also, if PUD employees would be interested in mentoring students in various subject area fields. Show More
Please ensure that any additional parks/trails don't complicate our Rock Island relicensing. We won't get "credit" for relicensing pre-work.
Please keep our health benefits intact and don't raise our premiums.
Please maintain our current health benefits package and do not increase our costs due to the possibility of Obamacare Cadillac Taxes. I personally feel we need to maintain our benefits package to retain employees and for recruiting future employees. Show More
Please! Do not turn the parks over to someone else!
Proceed with AMR and include a smart home technology option that will both provide convenience to the customer and allow the District to obtain conservation credits for smart appliances. Consider rate reductions for customers that allow PUD to manage higher load appliances like boilers, grow lights, & EV chargers during evening charging periods. Utilize this same AMR and smart home technology to monitor the additional solar-generated electricity produced by the panels installed in customer years and rooftops for those with unobstructed sunlight. Provide cash back incentives for new installations only with this Chelan PUD solar initiative. Provide a cap to the number of solar attachments by feeder based solely on summer peak load. Utilize this same free web access above to allow customers to monitor their solar generation from their Smartphone. Show More
Professional licenses required for all managers. Professional license/cert. relevant to what they're managing.
Promote electric cars and transportation.
Promote electric vehicle use.
Promote electric vehicles by converting the PUD fleet to electric vehicles, adding more electric charging stations around Wenatchee, and electrifying all Wenatchee school district vehicles and school buses.
Promote electric vehicles in the PUD fleet and install multiple electric vehicle charging stations.
Promote the protection of native lands.
Promote within. Take the time to invest in our current employees—employees that have proven to be capable, talented and skillful. Give our employees the opportunity to advance. Look internally and quit hiring outside when we have so many deserving employees. All jobs should be advertised and offered internally before there are advertised externally. Show More
Property purchase/relocation in Dryden (financial option, however challenging for customer service).
Provide amplified phone or radio talkgroup to address trespassers or river rafters going over the river's left Dam (due to recent trespassing incidents).
Provide better break areas for employees. E.g., benches and tables that are not dedicated for smoking.
Provide better customer service within the PUD.
Provide grant assistance to acquire fish habitat in impacted watersheds.
Provide opportunities for PUD employees to sit in on meetings they would not be normally invited to. It would be an opportunity for enrichment and broadening horizons of the individual, making a more well-rounded employee.
Provide recreational opportunities on existing infrastructure property.
Provide redundant electrical service feeds for the downtown business district to minimize the duration of outages.
Provide the site and help sponsor a college-level lab and community environmental learning center adjacent to the natural habitat area at Wenatchee Confluence Sate Park.
Purchase floating docks for Lake Chelan lakeside residents. This may be less expensive then changing operations.
Purchase land (or utility and recreational easements) now for future utility use, handling increased population, etc. Land is cheaper now than will be in the future. Some rights of way may not be available at any price in the future due to future development.
Purchase land/easement that would enable future connection of waste water systems in Leavenworth, Peshastin, Dryden and possibly even Lake Wenatchee.
Purchase land/easement would enable future regionalization of Wenatchee Valley water providers. Once acquired, these lands/easements could be used for recreation that is not inconsistent with future infrastructure use.
Purchase Materials from Chelan County businesses whenever possible.
Purchase Old Peshastin Mill site and develop it into a park for the upper valley.
Purchase the old mill site property between Leavenworth and Peshastin and create a beautiful park with river access.
Put a wage freeze on all employee's making over $125,000. Only fund retirement the same way. Only up to $125,000. The working person is also deserving.
Put some money aside for a "Rainy Day”. The district has a good plan in place for cash reserves and should continue with this plan.
Rates need to be sustainable, possibly subsidized through retail power sales.
Recent raises have been extremely poor and most positions are paid less that other utility counterparts. (I refer in particular to PUD staff in the "engine room" of the PUD.) Without a solid work force the PUD ship will not sail smoothly.
Recognize that many people are enjoying lake access and safely swimming at several beaches along Riverwalk Park in Chelan. Replace "no Swimming" signs with "Caution Current" or some version of that; and create more small beach access points along the River where possible (3-4 locations have been suggested).
Reduce excessive night lights in Wenatchee to bring back some of the enjoyment of dark night skies
Reevaluate the 5 MW cap for industrial customers.
Regionalize water and sewer. The issue of addressing sewer and water utilities is not only a City issue but an issue that will drive costs for the non-incorporated areas of Chelan County. The economic nodes of Peshastin, Dryden, Lake Wenatchee, Plain, Monitor, Manson will all need to address this issue over time. The most economical and efficient process would be to address this on a regional basis. Similar to how small electric provider ownership rights were transferred to the PUD, the same process and efficiency can be gained in these water and sewer utilities and the PUD as a regional agency and provider is best situated to take on this challenge. I believe the long term health and well being of Chelan County will be determined, or most impacted, by two utilities that each city presently has to deal with; water and sewer. Continued growth on the edge of the cities and in the county low lands (particularly along the water ways), will increase water demands and this along with ever more restrictive sewer discharge mandates are going to drive the need for capital utility projects and the resulting higher utility fees to the point that we will be driving young families from the area. Show More
Reinvest in employees. Leave health care benefits as is. Integrated utility.
Relocate overhead electrical facilities in business district alleys to make them aesthetically pleasing.
Relocate overhead electrical lines to underground and absorb the associated costs.
Remodel and improvement the Rocky Reach museum. People come from all over to see our Hydro facilities and the museum has not been updated since it was built in the 20's. I think reinvesting in the asset could bring many more people to Rocky Reach and Wenatchee.
Repair and make sidewalks.
Replace Radio systems with equipment supported by the vendor. We are having great problem getting parts to keep radio systems running now. Upgrade the PUD microwave system. Equipment being use is 10 years out of support. Replacement parts are getting hard to find. We need a working microwave alarm manager that we can configure for our system and control remote sites. Equipment we are using is out dated and is 7 years beyond support. Show More
Replace windows on the HQ 3rd floor building. It is very hot (even w/ the HVAC running). A lot of energy goes "out the windows" due to the age/lack of insulation of the current windows.
Require jobs to be offered internally before being offered externally. Give strong preference to internal candidates.
Reserve a portion of excess power sales for use locally for industry or business that needs energy in excess of the current 5 MW cap for industrial rates. Use of this power should be evaluated and sold to business that produces a high return on investment in terms of an economic multiplier. Local agencies and the Port District can help as this is one of our primary objectives in economic development. For example, industries that provide living wage jobs have a tremendous impact on the overall local economy. Since Chelan County income levels are well below the state average, we have much room to improve in the area of increasing income levels of Chelan County citizens. Show More
Restrooms open and available year around in the parks, for winter activities.
Retrofit street lights and signal lights with LED lighting.
Review policies that restrict cost sharing between business lines. Go to a “one utility model”.
Rocky Reach park is often hot and dry in the summer months. I would love to see a water feature ar this park that provides opportunity for visitors to cool off and have fun.
Search out new areas to store water for both electricity and irrigation.
Sell water/wastewater operation to city of Wenatchee.
Set aside a block of power at a set rate for the Horan block, a 15 acre parcel in Olds Station that is the largest shovel ready industrial property in Chelan County. This would be for a jobs producing industrial customer, and would mean a substantial investment added to the tax base, with the effect of shifting some of the existing tax burden to the industry that benefits directly from the low cost power.
Set aside a block of power for allocation through a Port recruitment effort provided that the jobs meet or exceed the jobs per megawatt ratio of the ALCOA Wenatchee Works facility and a substantial investment added to the tax base that has the effect of shifting some of the existing tax burden to the industry that benefits directly from the low cost power.
Set up a Chelan County Economic Development Team within the PUD that is dedicated to the ongoing mission of bringing economic development to “greatest number of people for longest period of time.” (This would not have to be a team in existence for perpetuity. Try it out for a year or two. Or just do it when the coffers get full enough). Show More
Set up an Economic Development endowment fund (a percentage of actual excess earnings in blue line scenario) to be made available for small, grass-roots, local ED activities.
Shift vehicles to electrical usage
Spend the necessary resources to convert, upgrade and maintain the relevant data to support a Geographic Information System (GIS). [This will help us visualize, question, analyze, and interpret data to understand relationships, patterns, and trends.]
Sponsor additional electric only link buses during the hours of 5:30-8:30 and 2:00-6:00 to have more buses for work routes. This would mean fewer cars and less emissions and traffic.
Sponsor capital funding for rural water and wastewater systems and irrigation water. (Not PUD owned). Capital only, not operating and maintenance. Structured as revolving fund loans.
Sponsor electric school buses for in town short routes.
Sponsor electric-only link buses: no cost or reduced if you use these buses.
Sponsor free Chelan PUD Parks only bicycles.
Sponsor recreation access on irrigation district canal (Hi-Line).
Start up a recycling program within the PUD. Gerald's should only use plates, utensils and to-go containers that are green-earth friendly. Mailroom could cut back on magazines. (Get them electronically, keeping subscriptions current with no waste.)
STEM oriented electric vehicle curriculum in collaboration with ESD focused on high schools and alternative schools.
Stop fighting (spending money) [trying to get] hydro qualified as renewable.
Stop wasting time and money looking for an HR Director and just promote from within.
Support the installation of more commercial and residential solar facilities with the additional goal of creating jobs, training workers, etc.
Support trades programs and apprenticeships We could leverage, and enhance, this quality of life by using it to attract energy resource jobs.
Support vehicle electrificaton with many plug in stations in the county.
Support/ further develop use of electric vehicles
Switch your fleet of vehicles to all electric to both help the environment and start momentum toward creating a critical mass of electric vehicles.
System Reliability should remain the #1 focus. Without it, other issues become secondary. Includes dam structural, generation and transmission.
Take a close look at any and all municipalities who are trying to do any type of activity that could clearly fit within the PUD’s implied or express authority. If there is overlap, offer to take those activities over for the municipalities in a way that will not reduce the municipality’s income. This will free up municipal resources (many of which are strapped in Chelan county) that could then be focused on those ED needs that the PUD cannot pursue because they are outside of its authority. Examples of overlap may include: water delivery, water treatment, free internet in publicly accessible spaces, delivery of electricity to public spaces, electric charging stations. Show More
The day crew will leave disabled vehicles so when the afternoon crew comes to work sometimes there is no room to work inside the shop.
the District could increase the grant money we provide to the Community Action Council each year to support weatherization for low income households. I understand the amount we provide annually ($65,000) has not increased for a number of years. This again would be a way to provide a benefit of the expected financial position to those that may not otherwise benefit directly from the other efforts being considered. Show More
The District has several major businesses. I believe that surplus sales should support all of the businesses not related to the Hydro Projects. Surplus sales should be used to help pay down debt for Distribution System, Transmission infrastructure, Water system, Waste Water system, and Fiber infrastructure. Show More
The District is best positioned to design, construct, operate and finance regional water and waste treatment facilities by using its expertise, financing, abilities, and power sales revenues. I believe the growth and environmental rules and regulations 20 plus years ahead will require the communities along the Wenatchee River to significantly improve their water quality and waste treatment facilities. The Regional Water System could provide a good source of water and a Regional Treatment System for waste water, perhaps in conjunction with the City of Wenatchee, would affect a majority of the people of Chelan County. This, obviously, would require close coordination with all the municipalities involved. I would suppose such a system would get the approval of the State's Regulating Agencies and might qualify for Sate and Federal Grants. If this suggestion gets past initial considerations, I would be happy to discuss the matters with whoever is designated to look into further consideration. Show More
The district needs to take a good look at the HR department. Unfortunately the human has been taken out of the resources area. Employees have been told they don't have time to assist you with their job specific area since they are overly busy. It seems that if you take on more job responsibilities you should still be held accountable to do your job. Lack of helpfulness has been apparent for some time. I come from a company where the HR department was the backbone—and in this organization, people avoid even using the department. Mid-point salary range is a problem. They are not understood, and employees who go above and beyond are compensated for a job well done. This whole system needs to be looked at from an outside source and revised. A good example too is the training that HR did for employees (similar to OUCH). Trainers would not show up or would come in late complaining that Wenatchee drivers did not know how to drive. Really? In OUCH training? Some of our employees drove from different locations to make sure they were there on time, but the HR trainers did not. This is a good example of why in outlying areas employees believe the HQ office has a less than caring attitude. We are told change is good right? Then let's start changing at the source of the issues. Show More
The District should consider increasing the discount to low-income and senior customers beyond the monthly charge and provide discounts on usage as well or in lieu of the current discount. This would be a way of ensuring these customers truly share in the benefit we hope to receive. The District is considering numerous actions to benefit the county, but these areas may or may not provide benefits to our low-income senior and disabled customers. I doubt these approximately 1500 -2000 customers will benefit much from the other areas under consideration. Show More
The future of much of "work" in the world will be through the interenet, so fiber is very important. I believe the PUD should continue to build out the fiber. This should also be used for economic development.
The Grange pushed for Public Utilities many years ago because investor owned utilities would charge the full cost of line extensions and higher rates to farmers. I believe that it would be appropriate for the District to pay a portion of any line extensions and not have the customer pay full price. I do not know what the appropriate percentage should be. Show More
The HQ building is showing its age and parking there is sketchy at best. One building for employees at CTC, Hawley, F&W and the rest of the HQ complex would make meetings more efficient, communication better and provide a tighter-knit team atmosphere.
The PUD already spends time educating about electricity and the workings of the dam. Education in K-12 and at the post-secondary level (at the college) is necessary in both water and wastewater issues. This is a solution for all timescales (immediate through long term) and that benefits the entire county. It fosters conservation and stewardship of our watershed. There is also the potential for many, many partners in this endeavor. For water: conservation of water, how watersheds work, xeriscaping and the benefits of not having lawn. For wastewater: TMDL, dissolved oxygen and its importance to salmon, sources of phosphorus, preventing pollution at a non-point source scale (fertilizers, etc). Show More
The PUD could buy flood plain in the Wenatchee and Entiat rivers to improve ground water recharge (and salmon habitat) which provides a safe, economical, and reliable source of water for downstream communities. This is what New York City has successfully accomplished. Show More
The PUD should convert its fleet to electric vehicles.
The PUD should renew it's commitment to have an organization that reflects its community through a vigorous affirmative action plan. We should not accept a 4% minority workforce. We should engage creatively in recruitments and retention activity.
Trade Lake Chelan level for power: enhance recreation and associated tourism.
Transform your fleet to electric and promote electric vehicles in Chelan County.
Turn the PUD vehicle Fleet into 100% electric powered. Yes, even if it requires a slight rate increase.
Underground overhead electrical lines where aesthetics are a consideration.
Update Hawley Warehouse with running water and a restroom. Also add a mezzanine for additional storage of materials.
Update the employee Above and Beyond program. I think an employee would be much more receptive to something like a gift card (maybe a choice of Amazon, Starbucks and Target or something like that). We could even keep it local with something like “dinner and a movie date for 2”, or a variety pack of Mike’s Meats, or a flower delivery from a local company. Possibly have a program to add PL hours or roll directly into deferred comp. If nothing else, a prepaid visa for $x would be useful. Show More
Upgrade fiber infrastructure to support greater download and upload speeds in Wenatchee. Some pockets cannot exceed 25 mbps.
Upgrade older electrical infrastructure to improve service reliability.
Upgrade the facilities. The building is dark, dirty and old.
Use electric cars for PUD vehicles and encourage electric link and school buses.
Use electric vehicles to help put boats in at park docks. Less congestion and angry boaters.
Use fiber and other technologies to extend broadband access throughout Chelan County.
Use funds to create a "PUD Fire Response Team" This team would take volunteers from across the district to respond and assist with fires near key resources. Currently the district uses untrained linemen to fight pole fires using an ill equipped truck. The new program would actually train the crews to a basic wildland fire fighting level and provide a refresher each spring. It would also provide funding for an adequate brush truck with proper tools. This would ensure safety of the crews and limit liability for the district while protecting assets. Show More
Use some of our extra power to [encourage/draw in] green industries that create liveable wage employment opportunities, versus sell out to server farms that employ very few people and do not typically keep economic profits circulating locally.
Use the customer bill to promote donations to construct PUD parks outside the Exhibit R areas.
Use the low rates to bring industry to the area and create jobs seems like a no-brainer. How can Chelan Co. PUD and economic developers use this benefit to secure jobs for Chelan County citizens?
Utility rights of way can be good multi-purpose trail routes. An example is the Tolt Pipeline Trail in King County. (http://mtsgreenway.org/our-work/outdoor-recreation/regional-trails/tolt-pipeline-trail/tolt-pipeline-trail-2)
Utilize reclaimed water for irrigation. (For example, River Front Park.)
Utilize the fiber network system to provide the customers home with a VLAN that provides free web access to a small amount of data per month and allows them to control their home and monitor electric and water usage with their smartphone.
Very few opportunities exist for staff to "move up" within the PUD. Very few positions are offered for competitive selection. Rather people are just moved into positions.
Visit another generator that also supplies domestic (or irrigation) water and learn all we can. SNOPUD would be a candidate. SPU/City Light connection also might be a possibility.
Walla Walla has a 3 on 3 tournament at the basketball courts yearly and the hoops could be updated to a better quality. Put more hoops in to play full court like the Wenatchee College put in outdoors. Could draw more tournaments for kids that enjoy the sports. When they have the 3 on 3 tournament, they bring in more hoops for the events. Show More
We believe that having the Wenatchee Row and Paddle Club in an historic building in a central location along the waterfront is good for the entire community. Please encourage the PUD to invest as fully as possible in enhancements to the WRPC and Paddler's Point! Pedestrians and picnic-goers can observe a healthy activity and may choose to join in later. The waterfront is made vibrant by the many types of water-craft and people who are using them. Outdoor enthusiasts may choose to relocate to the area, or to visit more often (spending needed tourist dollars) because of access to the WRPC. Youth may be inspired to pursue muscle-driven activities after observing the healthy fun seen in WRPC boats. Many youth in our community need greater access to exercise opportunities. Show More
We need a more robust asset management plan that relies less on run to failure. Please consider reinvesting in employees/departments with licenses and HEPS and NERC/WEC reliability and regulation. We need to acknowledge that administering there programs takes technical skills that are not in great supply, the ability and time to foster great working relationships with agencies/stakeholders, and greater number of individuals to accomplish this effectively. The mantra of "do more with less" is not sustainable. If this strategic plan process is intended to foster a better community to live and work please afford those opportunities to PUD employees to be able to enjoy both components of living and working. Show More
We need an open space in front of our fleet services shop. It is dangerous to drive big trucks and trailers around all of those vehicles parked in front our our shop.
We need training for entry level employees to be ready to be moved up the ranks. Apprenticeship. Time for in house training and mentoring needed. Too much workload to allow this.
We request that our PUD re-establish the fiber expansion project into the rural unserved areas of the county. Our little neighborhood up in Peshastin has no other way to Internet or video service other than the expensive satellite service option. The PUD is our only hope for service. Charter and Frontier have no intention of expanding service since our power supply is underground. We were hoping that the PUD would replace the decades old direct burial power cabling the year after last year's failure, and bring fiber along but we don't seem to be on the list for that replacement, either. We believe the PUD has an obligation to treat all properties equally. We understand that the investment will be significant as was the original installation of the power line up here but we help pay for all those nice folks in Wenatchee and Lake Wenatchee to have service so maybe they can contribute to our service. Please consider our request. Show More
Weed control around sites to lessen fire hazards. Or sterilize ground around structures.
What is fair? No rate increases? No, some increases are necessary.
With the increase of electric car use and our low electricity rates, I think making more charge stations would make electric cars more relevant in the Chelan County area. I think it would also help with the green house gas problems and also lower our carbon foot print. It may also increase travel in the area for people who use electric vehicles on the west side or the mountains. Show More
Work with local chambers of commerce and county/city governments to enhance exhibit "R" [parks] to improve exhibit "T" [tourism].
Work with local economic development groups to identify target, high-potential industries for recruitment and go after them with strong recruitment package that is made up of incentives from municipalities, Port, PUD, etc.
Work with partners (cities, county, chambers of commerce, whomever) to develop a county wide trail system for the health of PUD customer-owners and visitors.
Work with the federal government to investigate pump storage using wind machines as pumps. This will help generate high-value electricity during peak demand, and the created reservoir could also be used as an additional water resource for activities such as fishing, jet skiing, paddle boarding, etc.
Work with the Lake Chelan Recreation Development Foundation to construct a much needed aquatics facility in the Lake Chelan area. Lake Chelan Community Hospital supports this effort as wellness is an important part of the hospitals mission and an aquatics center could support programs for water exercise during pregnancy, senior water exercise, and lap swimming. The physical Therapy Department would use the facility for the benefit of patients that require aquatic therapy. As the hospital closest to Lake Chelan we also understand the importance of swim lessons for children. Show More
Yes, bring in more jobs and cool, green industry and economic development.
The highest priority for the Chelan PUD should be to pay off its debt.
Chelan County residents should appreciate clean energy from hydropower. Yet, many families here have no access to it. Chelan County's numerous off-grid homes are not carbon free—in fact they emit more carbon per person than the average home in the county, due to their daily use of gas and diesel generators. The dirty secret of off-grid solar power is that fossil fuels supply the majority of kilowatts per year. The stereotype of solar panels in the yard doesn't include the generator out back. Only in summer does the sun supply even half a home's energy needs. Some homes don't have solar at all; they run generators full time. Most off-grid homeowners have no choice but to continue being Chelan County's top residential polluters. They can't afford the high cost of PUD line extensions. With quotes in the $50,000 to $100,000 range, new rural residents must choose between building a home or having grid power. So, in a county with clean, affordable hydropower at $0.03 per kWh, these homeowners go on paying $0.25 or more per kWh for dirty energy. How can Chelan County PUD get control of this source of carbon dioxide? The fastest way would be for the PUD to use some of its financial surplus to extend its infrastructure to every home in the county. Property values would rise, the PUD would gain ratepayers with installed renewable energy, the county's carbon footprint would shrink, and all residents could have reliable power. Otherwise, consider ways to facilitate the up-front investment. Borrow innovative financing ideas from efficiency and renewables. Perhaps there's a parallel to PACE that would work here—hydropower is clean energy, after all, and the initial investment benefits the future owners of a home. Or take a look at the on-bill financing mechanisms that are being used for efficiency measures. Also consider why Latecomer Fees ever expire. Show More
Add a Wenatchee high school channel: school channels, weather, events, sports, plays, music, live stream.
Add several more off leash dog areas to promote responsible dog ownership and keep people and dogs under control. Since 40% of all households have a dog and walking with a dog is one of the most popular outdoor activity - we would appreciate more areas where we can really exercise ourselves and our dogs. Show More
Address non-point pollution—urban & agricultural runoff that hits waterways—via distributed treatment facilities/plants closer to the source of pollution.
As lines get updated/replaced consider putting lines underground.
Assist City of Wenatchee in developing and funding the new Hale Park.
Assist in management of wildlife and non-motorized recreation in 4,000 acre Schendt acquisition from Longview / Weyerhaeuser.
Audaciously develop an extensive campus for human powered boating at Paddlers Point… (around the existing Wenatchee Row and Paddle Club facility) to include additional dock with easy access to accommodate crew rowing—expanded to include the college and both high schools as well as other multi person team boats—plus an expanded building for housing larger boats. Show More
Best tasting city water ever! Don't over allocate it to other Districts.
Bring in more internet and software companies, if possible.
Bring in more jobs and cool, green industry and economic development.
Build a fund for reserves in case the lower expected revenue occurs in the future—or try continuous debt reduction.
Concerning the environment of our area, the PUD waste water system has saved Lake Wenatchee. The old homemade systems were leaking into the lake and threatening our water quality. The PUD did help provide this valuable resource and the investment did contribute to "quality of life."
Connect trails to outlying parks.
Consider/improve outlying area services that need W/WW services.
Continue investing in recycling the waste water, cleaning the waste water in the most innovative ways.
Continue the strategic expansion of fiber network & maintenance of the existing system.
Continue to attract the new & innovative industries exploding in our economy—world wide.
Continue to invest in creative education at all levels and connect the dots by using this as a basis to provide renewable talent to local industries.
Cooperate in efforts to use forest thinning/orchard waste for biomass or other products.
Create a greater breadth of parks.
Create a STEM museum at waterfront park that can support STEM initiatives at all schools.
Create additional paths for bikes and walkers.
Create an electric train mass transit system through Wenatchee, north and south, to lessen traffic. Then the Link could continue to Chelan, and maximize ease of travel to our great outdoor resources. Also a tram to mission.
Create bike only lane for the loop trail.
Create more partnerships (or expanding existing) to provide more opportunities to build teamwork & community for both adults and youth—e.g., rowing (hosting events, teaching people to work together, modeling teamwork).
Create student shadow programs for high school students.
Create/allow public access, multi-user trails where feasible.
Creation of a network of off-leash dog parks: public, no-fee parks. The area needs more than one! Utilize the expertise of FIDO (the group that's currently working with Wenatchee City Parks). Off leash areas need to be 3 to 10 acres. FIDO can help with maintenance and planning! (Do not assume that with rural land off-leash areas aren't necessary.) Dog walking is the #1 activity of adults. Make your process for recreation planning more transparent and accessible! I've been told that because you have a 50 year license, your plans are not flexible - but apparently that is not the case. Where is there a brief readable description of how you plan/decide/change your recreation areas? Show More
Develop a Mexican sister city - specifically Orizaba, State of Veracruz. Promote tourism and business opportunities between the two cities.
Develop the south end of the waterfront into parks. Preserve the waterfront from building development. Continue to maintain the parks for all users. They bring economic development and funding to my business that is based on sports and tourism.
Develop/support business use of our surplus power in our county.
Discuss pros and cons of increasing capacity with solar/wind. Look to power storage / battery pump storage?
Dog parks will make a great area even better! This will attract even more people! Dog owners are 40% of all households—about the same as the % of households with children. Extend fiber to all households. School children without internet high-speed are at a huge disadvantage, as are rural business owners. Show More
Economic development is difficult in Chelan County due to lack of space for new business development.
Education and investing in educational programs support economic development. Helping our future citizens have outstanding education is critical. By investing in that we are helping the future care for our PUD. Investing in our people creates the talent pipeline in our community.
Electric cars and electric charging station infrastructure.
Electric go-cart track on waterfront in Wenatchee.
Eliminate individual septic systems. Look at gray water usage as a way to make our irrigation more sustainable.
Encourage electric vehicle usage in our county, e.g., charging stations.
Encourage the Port District to do a better job of recruiting.
Envision the PUD proudly driving electric vehicles. It's cheap, green, and the future.
Expand and continue to support the green spaces, trails and open access to waterfront (including commercial) in our more urban areas.
Expand fiber in easy-to-expand areas. There are currently customers who have fiber conduit all the way to the home, but can't get fiber because the PUD doesn't have enough equipment to serve them.
Expand playgrounds for kids.
Expand sewer system, getting people off septic systems near rivers/streams … especially the Wenatchee River corridor.
Expand the fiber network to houses in the county that don't yet get to enjoy it. Even having to pay a little extra is worth it for reliable, fair service. Coming from elsewhere in the country, I love that I don't have to rely on non-customer oriented businesses like Comcast and Time Warner to access the breadth of information the internet provides. Show More
Expand the network of parks and trail systems to include neighborhood parks.
Expand the trail system to Leavenworth.
Explore benefits and costs of electric vehicle charging systems and customer demand response on grid stability and the distribution system.
Extend fiber to all. It has already paid huge dividends to the community by enabling us to communicate at work with the rest of the connected world. But the work is not done until all areas are served.
Extend Fiber! For example, the PUD is about to install "backup" capacity for communications facilities near my home, and a box will apparently be installed at the bottom of my driveway. But we do not have Fiber. We Should!
Extend to ALL! There are still un-served areas. For those who say they don't want to pay someone else, note that those who aren't served ARE paying for others. Extend especially to full-time residents.
Fiber is great. I would like to see more. It's a big necessity for the future.
Figure out a way to store some water from spring run off, instead of all of it going eventually to the ocean!
Focus on linkages—parks that link our assets and communities. Link the irrigation ditch trail to the riverfront to the foothills. Link Malaga to Wenatchee to Cashmere to Leavenworth to the Icicle. Recreational linkages, community linkages.
Fund electric plug-ins for cars throughout the county.
Great plan on reducing debt. A fiscally conservative approach is the best. Focus on refurbishing our dams/assets to maintain and improve our assets for the future.
Greatly appreciate the fiber service. Outlying areas should have the opportunity to access it, but do so by covering the costs for those services, without affecting rates.
Groom for cross-country skiing lanes.
Help coordinate trail management on the river, in the foothills etc.
Help diversify from tourism and agriculture - more blue collar and other manufacturing.
Help FIDO Wenatchee to fund the off-leash dog park in South Wenatchee. This is very important.
Help to electrify public transportation.
Help with forest health issues. A lot of our forest are brittle and will cause big forest fires.
How about a large chess/checkers game?
I am not really interested in pursuing further fiber development.
I noticed there is no category for education (in it's broadest terms). I think an educated work force is the best way to create economic development. I would love to discuss ways to partner and create unique and valuable education opportunities for all.
I think a separate walking lane would be a good idea.
I want to see more ball fields / soccer fields. More fields equal more tournaments that will draw outside people in and benefit all from filling hotels, etc. with sales taxes for the whole county.
I would like more playground equipment.
I would like to see a specific swimming area—warmed up—an isolated water area.
If every Chelan County member drove an electric car locally, we would be the national leaders in no-emissions, climate-change-driven electric cars movement!
If there was a way to extend fiber to the areas that don't currently have it, that would be something to work toward.
Implement programs that will make solar power cost effective without raising rates. For example: simplify interconnection procedures; as a utility, own the inverter and/or batteries; find ways to cost-effectively provide solar power to off-grid customers in Chelan County.
In my business, we make decisions based on data. Fiber & telecom make collecting and assessing the data possible.
In the interests of improved recreation and public safety, take steps to recognize certain user-made trails in the Sage Hills (specifically Coyote Canyon and Lightning trail, on the Home water property).
Invest in Performing Arts Center of Wenatchee.
Invest in the Peshastin Mill site.
Just maintain. You are already doing so well—carbon free and wild-fish friendly. Keep it up!
Keep it growing and updating.
Keep the debt coming down and maintain the low rates.
Link with parks/recreation on both sides of Columbia River where CPUD owns property, to develop joint recreation and a unified, one ownership responsibility for the Apple Capital Loop Trail. Fund money for requisition and permanent development.
Living in the Lake Wenatchee area, one major concern is water quality. With the clarity of the lake decreasing, I would like to see a public water supply in addition to our sewer system to guarantee clean water for the future.
Maintain all current parks to a high standard.
Maintain the quality to keep city or industrial companies from dumping chemicals into water system and river.
Make sure the fiber & telecom is available to the low-income population in the community so we can raise the level of contribution of as many people as possible.
Make Walla Walla Park a free wifi zone. Get more people outside and enhance the functionality of the park.
Malaga is struggling to get a community park so are there ways to help them or are there any programs they could tap into through the PUD?
More cross country trails.
Never kill the golden goose. Invest in protecting and enhancing the hydro power assets first. Invest in market expertise to maintain competitive advantage.
Offer exercise classes in the park, e.g., Tai Chi, Yoga, stretching, relaxation.
Offer outdoor concerts and outdoor movie nights.
Offer outdoor concerts/movie nights.
Offer partial rebates for home owners installing charging stations, or incentives for home builders to install.
Partner with NCW Economic Development District to see what creative ideas we could put together…together…to build a bright future.
Perhaps consolidate with Wenatchee City water … perhaps.
Preserve and enhance natural areas.
Provide fiber for everyone in the whole county, for cheap - but require that the use give back—e.g., volunteer to do something for you community ($20 instead of $40 but you have to volunteer).
Provide more charging stations for electric cars, including public places and businesses.
Provide pet friendly areas where they can enjoy the river and be off a leash without engaging the public.
Provide universal, county-wide, access.
PUD has the Power to ensure physical, mental, and social well-being through partnering in more Parks and Rec. development. Dr. Richard Jackson stated that "the built environment is social policy in concrete." On a big scale society has created a car centric society. The PUD has proven the ability to build beautiful environments for active living. Our jurisdictions need more support and influence on building and striving for more human friendly environments. The world health organization's 1948 definition of health: "Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity." Show More
Purchase Peshastin Mill site (after Port cleanup) and operate as a park.
Reduce light pollution to enhance wildlife habitat, recreation opportunities, and add to quality of life.
Remember there is a region not just the county. Too much emphasis on Chelan.
See that water and wastewater programs pay for themselves through small rate increases.
Seek out research and development companies that need low-cost power to facilitate the development, demonstration and deployment of new technologies.
Set up a few electric charging stations around town.
Share profits from electrical systems to ensure high quality & sustainable water & wastewater systems.
So many parks around the nation are cutting back, or closing. If we could just keep our parks, that would be great.
Spend dollars on reducing electrical use - insulation, lighting. This is an investment in the future - more power to sell on the market than if we don't do it.
Support bike trails—complete the loop.
The PUD has the resources, funding and assets to boost electric cars and EV tourism in our area exponentially. Charging stations are only getting cheaper. Switch the PUD fleet into EV's and save tens of thousands of dollars.
The strategic plan should include recreation. Chelan County is becoming a destination for outdoor recreation. As an owner of much real estate, I feel the PUD should strive to balance wildlife mitigation needs with those of outdoor recreation. With care and forethought and cooperation with groups such as Chelan Douglas Land Trust, this can be done. Show More
The tech industry is exploding in nearby areas such as Moses Lake and Ephrata. Given the need for large amounts of power that draw them to this area, this is a huge opportunity for us. Drawing "server farms" or bitcoin industry is a missed opportunity as they bring money and economic development.
Use the excess power (79% surplus) to entice & bring industry & strong middle class jobs to the area. Something similar to Grant and Douglas county with the data centers. But hopefully more jobs. Tesla is currently shopping for places for a battery plant.
Using technology to incentivize active living would benefit many; there is a risk to more "technology," so eloquently stated by Albert Einstein: "I fear the day that technology will surpass human interaction. The world will be a generation of idiots."
Water park on waterfront in Wenatchee.
We need a greater diversity of products produced in the county. Power, fiber, and high quality of life should enable us to bring more industry here to create higher wage jobs. As a man from Seattle said on the chair lift at Mission Ridge, "you need to sell things to China!" This has potential - bring a group together to brainstorm! Show More
We need more horse trails! I love the kid parks/playground equipment and I'm excited about the upgrades to Walla Walla Point Park. Show More
We need more recycle bins.
Whatever needs to be done to take care of the systems and customers' flood control for sure.
Work to preserve habitat.
Work with Complete the Loop Coalition to purchase or help purchase portion of the Peshastin Mill site and develop into park, trail system, water access, etc..
Working with Plug-in NCW, create a huge electrical vehicle event like Sturgis—a massive car show & rally.
Would it be possible to incentivize the agriculture industry to use more electric vehicles (ATV's, etc.)?
Yes, more parks - each neighborhood could have a park! Take care of the parks. And provide more winter park options!
Are 3.2¢ rates the lowest rates possible?
Consider a drive-through sales tax.
Consider Malaga Parks, to be build across railroad tracks.
Continue to enhance environmental stewardship.
Fiber is doing well. Keep moving forward and continue creating good jobs.
Growth happens by events. Many visitors continue to return and/or relocate to our community. A new Alcoa is unlikely.
Revamp PUD fleet into electric vehicles. Invest in electric cars and charging stations.
Be #1 in securing all of our asset producing systems to be insulated as much as possible for terrorism attacks, and put into place a strategic plan for timely repair if it happens.
I don’t know how feasible it would be, but possibly Chelan could offer power incentives, provided the computing service provider would agree to bring more of the jobs here locally. I know Chelan PUD is reluctant to offer datacenter power incentives like Grant PUD does, due to the fact that Datacenters typically do not employ a lot of people. But they actually do, just not all on-site. It is too late for keeping Yahoo, but maybe the next service provider that comes around inquiring? In 2013, Yahoo agreed to co-locate their 24-hour customer care center in Buffalo at a datacenter, rather than maintain that function solely in Sunnyvale, thereby creating a total of 200+ permanent jobs. It sounds like some tax incentives were part of the package. So possibly just power incentives are not enough? "Yahoo promised to create 115 more jobs in Lockport when it received an incentive package for Phase 2 that included an 18-year property tax reduction and a 20-year sales tax exemption on building materials and computer equipment at the new center. Since Yahoo turns over its computer equipment every few years, the Town of Lockport Industrial Development Agency estimated in December that Yahoo would save $200 million in sales taxes over the next two decades, in addition to the estimated $45 million in savings on property taxes and electricity costs, the latter thanks to a discount provided by the New York Power Authority." As you probably know, the demand for datacenters is going to continue to grow with cloud computing. Already, everybody here in IT has a friend working at one. Students leaving the WVC IT program can get easily jobs in the area (Grant County). My neighbor just finished as a project manager on Amazon’s new datacenter in Boardman, OR. Microsoft started doubling the size of their presence. Apple and Twitter are rumored to want to move into the Quincy area next. Show More
I want to see a more inspiring work environment and facilities for PUD workers. Also, we should invest more in employee personal development.
Invest in additional parks & recreation opportunities balanced with wildlife interests. Purchase additional land? Responsibly expand trail access along river shore and Sage Hills.
We live in Peshastin. We have two students, one in Running Start and one at Cashmere Middle School. Internet is a necessity in today's academics. We are currently using Verizon which is vastly inadequate. Fiber would be such a blessing to our entire family. We hope that you will consider Derby Canyon in your expansion options. Show More
Continue reducing debt to ensure stability for rate payers in the case of economic down turn or natural disaster.
Because water and wastewater are intimately tied to growth and long range comprehensive plans/capital facilities plans – particularly of cities, I think we should look at working toward city operation of both in the urban growth area. If we are truly serving the public, we would look at lowering duplication, overlap and we would look to the ability to serve. Show More
It appears we (PUD) can still safely release 1/2 of excess power to contribute to Chelan PUD "bottom line."
Light brings revitalization and opportunity. We have a neighborhood in south Wenatchee that suffers from crime and poverty. We have gone through several processes with the neighborhood where they have asked for lighting for alleys and we have access to PUD poles. We need to find a way to do this. The PUD was our pioneer in electrifying rural North Central Washington. My son is friends with a young man who lives on South Chelan Ave. They went on vacation and his home was robbed. When I drove him home down the alley, he said "the alleys are scary and dark at night." I work hard to make sure my family lives in someplace secure and well lit. What kind of security and value would lighting bring to this neighborhood in need that is full of young people looking for opportunities (good and bad). What kind of environment are we providing to newcomers/immigrants to our community? Show More
The City of Wenatchee has been through a major restructuring looking at the staffing levels and cost of benefits. Has the PUD been through a similar exercise? It appears that the PUD's cost of overhead is much higher than the city's cost. This could be due to the level of staffing, the legal review required of all activity, etc. The City has benefitted through review and has truly come to value the jobs provided by the city and the true cost of those jobs. It has also lowered the City's cost of operation, allowing it to put more into the services the public expects. Show More
The PUD has tremendous opportunities to be an educational resource for our community with the experts employed there who could bring an environmental learning center to life.
The PUD needs to decide if you are in the fiber business or not. If you are, there are upgrades and expansions that are needed to serve the urban area. The downtown area was the first area served by fiber and now it is in need of replacement and it is critical infrastructure for our downtown business community. We have subdivisions that have not been served and don't have a choice in fiber options. Show More
The PUD parks are a jewel for our region, bringing us significant tourism and economic impact. You have been an amazing steward of these parks. Your ability to expand this presence (help with Confluence) could only serve to benefit us more as we see outdoor recreation and the tourism it brings as one of the legs of our economic stool.
We need to weigh the value of keeping more power at home so it can provide employment opportunities and add value to our community through property taxes and local wages. What kind of technology and research/development opportunities have we missed out on because the PUD had policies that precluded the local opportunity?
We should not be in the fiber business. This system will most likely not ever get out of the red, even though we forgave a $99M debt balance. They continue to hire more people, spend more and what seems like to a blind eye.
Reinvesting in the employees of the PUD is essential. Seems like most have forgotten that just a few years ago employees were forced to take furloughs and pay freezes for 2 years. How about paying them back for the loss of wages for furlough? At the time the General Manager stated to the Commissioners that there will need to be a catch up for these reductions. This never happened. Just one more example of the employees who keep this place running and are then forgotten when the excess money is being decided where to spend. Show More
A local group, FIDO, can provide some fundraising for a dog park, and ongoing maintenance. What we need most is land! So, if you are able to set aside some land (3 to 10 acres), we can partner with you for the rest. Dogs are owned by 40% of households, including all ages, abilities, and socioeconomic groups. Dog parks benefit ALL households by providing a safe place for dogs to exercise off-leash. Dog parks are about PEOPLE and EXERCISE as well as the dogs! Our current project is a dog park at the south end of the riverfront loop trail in Wenatchee, but the area needs more than one. Show More
Add fishing docks that do not also handle boat traffic.
Add more picnic shelters.
Buy the mill property in Peshastin for future utilities.
CCPUD should not be in the wastewater treatment area or providing water to areas of Chelan County. These are being subsidized by all rate payers on the power side. Best would be to slowly divest these over time The power side is extremely important. Water & Wastewater should support themselves through higher rates. Show More
Create more picnic shelters.
Create wider paths to accommodate all the users! Preferably separate paths for all the bicycles.
Invest in all-electric cars for the PUD fleet.
Invest in more solar power. Have the PUD own the inverters so that customer cost is lower.
Invest in protecting the distribution and transmission lines by undergrounding them.
Keep up with the improvements; do not fall behind.
Negotiate with the City of Wenatchee to take over their water systems—or take some over from the city. Small, isolated systems are not cost-effective.
Put solar panels on the PUD buildings. Be a role model.
The best, for the most, for the longest? What is more valuable to all than the education of a child? Today's education requires access to high speed internet. The very places that are hard to get fiber to are those without other choices.
The irrigation canals could be covered with solar energy generation panels. This would help generate more sustainable energy while protecting irrigation water from evaporation.
The locations are excellent along Columbia & Lake Chelan. I believe that the number of parks is adaquate.
The PUD cannot attract businesses on it's own. There needs to be more involvement in improving schools, shopping, and mass transit. Do not make deals with low-employment businesses, like server farms.
Broaden the water use focus.
Campaigns for promotions. More park use or expansion.
Joint venture with city parks—creating efficiency, education, and job opportunities.
Reinvest in Rock Island Powerhouse 1. Create opportunities for apprenticeships within the PUD; those have been stagnant lately.
Some communities don’t have resources to sustain their own water and wastewater systems.
What are our conservation goals—so we can sell more on the open market?
I'd love to see a response to the "just across the street" issues that many residents (including my family) face. I'd like to see some way to include flexibility to make incrementally small expansions to include households excluded from fiber connectivity by a matter of feet.
Look at workforce development. PUD employees take pride and are part of this community—and employees having the opportunity to grow within the organization keeps valued expertise in place to benefit all with Chelan County.
Hire more entry level people. There are many retirements coming up and there is a growing gap in the workforce.
Reinvest in Generation Units at Rock Island. Powerhouse 1 units are old; don’t let them waste away.
The dams are the greatest asset (physical) in Chelan County! Reinvest in longevity, security, technology and in the best talent it takes to make the above work over time. What is their expected life? Do we know everything abut the status of their maintenance (I mean, really know). Do we have a reserve sized to deal with any reasonable failure? I worry about security risks—terrorism, etc.. Thanks for being so open! The public needs to understand that it is expensive to maintain the dams. Show More
Reinvest in the Grid for a stronger more efficient PUD. Perhaps add more underground electrical systems.
Apply the one county mantra: what’s best for the most for the longest.
Collaborate with PUD to re-establish and assist with the growth of Entiat’s economy. A PUD Representative is needed for Entiat economic planning in July. The PUD has more impact and Entiat isn’t part of the "greater good." PUD Commissioners should have regular meetings with the community of Entiat. Show More
Explore cap & trade options.
Fiber has low density but upper valley has very little cell coverage. Those residents must come in to town to get reasonable access.
Lower (pay off) the debt of the PUD, before reinvesting.
PUD is needed for help with fish issues.
Re-establish fishing in the Entiat River.
Review the 1994 Park Board Plan for more understanding at Entiat.
The PUD needed to step in and help systems already in place. Will they be kept or replaced?
Upper valley has water / wastewater but others must get bonds and pay for these services.
Upper valley parks are needed.
Water was part of legislative mandates. Why is water not renewable?
Can reinvestment include uniting PUD's such as Douglas and Grant? We see how inter-related they are by the experience of the crack in the Wanapum Dam.
You already know that Peshastin and Dryden have a need to upgrade and improve their sewer systems to eliminate phosphorus discharge into the Wenatchee River. Please strongly consider the idea of irrigating the old Peshastin Mill Site with treated effluent as a possibility for economically achieving the goal of phosphorus reduction. The plants would love it, so would the river, the ecologists and the people of the community. Turning that property into a park facility would achieve another long-standing community goal for access to the river and development of recreational facilities which would also aid in bringing economic development to the area. Involve the Cascade School District and you help solve another problem. - Working together brings benefit to all. :-) Show More
Of immediate need is securing and enhancing riparian habitat within the lower Peshastin and the Wenatchee rivers for fish, wildlife, flood storage, and to protect the PUD's long-term financial investments in hatchery programs. Thank you for this opportunity! It would be advantageous to maximize rate payer dollars by developing a strategic plan that not only provides a pathway to comply with FERC license conditions but also incorporates community VISION, illustrates mutually desired outcomes, and builds partnerships. A great first step would be to identify lands that have the potential to protect ESA listed and resident fish, enhance riparian and over-wintering habitat for fish, protect and enhance habitat for wildlife, provide additional public access and outdoor educational opportunities—and that may generate a new revenue source by enhancing and providing additional recreational opportunties for fishermen, boaters, rafters, bikers, hikers, and wildlife viewers. This could be a great first step to developing the strategic plan! I would encourage the PUD to collaborate with local, state, and federal entities, key legislators, residents, and NGO's that have already identified properties that could be part of strategic plan to protect riparian habitats within Chelan County and may be used to offset impacts associated with future PUD projects (e.g. distribution and transmission expansions, substation construction, etc). I am optimistic Chelan PUD will recognize it is essential to invest in this community to retain an educated-vibrant workforce and maintain rate payer support during times of recession, rates increases, state and federal rule-making, and drought. Thank you for your time. Show More
East Wenatchee could use more playgrounds - as a parent I lean heavily on school district facilities for taking my children out to play. A playground at Hydro would be fantastic!
I know that we have a shortage of sports fields in the valley during high season. So more sports fields would be wonderful if there is enough open space.
I would love to see a large stage in or near Walla Walla Point Park that could be utilized for local & regional events. With the beautiful backdrop of river & mountains, a stage would provide an ideal place for performers from all over the state & beyond to entertain local audiences.
It seems that the community could utilize additional picnic shelters, since during the warm months the shelters are often all completely booked months in advance.
Invest in education & professional development, and work based learning opportunities for youth, to support the level of service and build affinity.
Love the kid activities … More of those!
We want the trail, for running, biking and walking to connect the communities along the Wenatchee River to the loop trail. From Leavenworth to Wenatchee. To keep people from biking on the highway, and for recreation, health and enjoyment.
Please build a nice outdoor stage and/or amphitheater at Walla Walla Point Park!
Needs to be self supporting. Other Water districts look at PUD rates and can't match those. PUD rates need to rise to meet costs and be equitable with non-subsidized water rate payers.
I am experiencing the direct effect of how the lack of high-speed internet impacts not just me, not just my business, but the entire Wenatchee Valley. There is a snowball effect when any one person or student cannot access high speed internet. I am the Chair of a local board. As the board grows, our members are learning about nonprofit management. The Community Foundation of NCW offers “Nonprofit leadership circles” that meet virtually for six months, via HIGH SPEED INTERNET. As the Chair of my group, my learning affects the Board and our organization's work. Of course, I can learn in other ways. I can drive to the library and sit for 3 hours using their high speed internet… while other patrons glare from the sound? I can skip the class and learn in other ways, too. This is just ONE example of what people like me experience daily. This is not just about one person; it is about the future of our entire community as a whole network. It is not about other users “paying for” us. We all pay for each other. It is not a one-for-one trade. If it were, then the money that I’ve been paying for the 23 years I’ve lived in the valley ought to be worth something. If you are going to be swayed by those who don’t want to pay for me, ask them to pay me back what I’ve paid for them. If you can’t do it via fiber, figure out how to buy the high-speed satellite bandwidth to make it possible. And before you decide how fast is “fast enough,” then have your people use that speed for two months to see if they can get their everyday work done, including video conferencing. Show More
I don't know enough about this, but it is clearly essential to maintain the infrastructure and human resources.
Bitcoin will have an effect on Wenatchee due to its abundant, inexpensive power.
Continue as the PUD is doing now with a good Board and good management people.
Increase investment in the weatherization of sub-standard housing. This ensure our clean hydro is not wasted and it will help empower and benefit the most vulnerable and disadvantaged in our community.
Consider bringing more existing parks under PUD management.
Whatever additional economic development activities are undertaken, preserving our significant electricity price advantage should be the highest priority. The maintenance of low electricity rates for our population is already a critical part of the region's economic development. As I look at the finances of businesses similar to mine in other communities around the country, it is apparent that electricity rates in Chelan County allow my business to employ more people and pay them better to live in an area with a lower cost of living. Show More
All customer owners should be allowed access to PUD fiber connections, not just those from certain areas. We have Charter, but when our neighborhood in Leavenworth requested fiber connection, PUD denied us access. Not fair to us, as we pay for the services for everyone also. Show More
All the building need updating. We need beautiful offices and perks for employees at the PUD. We want people to want to work there.
I think it is time to get out of the fiber communications field. The expense for adding on and maintaining fiber is not cheap; if you don't have a maintenance team then you must contract with a repair service and that may be costly. I tried fiber through LocalTel and found the pricing for what I received was not as competitive with others as I thought. I returned to a satellite vendor that I was with for several years previously and couldn't be happier. My area or maybe my block or home has had problems with cable/fiber at least 18 yrs. Personally I believe satilite services are a thing of the future while cable/fiber will slowly disappear. If this is true then my PUD is wasting money. Show More
My idea is to use more local businesses for maintaining the PUD. The purchasing department should always try locally first before going outside the area. I know bids must be submitted for major purchases, I don't know if you have to take the lowest bid or not. Show More
I would be willing to pay a higher rate for electricity for recharging an electric car, since it is still far cheaper than gasoline. This would increase revenue back to the PUD.
If smart grid were developed, electric cars could act as a peak load source.
The impact of electrification of vehicles on the local economy would be significant, as the dollars currently spent on gasoline would be retained within the community instead of being exported.
The PUD could play a major role in electrifying transportation. One barrier for consumers is the price of electric cars. The PUD could do a business analysis of purchasing a fleet of electric vehicles that would be suitable for most commutes in the county. These could then be leased to customers.
Through electric cars, our county would make a contribution to reducing greenhouse gases. And it is possible that in the future carbon credits could be sold for this as well.
Do joint planning with Douglas County PUD.
Don't defer maintenance of dams, distribution, buildings, and people.
High skilled employees are needed to make the PUD run. How do we assume continued supply of employees?
Several potential threats were discussed/identified/planned for in the last 50 plus years. What are the coming ones?
Implement a policy to pay for line extensions and relocations which are a significant inhibitor to infill in the city. This applies mainly to power and fiber, but also may apply to water.
I would love to see further investment (as fiscally prudent planning allows) in our region's public lakes and rivers. Creating and maintaining public access to an expanded network of parks and trails for all to enjoy matches my vision for the future. Though I have an interest in all aspects of the PUD's work, it is the Parks you operate which I believe have great potential both for improving the quality of life for our local population and drawing visitors and their expendable incomes to our communities. The park complex created in Wenatchee / East Wenatchee over the past 50 years has been amazing. The PUD's significant role in this work should be commended. Thank you for creating this unique opportunity for input. Phenomenal video and information. Show More
I would love to see a Chelan and Douglas county affiliation to keep the trail the gift that it is. I would love to see Douglas County take advantage of things that they have that no one else in the area has, i.e. … a natural vegetation river front trail, a beautiful white sand beach area, history of finding Clovis points-which could totally be the theme for a down town renovation, an equestrian trail along the Riverfront trail, a river front that has the view of the Cascades for a restaurant, a boathouse near bridge access to connect with the boathouse in Wenatchee. All these things would be so beneficial to Douglas County and also to Chelan County. I feel Wenatchee is very proactive. I think Chelan County looks into the future and acts. I feel very proud of the fact that there is not a casino in town. The downtown area looks better than it has in years. Pybus Market is just golden! After moving to East Wenatchee, in the last few years, it has been quite disturbing to see a reactive response instead of a proactive stance. It does not seem that Douglas County looks to the future. There does not seem to be the community involvement as there is in Wenatchee. It seems that they are still stuck in a "chip off of Wenatchee" mode, and have not found their own way. Show More
Take over street lighting in the name of electrification and energy efficiency. Street lighting is a great benefit to communities in terms of safety especially in low income neighborhoods where crime is concentrated. With LED technology, there is a great opportunity to lower long term energy consumption as well as ongoing maintenance costs of the lighting system. LED lights have an incredibly long service life. This would be another great benefit of hydro power county wide. Show More
Collaborate with other entities to create a rubric of what we value when it comes to bringing in business to our communities. What does the kind of entrepreneurship and business presence we want look like? What kind of wage levels? What kind of tax impact? Environmental impact? What kind of employment numbers? Show More
Add a second story above the main parking area creating a parking facility with ample, covered parking. This would free up the smaller parking area between HQ and the Service Building which could be turned into a really nice outdoor "greenway"/park-like area for employees to lunch at and enjoy on breaks. This would be similar to the area on the North side of HQ, but with more seating and possible landscaping. We work in grey, windowless rooms/cubicles for an entire day under artificial lights with canned air. It's nearly suicidally depressing. A fifteen minute break isn't really long enough to get away from the building and walking around the parking lot is not much better. Having an area conducive to refreshing and recharging is essential to giving our best work. Yes, we can walk to the riverfront, but only along the road, under the train tracks, to enjoy a whole 5 minutes of serenity before having to turn around. A covered parking area also increases security to our vehicles and eliminates the need for all the snow removal in the winter. Less weather on the surface also means less repainting stripes and resurfacing asphalt. There are no negatives to this idea (with the exception of paying for it) and the benefits are numerous! Show More
We really need more parking at Walla Walla park. Most weekends, when we actually have time off to enjoy the park, we can't get parking because of softball tourneys. It's great that we have the facilities for the public to enjoy that sport at our parks, but when they're going on, no one else can park without violating the "no parking" signs along the sides, creating narrow drive-thrus and close-calls with running kids. More parking on the softball field side of the park would help eliminate this. Show More
Can the PUD incentivize the creation of living wage (not minimum wage) jobs through reduction in power rates when companies hire employees? Can we offer penny-rate power (governed by a cap per employee) for a period of 10 years to companies that relocate their operations here for 20 years or more? Can we do something similar for fiber internet? Show More
I would like to see the PUD take an active partnering role with the Port and others in incentivizing economic development. I can see this working as a formalized incentive program co-developed with other entities and the public. While I don't expect such an indirect benefit path to be as instantly gratifying to the public imagination as some other options, I strongly believe it is worth having on the table. I see economic development as a blended discipline that spans several topics. And few areas are as instrumental in advancing our quality of life as broad based economic well-being. When people have enough money, they tend to take better care of their teeth, their flowerbeds, and those in need. Show More
Support small business incubation in some way; and see if there's a way to support the creation of a four year university. My brother-in-law works for Amazon.com, managing teams of developers. I asked him what it would take for Amazon to relocate some of its people or projects here. He explained that it is hard for him to envision them wanting to be here because there's not enough local talent to draw from. I told him that it's an awesome place to live, and he agreed, but said that the quality of life is not enough better than Seattle (if at all) for large companies to ever see themselves actively recruiting employees to come live here as a perk of employment. He believes a much more reasonable hope would be for Chelan County to become a hot-bed of innovative tech startups, similar to Boulder. But only if we were to have a four year university—because, again, the hiring pool matters. Show More
I believe one area where we simply must try to find a way past our statutory and license limitations is getting balanced parks throughout the county.
I can envision irrigation corridors or easements through or alongside some of our orchard lands where people can enjoy the landscape on bike, on horseback or on foot. This is a Parks & Recreation and Water & Wastewater idea.
I favor anything the PUD can do to acquire habitat or conservation lands and steward them in a way that ensures sustainable recreational access. To me, this means maintaining excellent and well-connected multi-use trails that help preserve the landscape while responsibly facilitating inevitable human use.
I favor dramatic build-out of parks for their recreational tourism value. I see tourism as a major economic growth opportunity for Chelan County. How can we expect our economy to grow without our population growing so far that it changes what we love about this place? I believe the answer is temporary population (tourism). Leavenworth and Chelan have proved that the model works. Show More
Provide cheap, professionally maintained irrigation systems to incentivize keeping ag lands in agriculture (to promote agritourism). Agritourism is a well studied model in Europe (e.g., the Swiss Alps) and even right across the border in the Canadian Okanagan. I think it is essential to the identity of this region to always see a blanketing of orchards and vineyards as you drive through on the major roads. It’s attractive to sell ag lands for development, though, and what makes this place beautiful might be gone in a generation. What can the PUD do to make that development less attractive? What about dirt-cheap, professionally maintained irrigation systems? Show More
I strongly favor regionalization of water systems. A part of that could be ensuring affordable year-round availability through storage.
I would like the PUD to consider alternative wastewater treatment options—e.g., distributed ones, where the utility is not routing pipes but rather installing and maintaining remote effluent processing equipment. There are some interesting "green" options out there that could be preferable for the remote parts of our county. Show More
I would like the PUD to consider getting into the irrigation business to support longevity of agriculture.
I would like to see infrastructure built in a way that optimizes recreational access to public lands and parks (e.g., trails on top of underground lines).
Modify the overhead to underground conversion policy. In our older neighborhoods, much of the above ground infrastructure is unsightly and in need of upgrading. Is there an opportunity to reinvest in the distribution infrastructure and improve the aesthetics and thus values of low income neighborhoods which typically are in the older sections of town? This can be implemented county wide. Show More
Wenatchee's youth would greatly benefit from more fields to develop upon. Such fields would also create revenue for our local businesses with visitor competition coming to our valley.
The valley could really use more quality soccer fields. A high quality turf field(s) would really help us attract high level tournament and the dollars they bring to the community.
We need more soccer fields!
We need more sports fields. Especially Soccer fields. Our kids facilities for soccer take a back seat to every other sport and unfortunately in this community there is a racial component to that.
It is my belief that having a venue that can house multiple sporting events per year would be a diligent investment of the PUD's money. An important part of this community is the sporting events that gather people together from near and far. Increasing the size of the local sporting venues to host larger tournaments and increasing the field availability through the winter time are two important areas for growth within our community. Sporting event venues such as 60 Acres, Starfire, Kent Pea Patch, and TCYSA Soccer complex are both community building venues and tourism supporting venues. Thank you for your time. Show More
I'm worried that quite a few people don't understand fiber optics and its wonders. With all of it underground it is safe from storms and vandalism. It's not just a "cool thing" but a wonderful tool for now and the future.
Hopefully we will be able to produce and use "grey water" more and more in the future. The water supply has become very precious and is something we must learn not to waste.
I would like to have fluoride introduced into our water for the health of everyone's teeth. This is such a wonderful thing for the reduction of cavities that dentists (when it was first put into water) thought they would end up not having any more patients—it worked so well. Show More
Thank you PUD for such a wonderful and beautiful park system. You have done a marvelous job and I hope you can continue on. We are the envy of many areas. If you need citizen help--please put it in the news and I'm sure you will have many helpers. I love our parks.
Our valley needs more sports fields for our youth to be able to play in.
Continue to expand energy efficiency incentive programs, especially for appliances.
Please can we have more fields for kids sports. Wenatchee is blessed with sporting talent that we need to encourage so that they may thrive. At present our field capacity is limited and not "up to standard." Please help by investing more.
Adopt a rate schedule specific to schools and local governmental agencies to help reduce their costs of operations.
Consider relocating the administration building or rebuilding it. The corner of Fifth Street is valuable property and the block between 2nd and 5th is in need of some revitalization. If relocation is an option, consider the impact to downtown by the loss of jobs in the vicinity of downtown. Work with the city to ensure that the site is used for a higher and better use. Could a new facility be built on-site and yet free up some property for redevelopment? This site would be a great hotel property. Show More
Build a marina on the Rock Island pool.
Bring electrification to ALL residences that have year round vehicle access. Camas Meadows does not have electric power. Electrification would lower their carbon emissions, reduce their annual costs and increase property values. Are there other forgotten neighborhoods in the county? Show More
Finish the build out of the fiber network. Home buyers are asking about fiber availability and lack of fiber may be a big detriment to a home owner in the future who is looking to sell their home. I have fiber optic in Cashmere, but my neighbor says it's not available to him even on the same side of the street. Build it out to all of the county. Show More
Bike powered shower. When you pedal on a built in bike in the shower the water comes out. It doesn't waste water either because when you stop pedaling, the water doesn't come out. The water gets heated by solar panels and the sun shines on the panels and the light reflects onto the water to heat it up. Show More
Develop a valley wastewater system from Leavenworth to Malalga in partnership with cities and communities. Leavenworth, Peshastin, Dryden, Cashmere, Monitor, Wenatchee and Malalga. Add East Wenatchee and Rock Island for a regional program.
Extend the Riverfront Park south to the Irrigation and walking bridge. This area is in need of help.
FIDO (Friends Involved in Dog Opportunities) would like to suggest the PUD consider the development of off-leash dog parks in the densely populated areas of the county.
Help Malaga develop a park for the community. Perhaps start thinking about purchasing a property on the river near Malaga for a future mitigation recreational area for the next dam license.
I believe reinvestment should be the highest priority for future investment of the PUD. Recent generation problems bear this out. First and foremost should be the generation of dependable and affordable power.
In a powerful future, when you walk the energy you produce goes into your phone so it charges. When you run it produces more energy so your phone charges faster.
Internet connectivity is now a way of life—a necessity. I believe, when the technology is perfected, wireless connectivity will be the most economic means of build-out to remote or underserved areas in the future. It might be best to delay hardwire build-out in the interim. Show More
Maintain facilities and equipment.
The conservation incentives and low rates for electricity should be enough to encourage electrification.
The development of electric car charging stations should be a priority.
The PUD has met their mission in the area of economic development as a provider of a major incentive to development. Continuation of dependable, economical power will continue to be an influence on economic development in the Chelan PUD service area—as it is in Douglas and Grant Counties. There are many entities involved in economic development in our area including the Port District, Chambers of Commerce, Economic Development Boards, Small Business development services and business promotional groups. Show More
If the PUD wanted another idea for improving our environment for generations to come, it could be to install more vehicle charging stations and promote the shift to renewable energy from fossil fuels. I had a conversation with a friend recently and we were talking about the amazing hydro power resource we have in our valley. I've heard that there are a lack of charging stations in Chelan County for electric cars. The customer could be a car dealership (a retail customer) with the end users being the public; this way the PUD is working from an installation standpoint and charging fees to a major customer at a set rate and not having to create an extensive department to work with tons of end-users. Show More
A one time free energy audit for older homes. 20 years old or older. Many people may not know how inefficient their homes are but don't want to pay for an audit.
Add fiber in Chelan Hills.
Add mileage markers on apple capital loop trail.
Add more bike trails. Trade property to complete confluence trail to Walla Walla Park.
Add more outdoor, lighted basketball courts like at WVC.
Add more softball fields.
Add more trails and parks for kids.
Become as efficient as Alcoa.
Better electric transfer systems to reduce low energy during transfer via power lines.
Bring fiber to Chelan Hills.
Build additional baseball fields.
Build another park like Rotary Park.
Build more pools for Chelan County and provide pools that are free.
Build out fiber county wide.
Build out fiber county wide.
Build out fiber to the entire county.
Bury more of the power lines in rural areas, for visual aesthetics as well as agricultural safety.
Charter is the best, but too expensive. If you can find a way to make localtel just as fast but still cheap you would make a lot of money and make a lot of people happy.
Continue incentives for the SNAP program. Solar—and wind power because its always breezy around here.
Create a bike and walking trail from Wenatchee to Leavenworth.
Create a bike trail from Wenatchee to Leavenworth.
Create a reserve fund for progressively building out fiber to every customer.
Create a water park with a lazy river.
Create a water reservoir (Palisades, etc.)—somewhere to store large amounts of water.
Create more availability the park gets full fast.
Create wildlife trails and off leash dog areas with access to the river. Great Job maintaining what we already have. Show More
Customers should buy blocks of energy that don't expire.
Do more clean up of downed trees and weeds on loop trail.
Don't over extend yourself.
Electrical storage? Capacitors, batteries, coconuts (supercapacitors) and lines.
Eliminate day use fees or make them more affordable
Enhance and invest in more playing fields—baseball, soccer etc..
Expand fiber for TV to Douglas County.
Expand fiber to more areas.
Extend fiber and make it available for Colockum Creek residents.
Extend the Irrigation walking bridge on the loop trail across the tracks to South Wenatchee Avenue. Based on public input for South Wenatchee, it was determined that access to the waterfront parks is significantly limited to residents of South Wenatchee— which is our lowest income neighborhoods, housing the highest percentage of Latino residents. I understand that access to the parks has been an important consideration for the PUD. Show More
Faster internet would be so awesome.
Fiber & telecom sounds good.
Finish building out fiber optics to areas where it was promised but never happened.
Get fiber optics up Eagle Creek Road.
Give bikes their own trails—there are too many and they ride too fast for walkers.
Have more changing stations for electric cars.
Have more parking in the city of Chelan and Wenatchee.
Have more Parks with things for kids in both Wenatchee and East Wenatchee.
Have more parks with water themes for kids in East Wenatchee.
Help people know about the availiability of fiber optics.
Help private land owners along the pool with their rights as land owners.
Hook up stationary bikes at all gyms to generate power back to the grid. Later, if possible, allow individuals to hook their home stationary bikes to same.
How about a Wenatchee Valley College science scholarship?
I appreciate your crew coming to my home and sealing my ducts on my heating and air conditioning. The young men were so careful and polite.
I believe we have too many trails.
I like Confluence State Park.
I like the idea of education programs for elementary through high school—about energy conservation.
I support more trails to connect the whole Wenatchee valley.
I want to see better financial responsibility.
I wish bathrooms around the loop were open year round.
I would like fireworks and more bathrooms.
Improve the softball field. The dirt is too rocky.
Increase the number of HD channels.
Institute a water safety day in our community.
Invest in windmills for power.
It is unfortunate that Federal regulations do not allow investment in parks and recreation for all the rate payers in the District. This is counter-productive to economic development in the Wenatchee river watershed.
It would be awesome to have a water park like they have in Moses Lake.
Keep costs low and reduce debt.
Keep existing parks or add new ones.
Keep improving the fiber.
Keep our power rates low!
Keep the rates low & reasonable.
Look into the possibility of wind power for the county.
Make additional baseball fields.
Make more fun parks or make the current parks bigger.
Make twice a month free swim at the city pool so people that can't afford have a chance to cool off and have fun.
Make Wenatchee an astronomy dark sky city.
Maybe a few more lights at the parks a little later in the evening in the summer.
Maybe some individuals could have fund raisers to help raise money to improve some of the parks. Like bake sales, car washes, etc).
More funding should go towards the parks.
More programs for schools and training for young people interested in PUD careers.
My idea is add more parks for kids.
Parks are awesome. Thanks.
Parks are necessary & should always be available at a reasonable rate.
Parks seem to be run okay. Don't know why Confluence is run by state then we have to pay to use it.
Partner with community groups and allow easement under PUD power lines for development of community trail from Wenatchee to Leavenworth.
Pay off debt, and no more rate increases.
Please keep Chelan River walk park weeded.
Please no nuclear power. Waste is an issue.
Post site availability for Beebe Bridge Park online, with real time updates.
Promote more road bicycling with good maps.
Purchase the Peshastin mill site and urn it into the best park in the upper valley.
Remove day use changes. A person can't even use the restrooms without paying. The PUD is a public utility right?
Revoke paying for PUD Park usage. We locals pay for this privilege every month when we pay our electric bill.
Riverwalk Park needs updating.
Slow bicycles down on the trail.
Stay up with the future with fiber and technology. Keep power affordable too.
Take out power poles on Maiden Lane, West of Western.
Thank you for paying down the debt. The PUD does an excellent job with the parks. Thank you for developing the Entiat Park.
Use of more sustainable non-hydro sourced power.
We need a waterslide park with a zero line pool and a lazy river and a wave pool etc..
We need more dog friendly parks.
We need more fun recreation facilities like batting cages.
We need more sports facilities like batting cages. Water park would be awesome.
What about a senior conservation program?
Widen the loop trail and install water stations.
We need more soccer fields for our children to play at.
I think it would be a great idea to build public indoor baseball / softball batting cages that can be utilized by all the local school districts, the Applesox organization and local parks and recreation teams. They could be rented, reserved or open to the public on a pay as you go basis.
When upgrading the RI PH 1 potable water system, provide a potable water source to the PH1 Control Room for drinking, cooking and washing dishes. As it is now, the only potable water available is thru a water cooler.
I feel this community is truly lacking in family parks and recreation. I think a family/kid park would be a great addition to the community. Also more usage of the soccer fields for local soccer clubs would help out the teams in the city. Thank you for all you do!
Look for opportunities to assist with remediation of the old municipal landfill.
The conservation incentives and low rates for electricity should be enough to encourage electrification.
The definition of a healthy workplace is "a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease" I believe the PUD needs to institute a program based on Wellness! Invest, Re-Invest in your employees and their health.
Assist with relocation of the BNSF facility to improve access to the waterfront and park.
“Wastewater” is no longer politically correct. It has been replaced with “Water Resource Recovery Facility.” As the requirements for higher standards continue to increase, it will become more difficult for the PUD (and other providers) to economically provide service. Having attended public meetings regarding water and wastewater rate increases and witnessing an attitude that the rates should be subsidized by the other electrical rate payers I do not foresee equitable operation of these systems by the PUD in the future. With the salary level of employees and cost of overhead for the PUD it would appear these systems could be more economically operated by formation of local utility districts. Show More
Develop (in partnership with cities and counties) rate schedules for larger power users to facilitate economic development toward targeted industries.
Utilize PUD authorities in conjunction with city and county zoning regulations as well as comprehensive plans to facilitate the growth and industry types that benefits the county in terms of economic output and quality of life.
Become committed to the apprentice program again.
Consider acquiring Confluence Park and perhaps Daroga.
Develop education programs to train youth for the jobs of the future. Industries and jobs that we desire to attract require an educated workforce. Workforce training is one of the keys to successfully developing industry clusters. Look for opportunities to educate youth in innovation.
Improve boat launches and offer boat launch etiquette classes in our parks. Develop boat launch facility at Lake Wenatchee.
Look for opportunities to educate youth with the skills that the PUD needs for the future… ie. Energy, environmental stewardship, recreation, public administration, etc.
Consider lifting 5MW limit on industrial customers.
Embrace alternatives in the clean carbon family: wind, solar, fuel cell, waste-to-energy technologies. You are a power generating company, and this doesn't mean just dams. By the way, thank you for initiating this discussion. I hope we can do as well as our forefathers. (And mothers—my mom owned Rocky Reach bonds and referred to it as "my dam.") Show More
Establish a revolving trust account that lends money for infrastructure improvements to communities in the network. The funds would initially be investments from the reserve but would grow to become a self-sustaining account. (Much like the state wide Public Works Trust fund, but focused on Chelan Co. PUD members and cities with AAA credit.) Show More
Expand alternative energy & efficiency availability to everyday customers. Help homeowners learn more about residential solar applications. Workshops, etc.
How about hydrogen plants near the point of generation, running at night? Creating hydrogen during off hours would reduce cycling, and create useful and non-polluting products. Hydrogen cells attract industries. This is a way to store excess power that can be converted back to electricity if necessary.
I've sensed a shift over 30 years in employee satisfaction. Really positive to high stress. Maybe too much focus on legalities, rules, compliance, etc.
Increase tuition reimbursement for those employees who choose to pursue continuing education on their own time. Some companies pay for all expenses. Currently we pay up to $6,000 per year. Consider up to $12K reimbursement for courses in a Masters Degree program and up to $8K for undergraduate courses. Show More
Invest in youth. Help young people see the relevance of classroom work (i.e.: math, science, tech, language arts) to real work applications.
It's very, very important to have fiber or equivalent service. There is so much economic development value to communities.
Keep focused on debt reduction.
Let’s reinvest in our employees! Engaging, developing and retaining people is one of our greatest opportunities in the next ten years. People transform outcomes, change the course, and alter the way we do things. They innovate, they discover, they create revenue and deliver service to our customer owners. People can deliver unimagined levels of engagement and productivity when the District knows what matters most. How do you engage employees? Reward and retain the best employees; develop the next generation of leaders; create a culture that attracts the very best and most diverse talent; remain competitive in the talent marketplace; recruit employees with the specialized skills we need and make the District the place they want to work. Engaged employees generate 33% higher profits, operate at 50% higher productivity and score 56% higher in customer loyalty. (Gallup, State of the American Workplace) Show More
Leverage investments by the PUD to obtain greater return. Look for multipliers on the investment of 1.2 to 1.4 (which is at the high range of economic impact).
Offer opportunities for young people to see a pathway to employment.
One way to invest in employees is to provide the resources to support career development and engagement. The District needs a Learning and Development Manager to lead this effort. Currently this responsibility resides with the Organizational Development Manager, but there is too much important work for one person. A learning and development manager would: cultivate a culture that supports development and engagement; design and implement a comprehensive Leadership Development program; design and implement Employee Training and Development Programs; train managers and employees how to do career planning and development plans; coordinate the joint foreman training program and expand it to other crafts; identify and develop craft training needs beyond compliance training; develop in-house training using existing leaders and others; develop eLearning courses; improve training measures and records; resurrect a forum for managers (e.g., SWAT, DELTA). Show More
Our population is aging. What programs could the PUD offer to help seniors stay in their homes? Not just subsidies for low-income. Perhaps assistance with efficiencies advice about connectivity for emergency or medical management of health concerns.
The solar systems on school buildings seem stagnant. Make information about them more readily available as public info or a teaching tool. How much energy produced? Cost reduced or generated?
We could contribute to employee wellness by providing lockers and large bathrooms with showers, one each for men and women. The bathrooms attached to a small gym could serve linemen and others who do physical work, and the rest of us who sit all day and will benefit from more exercise. Ultimately we will reduce health care costs, which will benefit our customer owners. We had this at the last company I worked for and the facilities were used constantly. The gym can also be used for yoga or Pilates classes with outside instructors who use the space at no charge. That of course leads to a wellness program. Let’s get our employees healthy. This will reduce turnover (which is expensive) and lower our medical costs, which ultimately serves customer owners by keeping costs low. Show More
We should be the poster child for sustainable electric. We should display model communities; underground; and have all-electric every thing. This is the future.
Why isn't the Forest Service at the table? Trails, Trails, Trails.
I strongly recommend that CCPUD pursue opportunities to create parks and protect riparian habitat along the Wenatchee River near Leavenworth to help sustain basin-wide salmon restoration and instream flow enhancement projects as well as provide much needed park sites in the Leavenworth vicinity. Chelan PUD parks are the best-maintained in the region. The Upper Wenatchee Valley near Leavenworth currently does not have CCPUD parks similar to those on the Columbia River. The Port of Chelan County is actively trying to sell the Peshastin Mill site. This 60+ acre parcel includes 13 acres of riparian buffer and about 50 acres of level uplands suitable for a park. An adjacent sewage treatment plant has been mandated by the EPA to upgrade their facility to zero phosphorus addition to the Wenatchee River, and treated effluent from the plant could provide irrigation water for grass fields. The Cascade School District and other area sport interests would jump at a new complex of ball fields. Local anglers would love permanent access to fishing opportunities finally reopened after extensive fisheries restoration efforts. The Complete the Loop Coalition is planning a bike/walk trail similar to the Loop Trail connecting Leavenworth and Peshastin, and this site would serve as an important part of the route. The local economy would benefit through bicycle rentals, visitors to wineries and Peshastin retailers. Adding the Peshastin Mill site would increase the PUD's parklands by almost 10 percent, help protect fisheries and water resources, boost the local economy, and convert unused lands for public benefit. Show More
Ensure our schools have 1000 Mbps (gigabit) connections. Current initiatives in the Wenatchee School District will be reliant on this bandwidth and they are currenly capped at 100 Mbps for each building. With some buildings having 3,000 possible devices online, this will greatly hinder education in Wenatchee schools. Show More
Create free Wi-Fi zones in the poorest areas of town (Wenatchee) to support our schools and their student learning device initiatives.
Provide free Wi-Fi at your public parks, as this is essential for business and education activities at your parks.
As a resident of Chelan County the ideas of free Wi-Fi and nicer parks certainly appeal to me. However, the parks are very nice as they currently are and the crews that work them are top-notch. Not really sure how free Wi-Fi would work due to gifting of funds regulations.
Debt reduction should be the top priority if we can’t build a new HQ at this time. The more debt we have the more risk we have and there is no good reason to keep a large amount of debt on the books as it make us more of a risk and raises the fees we are charged. Plus by reducing risk will reduce the interest we pay on that debt, which in the long run will mean more funds available for other improvements around Chelan County including Parks, Fiber, and perhaps new or updated buildings. Show More
Get out of the CTC building. It’s not a popular thought but with no control over the building and after repeated problems with water and cooling it’s time to pull up stakes and move the IT/Video equipment and staff out of that building. Plus the CTC continues to be a silo of employees, segregating them from the rest of the PUD and isolating them from some paths of communication. Out of sight, out of mind as the saying goes. If you don’t sit with your department, you are definitely left out of the loop on so much. In my experience at one time, due to being located away from my team, I was frequently not invited to meetings nor did I enjoy the daily discussions heard over the cubicle wall about current events relating to projects and issues we were having. In fact, the few meetings I was invited to I would show up and many of the others would ask who I was and state they didn’t know I even worked in the same department. Show More
Leverage partnerships with other agencies such as State Parks, cities, counties, etc.. For example, the City of Wenatchee uses Community Development Block Grant Funds to address poverty in neighborhoods. These programs are established, with a structure, but are short of funding. Leveraging these programs with targeted funding could have a substantial impact on poverty in Chelan County which is a very real threat to our future and quality of life. LED lighting is a great example of a CDBG program. Show More
We should be looking at rebuilding the HQ campus. Either knock it all down and build a large cohesive campus or explore finding a new location to build a new PUD campus and move everyone from the HQ area as well as everyone from CTC into one new campus. This building was built in the 1950’s and has seen many improvements and additions over the years, yet it still continues to struggle to meet the needs of the PUD. Heating/AC struggle every year, parking is always a challenge, and we constantly receive complaints about possible allergens, mold, or asbestos worries. A new, larger campus would bring about many benefits including greater business interactions and sharing of ideas plus cut down on travel time and lack of communications that plague employees due to the scattered nature of our current physical separation of areas. A large Microsoft-like campus would allow employees to be much more efficient with their time and lead to better paths for collaboration of ideas. Show More
My idea for reinvestment is to replace our radio and microwave system. As it stands right now, we are maintaining both of our systems with second hand and refurbished parts because both systems have been at their end of life for some time now. I also know that if you were to start planning for replacement systems now, it will probably take around three years until implementation. The radio system is used for switching, dispatching and other communication and it has a better coverage area than any cell system. Needless to say, if there was a natural disaster, the cell system would be rendered useless because of the inundation of calls being made and the radio system will be the only means for crews and dispatch to communicate. This was proven while I worked for the Snohomish PUD during the Nisqually earthquake. A lot of times these systems get overlooked because they are quietly working seamlessly in the background and only when it fails or during an emergency will you notice how important they actually are. Show More
Provide training for core software applications. Software is an asset. The District does not require training for our core software applications. These include MS Office, PeopleSoft, Maximo and Primavera. Our employees cannot do their jobs efficiently and effectively when they don't know how to use the software needed in their jobs. Also, the District has digital asset management software, but does not require the use of or training in this software. No standards or processes have been set for archiving District photos. I believe there is a definite risk regarding being able to access project photos in the future because they are sitting in a box somewhere under a retired engineers desk and no one can locate them. Software training requirements need to be assigned to each job description and a training plan developed for each employee. This would require an ongoing software training program. Just as important as software training, is the training of the processes that utilize the software. They go hand-in-hand. Show More
It would be interesting to hear a discussion about instituting a Research & Development Division of Chelan County PUD. I don't know the first thing about the latest & greatest in the field of hydro power; however, what if there was a chance for Chelan County to be on the map for coming up with a way to be more efficient with water flows during droughts, or a brand new sealant that would save $$ in case of an event like Wanapum Dam? I am not sure if an R&D division would be allowed per regulations; I would be interested to know if not. Show More
This is a pipe dream (no pun intended); however, it would be awesome to not have HUGE, ugly, noisy power lines that run over most of Daroga Park.
Develop a utility assistance for low income households. Expand existing programs for seniors and disabled to qualifying low income households.
I would like to see a value placed on the improved water quality at lake Wenatchee and the Wenatchee river due to the Waste water treatment plants. These systems are struggling to cover costs and could use more funding to maintain the infrastructure. There is a direct relationship between water quality and fisheries, yet they are not subsidized. If these two waste water systems have such a dramatic improvement on water quality, then they should be assisted by the PUD as a whole. Show More
I would like to see funding available to allow the water and wastewater group actually use their apprenticeship program. On that same note, more funding for a training program would be key to the workers. While we have a safety program in place, it lacks a training element. The sort of training that keeps workers up to date on current safety techniques and issues. The current program is lacking and I know they can do better. Show More
I would like to see more funding available to the water department. As a self funded group, more funding would enable crews to keep up with workload and preventative maintenance.
I would like to see the PUD invest in mountain biking trails and recreation. Groups already exist and just need more funding. This kind of recreation is key to the area and a great benefit to all.
I would like to see the water department take over the City of Wenatchee's water system. This would be possible through funding and buyout of the city. This would allow EVERYONE in Wenatchee to see what real customer service and quality in work can do. Since the city is already surrounded by PUD and at all time staffing lows and the city is in a financial storm, now is the time to strike. Show More
It would be great to see funds invested in ways that could generate more money. Through property development or even towards growth of the Wenatchee Valley College. I see a great opportunity to develop property for housing or perhaps something else? Perhaps pump storage technology could be used to pump water to elevated areas and brought back during peak times for generation.
Use funds to find a way to bring the PUD together as a whole and eliminate "sand boxing" of groups. This would allow resources to work together more easily and efficiently.
Would very much like to see the fiber internet completed the last 100 yards down mule tail flats road, please.
Please bring fiber optics up to the end of the Entiat Valley.
Add a stage / amphitheater at Walla Walla Point Park.
Add more picnic shelters to increase service to the region.
Assist the City with funding the construction of the Hale Park site to provide waterfront features not found in PUD parks.
Assist with the development of the paddlers point project as an economic driver.
Work with the City of Wenatchee and Chelan Douglas Land Trust to create a sustainable trail and open space plan for the northern portion of the Wenatchee foothills.
My biggest concern is the debt load that you carry. Reducing and/or eliminating it should be a top priority. The PUD should have stuck to basics and never speculated and spent/lost a fortune on the diesel generating farm. Stick to what you do best.
Customers should not have to pay for and receive non HD programming when they have HD equipment. There is no reason for a customer to receive non HD channels today. Offering customer's an HD only package would be more attractive to customers, should increase take rate and cost less. Show More
There are quite a few homes and a camp up in Camas Meadows. They are currently not serviced by Public Power. I personally believe that additional homes would be built if there was Public Electricity. Get electricity to Camas Meadows should be a part of the P.U.D. long term plan.
Low power rates are fantastic. They bring power hungry business to the area. Do more PR about power rates—especially to the west side of the state. Economic development is vital to our area. CCPUD is in the forefront and should stay there.
The low rates are extremely important. Keep the M&O going along with updating & improvements. My biggest fear is the state will try to move into the power side- making a state wide rate. Local ownership is extremely important.
The PUD is a creature of the State of Washington and its “charter” can be changed at any time by the legislature. At a time when power is becoming more expensive for many state residents, Chelan PUD should be careful (or politically correct) about how it deals with the benefits we reap because of our abundant resource. This concern was first expressed by the Board of Commissioners in the mid 1990’s. At that time the board was looking forward to the time when obligations related to power contracts would expire and revenue from excess power sales would start to increase. The concern then was a political one. It should also be a concern now. A strategic vision that appears to flaunt the advantage we have could have negative political repercussions if powerful political interests from the “Westside” decide they want the same advantages. I have been somewhat surprised that someone from the “other side” have not proposed creating a state power agency that would spread the benefits of our cheap power over the entire state. So, while we create a vision that may bring additional benefits to our community, we need to be humble about it. Emphasizing the fact that inexpensive power helps create jobs in our rural/agricultural community and emphasizing that we carry a large debt which needs to be repaid should help us in that effort. Show More
Trails. Its all about trails to surround and connect cities, towns and existing PUD facilities. Part of the network already exists. But we need many more trails to fully support our quality of life and our tourism industry. Probably only the PUD can successfully foster and directly support a county-wide network of trails. Such a network would make biking (and our highways) safer and would return far more on the investment than almost anything else we could do in Chelan County. Show More
Consider looking at all of Chelan county that is occupied by humans and assess how well their sewage effluent is managed. Does it have a measurable negative impact on our rivers, streams and lakes? For sewage effluent outside of municipalities that does have a negative impact, I think a very good use of PUD resources would be to prioritized and fix the problems. Potable water distribution systems are less important. People will figure out how to get potable water on their own, so I am not sure the PUD should expand its potable water systems. Show More
Next to delivering electricity to almost every residence and business in the county, the fiber system is the best thing the PUD has ever done. I have a faster internet connection at home than I do at my sometimes work location in Berkeley, California. My concern about this system is that resources need to be set aside to ensure that it will be upgraded to provide increasing top speeds to the end user. Making increasingly high speeds available to every connection is crucial to the economic development of the area. We would not think of giving some areas access to only 120 volts on the electrical grid. But that is the way the fiber system is now. Some areas cannot get a 100X100 mpbs connection because their equipment is old and upgrading is VERY expensive. So 1) fix the system so everyone has equal access to the top speeds and then 2) plan for speed upgrades systematically. Think GoogleFiber that currently offers10 times faster speeds (1000 mpbs) than the PUD in 3 cities. Show More
Consider undergrounding power lines where that increases safety and reliability and improves viewscapes.
It is great that we have low electricity rates. Or is it? We are so far below the state and national averages that we are a target for redistribution of the wealth. Consider slowly raising rates at the same time that we initiate a rebate structure that would equitably return funds to end users. This would at least lower our profile in terms of detractors wanting to raid our cheap electricity. The PUD exists because of enabling legislation. That legislation could be changed almost overnight if the people in western Washington or in Washington DC decide that this is an unfair situation. Another consideration is that the PUD really needs to operate as efficiently as possible, and tightening the corporate belt will help us all. Show More
I would like to see a broader range of park types—in particular, gardens (like the xeriscapes and flowerbeds but much more); and natural areas like the pond by the bridge between Riverfront and Walla Walla.
Maintaining and upgrading the PUD's hydropower dams is crucial. The crack in Wanapum Dam shows how critical it is to assess and monitor structural stability of the dams. One part of this is seismic safety. With the recent discovery of what is likely to be the offset of the 1872 earthquake in Spencer Canyon, the PUD needs to stay ahead of this issue doing whatever seismic upgrades are warranted by new information. The PUD can also spearhead greater awareness of earthquake safety in Chelan County. It is not a question of if but only when we will see a return of an earthquake similar to the 1872 quake. Most people are ill-prepared because they think big earthquake only occur California. The PUD could help change that. Show More
There is a fenced catwalk at Riverfront Park stretching out into the river. Can you convert that and add an observation platform on top? It would be an amazing view up and down the river, close to downtown Wenatchee. I imagine a plaque pointing out sights, and maybe a telescope. Show More
Think big and bold! I envision idyllic natural areas, serene Japanese gardens, manicured flower beds like Butchart Gardens. Imagine the tourism value, with people coming from all around the world to enjoy such an attraction! The PUD has proved it can build and maintain parks very well. The best parks in the country: that's part of my vision for Chelan County. Show More
Geese love bluegrass ("goose candy") and open expanses of lawn with direct access to water. Imagine these amazing parks without pesky leave-behinds! Can we minimize the number of places where there's a clear line to the water by increasing the riparian area or planting landscaping between the lawn and the water? How about converting non-sports lawn to other kinds of landscaping? And can we use non-toxic chemical deterrents in a few targeted areas (where people like to put blankets or run barefoot)? Show More
I would like to see an aquatic center down at Walla Walla Point Park like the one they have in Penticton, BC. I wouldn't want everything to be the same, but it's a great model to look at! It's indoors, with big windows, lots of in-water activities (like a lazy river, floaty toys, and some slides). Indoors would actually be great given our cold winters! But ours could be partly outdoors too. Show More
Lake Chelan water quality is a significant issue. The PUD could help ensure an effective, long-term plan by supplementing state funding of water quality monitoring. This could be done through a wide range of mechanisms. In spite of WRIA 47 planning and past sampling, we really do not understand how the lake works and why. As most any long-term resident will tell you, overall water clarity is declining. The PUD has supported excellent prior studies. However, the long-term baseline measurement of water quality are limited. Even if the plan proposed under WRIA 47 is fully implemented, we will have a limited data set and understanding of the Lake. Funding limitations are likely to impact the plan meaning that we will have even less information than proposed. The important thing is that we have the appropriate organization in place so we can look back 10 years from now and say, yes, we are on the path to a long-term baseline, and a level of understanding of the lake that enables us to predict what it will be like in the future, intervening to preserve water quality if necessary. My view is that no one organization is likely to fund all the monitoring and science that is necessary, but the PUD could be a significant contributor. One interesting aspect of this is science education. Currently there is a plan to involve secondary school student to revive Sechi Disk measurements, but this could be greatly expanded and the PUD could be part of that. Imagine the buzz that could be generated if we took a submersible to the bottom of Lake Chelan for the first time! Show More
This is more a question than an idea (or maybe my idea is to study this question). Could high-speed wireless eventually make fiber obsolete for retail distribution? I understand that fiber is theoretically unlimited in speed, but could we get to the point where wireless is fast enough and more affordable for the needs of most users? I read that they are talking about forming a gigabit 5G consortium in Europe. If this happens, it seems like investing in fiber infrastructure could be a losing strategy. I'd just be curious to know. Show More
I propose that students who are eligible for free and reduced lunch also be eligible for free or reduced fiber service at home. Internet access makes a huge difference for students at home. When schools can count on every student having internet access at home, it dramatically increases the options for learning flexibility.
I do not believe the telecom program should have to pay for itself. It is more important that every person in this county have affordable access to world-class internet than that the program be in the black. This is a great area for applying public power benefit for the benefit of all—our economy, our education, our public safety, our quality of life.
I don't necessarily think the PUD should be obligated to provide fiber access to all areas as long as a comparable wireless service can be provided. But the key word is "comparable." I think having high speed internet is an extraordinary boost to quality of life.
I definitely believe we should stay in the fiber & telecom business. In a rural area like ours, we will never be a priority location for the latest high speed access in the eyes of private network providers; we will always lag behind—no matter how fast speeds become. Add to that the ongoing kerfuffle over net neutrality, the lack of any real competition among last mile providers, and the notoriously aggravating customer service of national telcos. All told, I strongly favor keeping local control of our telecom systems. This security and stability alone is a wonderful benefit our PUD can provide. Show More
Could the PUD move its headquarters? It might free up some prime real estate in down town Wenatchee and make it possible to build an up-to-date building somewhere else.
It's time for a new HQ building. Having spent some time in the PUD headquarters on multiple occasions, I believe the environment is sub-par and is negatively impacting worker productivity, wellbeing, recruiting, and (most importantly) accessibility. Windows are scarce, ceilings are low, lighting is dim (and the list goes on). I'm particularly concerned about the unfriendliness of the building to people with disabilities. Even the most basic facilities, such as bathrooms (and signs on bathrooms), are not anywhere near up to code. If I were wheelchair bound or blind, I would not want to work there unless I had to. Chelan County is the kind of place where people take care of each other. Just because the building is grandfathered in doesn't mean it's ethically justifiable to leave it as is. A building upgrade is long overdue, and while I'm no expert, it's difficult to imagine simply renovating this building into the 21st century. Here's a test: if you sold the building to a private company with a similar number and kind of employees, would they bother renovating it, or would they start over? Show More
Complete modernization at Rock Island PH1 to ensure long range viability.
Pave the CM parking lot and driveway to Rocky Reach so employees and equipment are not damaged.
The district needs a building to house the huge investments in mobile equipment and keep it out of the weather.
As a PUD employee I would love to see a new HQ complex built in Wenatchee. The complex would need to be large enough to accommodate proper, larger parking areas for employees and the public. The current parking areas are to limited and can be a safety concern. The service building could be in a separate location with plenty of room for the line crew, trucks and warehouse facilities. Show More
Continue to build out the fiber.
Don't sell the electricity and then raise the users rates.
Extend fiber to more of the community.
I am very grateful for the opportunities in career development. (e.g., Tuition Reimbursement). I would like to encourage CCPUD to support employees in career development with 100% funding for bachelor and master degrees for employees working full time and going to school.
I would like to see a broader employee recognition program that can provide recognition on small levels (project completion celebrations) as well as large projects. Monetary, or leave for saving money, creating a better process, major project savings. Transparency with the community is important on this too. Employees have earned this kind of expansion to the current program. Show More
Make it more accessible to everyone.
Thank you for paying down the debt.
Use large diesel pumps to blow water on the fires. (EMD 645 4000HR Pumps) Show More
A modern machine and fab shop is needed at Rock Island in preperation of work resulting from a power house 2 modernization. PH2 is 40 years old and motor unit work will begin in 5-10 years.
Develop a full records management system to promote operational excellence, stewardship, trustworthiness and safety. Records management failure has been identified by the District as a Key Risk. WAPUDA recently presented an excellent workshop on records management and the programs that some of the member PUDs have in place are impressive. Of particular note were organizations that are smaller than our PUD that have dedicated staff in a Records Management Department. In addition to providing substantial mitigation to key risks, the investment in a fully developed Records Management (RM) program and staff would support the District values. Having a well-defined RM program and an accountable staff would help ensure continuous improvement in the way the District performs RM functions. It would prevent the loss of critical documents, such as those pertaining to agreements, warranties, and decision processes. The District could be subject to fines and legal action if it were not able to produce documents in a timely matter (or at all). It is in the interest of all our stakeholders and the protection of District resources to have this subject under control. Should the District fail to comply with RM rules and regulations, it would be damaging to our reputation and relationships, and demonstrate a lack of competence. Having a RM program in place supports safety in that it would help assure that incident records, lessons learned, training materials, and other safety documents are secure and accessible to the appropriate employees and fulfill the requirements of document retention/disposition. Show More
Encourage business to locate here that provide high paying jobs. Perhaps use a calculation that evaluates the amount of power consumption versus the payroll of the business. Send rebate/dividend checks to all of the customer/owners of the PUD. Much of this money would be spent in the county improving the economy here.
It would be nice to get water toys in Walla Walla Park like the ones in Rotary Park. Water can be recycled into irrigation for the park.
Be wary about not removing private land from the tax base by giving land to non-profits.
Build bike paths to Leavenworth and Chelan. This could become a major tourist draw for the valley. Bike paths are lower maintenance than parks (don't have to mow grass, maintain sprinklers, lights, ball fields, toilets, etc.).
Build new parks in partnership (like a grant) to other entities. For example, provide the capital to build a new park at the Peshastin mill site but the PUD would not own or maintain the park.
Look at all existing parks and evaluate if some can be given to the city or state so the PUD does not have to pay ongoing maintenance costs. An alternative is to lease parks to private vendors. A private vendor could sell tourist items, supplies, rent camp spaces, host weddings/reunions etc. This would reduce the PUDs O&M costs at these facilities. Show More
We need more soccer fields in order to host a greater number of tournaments throughout the year which bring in families from across WA and directly contribute to growing our local economy.
Water and waste water are non-core buisinesses for the PUD. Spin off these buisiness into seperate water/sewer districts.
Match the services offered by the private telecom companies. The fiber business is in direct competition with several private companies. The biggest disservice at this time is the long wait periods to connect to the PUD fiber network. If a private can connect a house up for internect/TV in a week then the PUD should also provide the same service level. Show More
Someday a new technology will make fiber systems obsolete. An exit plan must be in place when this happens. A business case must be kept current to keep up with the profit/loss of this business line (what would we do if we lost half our fiber customers?). It may be 20+ years in the future, but someday the plug will be pulled on this technology. Show More
Improve reliability by building looped transmission into the Entiat valley and to the Lake Wenatchee / Plain areas.
Install a two way smart meter system. Smart meters can be used for outage identification and other services. Smart meters can reduce O&M costs by: reducing meter reading costs, remote reconnect/disconnect services, reducing truck rolls for move in/outs. Smart meters can offer other services like time of use pricing and pre-paid accounts.
Install large capacitor banks in transmission substations to reduce the VAR outputs from the dams. This would allow the generators to run more effeciently as well as reduce wear on the generators.
Partner with other utilites on high voltage transmission in the region. An ownership stake in various transmission lines gives us better access to wholesale customers and allows for another revenue source.
Encourage business to locate here that provide high paying jobs. Perhaps use a calculation that evaluates the amount of power consumption versus the payroll of the business.
Lend money to other utilities. For example, Okanogan PUD will need to borrow money for Enloe dam. Chelan PUD could lend them the money rather than Okanogan PUD going to Wall Street. This would provide Chelan PUD with a higher return then putting our cash in the bank.
Send rebate/divedend checks to all of the customer/owners of the PUD. Much of this money would be spent in the county improving the economy here.
Construct a new service center to consolidate Hawley shop, warehouses, fleet, fish and wildlife, and tech shop. This would improve efficiency of crews so all their equipment and supplies are at one location. A new location would be safer and more secure then the existing buildings. A possible location is the old DOT site on north Wenatchee Ave. This would also give HQ room to properly fence and secure the campus. Show More
I love the PUD parks. They are well kept and beautiful. But as an upper valley resident I don't use them nearly as much as I would like. I would love to see them improve, maintain or create new parks in the Cashmere, Dryden, Peshastin or Leavenworth area. Maybe in partnership with other agencies.
Continue expansion of a high-speed network (fiber or other alternative delivery methods) to the county. I understand that extension may be costly due to the remaining areas to be served but this is a public service equivalent to electrification in the 30s and 40s. There will be a point where new development should pay for line extensions, just like electric, but we’re not there yet. Show More
Expansion should be prioritized based on the net cost to serve each connection, lowest net cost first. Net cost should take into consideration the gross cost to extend fiber, less the projected revenue for those connections. Maybe have service providers collect 2 year service commitments for those that want new service, then build in the areas with committments first. While it may cost more to serve a certain area with say only 10 homes, if there is no viable alternative for those 10 homes, every one of them may want the service. It may be cheaper from a project standpoint to reach a different area with 100 homes, but if 99 of those are happy with the alternative options available to them, the net costs may not be as low. Show More
To create as many local jobs as possible, give priority to locally owned companies when making purchasing decisions, as long as the company can supply a quality product or work. Offer local small business training to help teach local business how to respond to bidding opportunities.
Have PUD employees manage and maintain all PUD owned parks, rather than outsourcing to the state. This would create higher-quality parks due to local control and responsiveness. This would also keep more dollars local for economic development; since some of what is paid to the state must be going to Olympia for management, that money would go to local management. Show More
Many, many windmills up in the hills.
Apply fire retardent higher up on the poles so they don't burn. It seems like applying the retardent 2-6 feet higher would prevent many burned poles.
Consider support of 'wireless' internet (such as Skyfi) in remote areas rather than fiber buildout. It seems much more cost effective.
Add a tool room on the Chelan County side of Rock Island.
Apprentice mechanics are needed.
At both CM and RI we could use more efficient shop areas. At CM, the building has been remodeled several times to try to increase productivity. But the building was not necessarily built to be a maintenance building. At RI the shop we are using is not conducive to a productive work area. Please look into building new maintenance shops at both locations. We could also benefit by having a tool room location on the PH2 side at Rock Island. Look at long term usage. It may cost a lot now but you may save a lot more in the long run. Show More
Build a new shop at Rock Island.
Build covered parking for trucks at Rock Island.
I believe we need to do a better job at protecting the planning department from being saturated. They need to be at the leading edge of the work but seem to have inherited responsibilities that, in my opinion, hamper their effectiveness. I have recently had the chance to help out in the planning department, here is my feedback. If the planner role is to tailor the timing of future roles they will need to work closely with engineers, purchasers, managers, and project managers, compliance and legal department, but not fulfill those roles. The planners I have observed do not lack motivation, skill, or an understanding of the process, not at all, what they do seem to lack is a defence from an unrealistic work load and expectation to be extremely familiar with every detail of every work order. Some real world examples I believe in are: Would productivity gains be made if all of the project managers were able to keep their projects and timelines up to date in Primavera? This tool, if underutilized, likely triples the effort for planners to understand timing of priority work and fit plans together effectively. I have seen several different methods employed for keeping track of timelines by project timing on the Primavera system seems to me to be a great goal. Why do we have planners attempting to understand every safety standard, code and law? Is this not why we have compliance, engineering handle this type of work in my opinion. The system seems to lack detailed structure for the entirety of a project. Responsibility is not clearly defined, parts to order and design seem optional, and priorities seem to compete, follow through is not emphasized. There in the middle of it all is the planner. Planners add work notes that the foreman and crews should have done and cover for anyone else who slacks off slightly. At the onset of any plan, if we are not focused, mistakes will be amplified throughout the entire execution. "Being busy does not always mean real work. The object of all work is production or accomplishment and to either of these ends there must be forethought, system, planning, intelligence, and honest purpose, as well as perspiration. Seeming to do is not doing." Thomas A. Edison Show More
Install a new fireline out to CM Yard.
We need a new milling machine at Rock Island.
We need a real warehouse building at CM pump storage and repair facility.
We need a shear at Rock Island.
We need new asphalt on parking lot and roadway.
[Take on] more parks for more opportunities for Park workers. Rocky Reach needs a swim beach or some kind of facilities for summer.
Add more soccer fields that can be used throughout the fall, summer and spring and not conflict with the softball fields.
Improve the sand volleyball courts. The rocks in the sand are keeping people away.
Improving the ball field dugouts, they are all too small and aren't utilized like they should be.
Create an outdoor fenced off gym.
Replace overhead with underground power for less view obstruction, public safety, and increased adjacent property values. Request adjacent land owners participation and input before power line/infrastructure changes take place that may affect the adjacent land owner’s properties for improved community involvement, communication and awareness. Show More
Create dedicated lanes for each: bike, walk, wheels (on trails).
Educate citizens to conserve water resources.
Electric vehicle charging stations in convenient and interesting locations!
Encourage conservation energy efficiency, reducing electricity usage.
Lets see electrified public transportation. Buses and trains, and electric bicycle. Sharing programs.
Plan for a future with less snow, so a way to retain runoff without flooding.
Protect wild salmon and allow them back up their ancestral spawning creeks.
Reinvest in alternative energy, particularly thorium reactors.
Maintain the parks as required to comply with the FERC licenses. No excessive spending.
I own two homes with Chelan PUD water. Charge each system the actual costs to provide safe and reliable water services.
Charge what is necessary to cover costs—no subsidies from other utility sources.
Charge what it costs to generate and deliver power.
Your ONLY role in economic development is providing utility services at the lowest possible long-term cost. I am very concerned by the notion that "enhancing quality of life is central to Chelan PUD's mission." Chelan PUD's mission is to deliver safe and reliable utility services to us, the customer owners. Show More
I say forget projections of huge cash surpluses, pay off the debt, and establish a billion dollars reserves. After these are reality, we can talk about reinvestment. In the recent past, Chelan PUD has spent excessively and accrued excessive debt—much of it driven by lofty goals of being the "big deal" in Chelan County and spending irresponsibly. I am very glad this situation has improved—there is still a mountain of debt and it is likely current projections underestimate the actual costs of future regulatory compliance, technological upgrades, and repair and replacement of aging infrastructure. Right now, we owe over $700 million dollars. Let's get debt free to the extent possible. Keep our costs of power, and other utilities, as low as possible forever. It is NOT Chelan PUD's job to create economic development by hiring any more people than necessary, or determining what is the greater good for Chelan County. The PUD is NOT the quasi-government of Chelan County—you are our utility, and your ONLY job is providing utility services as cost effectively as possible. Run it like a business, not a philanthropic organization. Show More
I think a bridge connecting the City of Orondo and the City of Entiat would not only be beneficial for commuters, but also for the cities themselves. It would increase ease of travel for those that either need to get to East Wenatchee or Wenatchee, it would possibly increase growth in the communities bringing in more business for PUD and the two cities, and if there was a fire between Wenatchee and Entiat, people would have to go all the way around through Chelan if the high way was closed. Since PUD is upgrading the park in Entiat, visitors would be more drawn to the area because they could see more with less effort needing to be put in. This would increase business for the surrounding area. This would also benefit Waterville. Show More
Add picnic tables, some covered.
Build a 2,500 seat baseball stadium!
Can parts of play (used) equipment be donated to non-profit? Parts that aren't damaged.
Continue working on Fiber. Reinvest.
Could use music events/walks.
Develop grey water usage for yard irrigation.
Expand access to irrigation H2O.
Flying foxes (zip lines).
Higher hoops on basketball courts.
Improve trail safety: bikers vs. pedestrians / runners (safe for both).
Improve ventiliation in restrooms. Other than that, you do a great job!
More large shelters would be nice at Walla Walla Park. Outstanding facility though! (Visitor from Puyallup)
More security. I'm seeing a lot of crime in a beautiful park that has been a very cool place on the other hand. Thank you!
More water things for the kids to play in.
Park looks great this year. No recommendations. Thank you!
Water features like funtains to play in, in the summer.
My idea for economic development is to place locks at the Rocky Reach dam that would allow river traffic to move from Wenatchee to Chelan. If the change is profitable this may be extended to other dams. The locks might even help with fish migration although I'm not certain about this. I lived several years in Germany and I was thoroughly impressed with their river cruises and the transportation of goods over their rivers. Show More
Hydro Park could really use something for kids to play on, much like the parks in Wenatchee have.
Reinvest in facilities supporting District operations. Well designed and modern facilities will lead to gains in efficient work process and practices. Facilities utilized by hydro mechanics and wiremen, linemen, technicians, fleet service, fish & wildlife, and warehousing are outdated with today's modern workforce. Committment to the work force is a powerful and meaningful way to inspire pride and ownership; reinvesting in the basic facilities that support the labor force would be a great message of commitment and recognition of the value those areas bring to the District. Show More
Add water features to existing PUD parks, including an aquatics center for families.
Assume operational control for Lincoln Rock, Wenatchee Confluence and Daroga state parks.
Be ready for increased use because of development.
Establish a business model that consolidates the PUD’s four utility services into one.
Establish a political partnership between the PUD’s external affairs team and the homebuilders and realtors associations to work together on issues of mutual interest.
Reduce residential electric service connection fees, but add impact fees for large industrial customers.
Use the North Central Washington Homebuilders Association to promote the use of LED lighting and other energy conservation measures.
Please consider exploration in hydrogen fueling stations.
Add amenities to the existing parks, including additional boat launches.
Add recreation programming.
Entry archways into our parks. Archways that say something to the fact: benefits of hydro power brought to you by powers of Chelan PUD.
Establish an educational program about PUD utilities to create a pipeline for local students to eventually gain employment at the District.
Expand the fiber system to include areas not presently served.
Extend the PUD into the community by closing the doors on a week day and requiring everyone to perform community service work throughout Chelan County.
Help support the installation of electric vehicle charging stations countywide.
How about a 9 hour work day? 4x9 = 36. 4 day work week?
Improve infrastructure required to promote solar and wind generating facilities.
Reduce electrical rates for customers.
Reduce the electrical and water service connection fees.
Take advantage of existing educational and employment resources to promote local employment at the District.
Use energy conservation as a tool for promoting the regional economy.
Expand your educational opportunities to include support of a STEM middle school/high school that focuses on science topics needed by the PUD and the community.
Fund a school or recruit a business that focuses on existing and emerging energy research.
Give incentives to new businesses that provide family wage jobs in this area. Working in conjunction with cities and county, actively pursue family wage businesses by offering incentives.
Identify the skills and training needed to support current businesses and future businesses.
Offer week-long or longer summer programs for middle school and high school students. Having students exposed to hands-on real-world experiences broadens their understanding of the concepts they are learning in the classroom.
Provide support in education and infrastructure for homeowners who would like to pursue other energies such as solar, wind, or geothermal.
To expand the conversation [about] taking overhead lines underground: provide incentives for homeowners to convert overhead lines to underground. Maybe split the cost instead of homeowners paying the whole cost. Inform homeowners when maintenance is schedule in their neighborhood—and offer up options to go underground to homeowners / neighborhoods.
It would be nice if you would finish what you started with your fiber connections. We live one block in from the Wenatchee Valley collage on 4th st. Fiber is all around us but not for us. It is half way down our block and behind and in front of us. Why leave out a small space area in the middle of things? We would hook up and get rid of high priced cable and satellite dish access to TV, internet, and phone. I would much rather support our PUD than the others I mentioned. I'm sure many others feel the same way. All the info you are giving me about the fiber does NO GOOD when we don't have access. Show More
The PUD does a Wonderful job with our parks in the greater Wenatchee area. I have been across the United States and no other state can compare with our parks. THANK YOU for our BEAUTIFUL parks. Keep up the good work. Show More
Expand your website so it is a place people go to learn about alternative energies or conservation tips. Offer videos and a step-by-step process for installing solar, wind, or other alternative energy. Do not send visitors to other websites - instead draw them back to your website with up-to-date, relevant information. Your Lightly email/pamphlet is a great start! Show More
I think the PUD should have a plan to eliminate the Mil-Foil in the lake. It is ruining Lake Entiat for fishing off docks, swimming and use of both gas and row boats. This is no joke. I have not seen any action by the PUD to end this situation except around parks. Show More
How about giving me the fiber-optic to my house like you did most of the County previously. I had paid to have fiber-optic throughout our home and spent many thousands of dollars on the installation of cables and panel when I had our house built in 2006. Here it is 2014 and we still don't have fiber-optic to our neighborhood. And to further rub salt in my wounds you want me to pay to have it brought in. Show More
Build an amphitheater for music.
Enforce dog off leash rules.
Get the skateboards, the bikes and the pot heads out of the park. The skateboards and bikes just about run you over. Pot heads can be very loud and use bad language.
Plant more shade trees in Walla Walla Point Park.
Take State Parks back: no pass.
Let's reinvest in our employees—the people without whom the PUD would not exist; the people who deliver our products and services to our customer owners and keep the lights on. One powerful way to do this is to increase tuition reimbursement. Each year, only a handful of employees choose to pursue higher education. They go back to college to earn an AA degree, a BA or BS or a Masters Degree. Currently the PUD reimbuses up to 6K per year if all requirements are met. This is enough for most employees who take several classes a year. It is not enough for those actively purusing a Bachelors or Masters Degree. Employees have earned MBAs and one now is earning a Masters in Engineering. Lets encourage these employees and others by reimbursing 100% for classes where the employee earns a "B" or better. Show More
I would love to see the PUD support free Wi-Fi in the major cities in our service territory. Avista Corp. did this in downtown Spokane and it was a huge boon to the city. All sorts of connections started happening that didn't happen before - such as hospitals sharing data and universities sharing data, like they had never done before. There was also great publicity about the city being a "hip" community that appeals to young people. It would support economic development in our area, which obviously benefits our customer owners. Show More
Focus on "Technology & Innovation and Communications" vs. fiber.
Invest in free public wifi in major city centers, i.e.: Wenatchee, Chelan, Leavenworth.
Lift the limit on the numbers of new fiber connections allotted each year. I'm not referring to the build out.
Lower wholesale costs to ISP's encourage savings to be passed on to end users.
To create as many local jobs as possible, give priority to locally owned companies when making purchasing decisions, as long as the company can supply a quality product or work. Offer local small business training to help teach local business how to respond to bidding opportunities. Show More
Apprenticeship for water department. Our staff level is down and need young new staff to take over as people retire. Work load throughout district for other trades—not only our needs—should be looked at for maintenance.
Move fleet & line crew so they are not down town.
Steel poles don't burn. Or cement poles.
Stream Line businesses under one business.
Training for staff to be not just what they do but people persons that become good leaders. From top to bottom. Some are good with business but not with people.
Water department should sell bottled water.
Add dirt bike trails in Sage Hills & Parks.
We currently have the largest concentration of tree fruit experts and expertise in the world right here in Chelan County. My vision is to be able to say the same for energy and electrification: that this county has the highest concentration of energy and electrification experts and expertise in the world. The PUD could take a leading role in establishing our county at the cutting edge of this industry. Show More
It is my opinion that the Districts Park programs are extremely important for driving economic growth. We are unique in Washington in that we have built an amazing economic and responsible ecosystem. I think it important that we do our best to continue and improve upon that tradition. We should continue to invest in our parks systems and looked to ways that we can help other entities that want to connect with our park infrastructure. Our parks and recreation opportunities are one of the reason I love our area so much. Show More
Although I support the idea of low cost high speed internet, the fact that we cannot effectively reach every customer in the District bothers me a bit. Subsidizing some while not being able to get to everyone is a bit of a sore subject. I applaud our efforts and the hard work that is gone into the network, but I wonder if they money could not better be spent somewhere else. Show More
Take over management of the parks that are currently being managed by Washington State. The PUD does a much better job of keeping up the parks.
Expand boat ramps in all parks.
Charge the City of Wenatchee for the Town Toyota Center and the owners of the new apartment complexes and Pybus market for their use of parking space in the Wenatchee Riverfront Park. It’s not uncommon to see cars parked on the grassy ares in the park during events at the Town Toyota Center. Show More
Expand the fiber optic system to serve the entire county—including rural areas and areas that are served with direct-buried power.
Re-institute the policy of providing fiber optic conduit & vaults free of charge to developers and residential customers extending power to their properties. Require the installation of fiber with all new development. This would give PUD service engineers more control over the quality of the installations. The PUD would benefit from the free installation of those raceways and would facilitate a faster build out of the system. Show More
Expand the number of fiber linemen and engineers so that the Fiber department can keep up with demand for services. The fiber department, as currently staffed, cannot keep up with basic maintenance caused by annual electric system improvements which is creating a massive backlog of work. Take a look around the County and see all of the electrical poles that have been replaced, but still have the old pole with fiber attached. Electric crews cannot remove the old poles until Fiber has been transferred to the new poles. This creates an eyesore to the public and a safety hazard to homeowners and motorists. Show More
Subsidize a portion of the cost for the extension of power to remote areas that do not currently have service to existing homes—e.g., Emerson Acres in Manson.
Status quo: do not encourage the development of server farms, bit coin farming or the like, as these types of businesses could greatly reduce our wholesale revenue and limit our ability in the future to benefit the residents of Chelan County.
Build a gas-fired turbine generating plant on the Rock Island project near Alcoa. We have ample land available, existing transmission lines and there is a natural gas line in the area. This would provide new jobs and would diversify our generation capability for low water years. Show More
Continue to invest in modernization of our generators and hydro facilities.
Increase funding for our cable replacement program to maintain reliability.
Improve and modernize our headquarters complex by tearing down the Tech Shop & Service building and building a new modern multi-story building with a parking garage below and a sky bridge to existing HQ bldg. Make sure to provide for one acceptable customer/visitor lobby & reception area instead of multiple areas currently. Make sure office layout is adequate for future expansion. Engineering offices should reflect the need for focus on tasks: i.e., no low walled cubicles, no busy conference rooms adjacent to engineering, no open concept office. Plan for adequate break areas. Show More
No additional investment in "green" technologies. Let public demand drive the need electric hybrid car plug-ins, not the vocal minority. We already have a few plug in stations out there … but has anyone ever seen them actually being used? Show More
As a customer facing employee, I hear high value placed on electrical system reliability and fiber build out. I am not a customer-owner, but because I am a customer facing employee, I have had the opportunity to be on the receiving end of customer feedback. The two items that are frequently brought up in conversation by our customers are: “Am I going to have to be without power and how long will I be without power?” (indicating a high value given to reliability) and “Do you know when we will receive fiber service?” (suggesting the need for build out). Show More
Value the workforce by allotting a certain amount of training opportunities for each employee annually from the top of the company to the bottom. Have HR meet with the employee one-on-one to determine training opportunities and career goals. Show More
Treat all bargaining unit employees equally with regards to annual general wage increases. If journeyman positions get 3%, all bargaining unit positions get 3%. This would build unity and reflect the intent of a cost of living increase.
Develop a list of fees to be charged to other agencies for all of their projects that impact existing PUD infrastructure or require the PUD to provide oversight. This would be in response specifically to the Chelan County's exorbitant fees for County right of way permits.
Promote from within for all positions. Expand the Leadership program for current employees that express interest in supervisory positions, specifically within their fields of expertise.
No windmill farms in Chelan County. We live in a scenic area with excellent deer and elk habitat.
In support of the District’s value “Operational Excellence” it is recommendation that the District improve the processes and tools, through implementation of systematic quality improvement projects. Over the years compliance and regulatory requirements have increased at a significant rate. These requirements affect our operations and processes. Based upon the requirement deadlines and resource demands, processes and the tools have been applied that are not always efficient or effective in providing reasonable assurance that compliance can be maintained. In addition, these processes and tools can impact the efficiency of other operating activities. Show More
One pressing need for outlying parts of Chelan County is year-around indoor PUBLIC recreational facilities, including community swimming pools, field houses, workout rooms, and assembly facilities. What would justify PUD involvement? The PUD has created reservoirs on the Columbia River, controls the lake level of Lake Chelan and has made facilities to enjoy these water features. But, there is no systematic means of training the local populace to swim so they can enjoy the water without losing their lives. Unfortunately, this situation impacts our hispanic residents disproportionately. Recreation facilities in the Chelan Valley, the Wenatchee River Valley, and in South Wenatchee or the Malaga area, each with swimming programs would cover the need and enable Chelan County residents to enjoy the water behind the dams with much greater safety. Show More
Unfortunately the PUD has the reputation for paying the highest wages in the county for laid back jobs. Much of this reputation stems from events in the past, but it lingers. The PUD needs to 1) provide transparency as to what people are paid for specific job categories and 2) seek parity with similar jobs/skills across the state and the Pacific Northwest. The PUD Should hire the best people from local and national labor pools, but wages should reflect appropriate levels for the area and, when needed, national talent pools. Show More
The PUD pays a "Privilege Tax" in lieu of county property tax. The privilege tax only comes back to the local governments per state law. Would it not be possible for the PUD to agree with Chelan County to pay certain additional funds directly to the County that would be additional payment in lieu of property tax? The citizens of Chelan County have a huge tax problem. As lands are being withdrawn from the private sector by donation to non-profits, the rest of us are left to pay more and more taxes on the land we own. While I think most of us see the value of land dedicated to public purposes, if the current trend continues it will end badly. The PUD could help reverse the permanent loss of private lands from the tax rolls by a bi-lateral agreement with Chelan County for additional payments in lieu of property tax. Show More
Chelan County is a great place to live. Nature at our doorstep, a healthy environment, great people, etc. etc. But part of nature here is being progressively diminished by the growth in lighting that is not dark skies compliant. So we see less and less of the night sky every year. The PUD could take some very effective actions to create a dark-sky county. 1. Provide 100 % rebates to home owners who install new lighting or replace old lighting with dark-sky compliant lights. 2. Fund the systematic replacement of public lighting (for example street lights), starting with the brightest upward pointing lights until all public lights are dark-sky compliant. The PUD could start with its own facilities first! 3. Require new commercial power users over a certain size (for example big-box stores) to install lighting that is both dark skies compliant and energy efficient. These straightforward actions would make a huge decrease in our light pollution and make us model county for the rest of the country. Bring back the night sky in central Washington! See http://www.darksky.org/ for more information. Show More
I would also propose that if there is Fiber at key locations like, Fields Point, Old Mill Park, or other locations with a good view of the lake etc. Those would be good locations to put that fiber to work by installing web cams for the public to check lake conditions. I’m not familiar with how many hits the lake level page gets, but I think this would be a popular web page. Even if Fiber is not there this would be a worthwhile investment in that it serves the public in not only allowing people to see the lake but more importantly to check lake conditions for Safety. Show More
Since all of the rate payers paid for a portion of the park system let’s make it fair for everyone and require Manson Parks to remove their surcharge they add on for boaters that do not live in Manson and would like to use the Old Mill Park Launch facilities. It cost's extra for those of us that live in Chelan County but not in Manson to use the Launch facilities. Or put another way Manson resident's get a discount that other rate payers don't. Show More
Create a Gigabit Community! There are several places in the US where communities are getting Internet speeds of 1 Gigabit (40x faster than our standard 25Mb) and these speeds are being delivered by Google, AT&T, Centurylink, and several others for $70 a month. Last year, the FCC issued the Gigabit City challenge (see http://tinyurl.com/atye6ad). They challenged businesses to build a gigabit community in every state by 2015. The benefits for the community include new tech sector businesses and jobs, keeping talented young people in the area, and increasing home values. There are several project announced for Seattle, but they are limited to a few buildings or developments. Chelan County has the opportunity to become the gigabit community in Washington state using the existing fiber optic network. The recent GPON upgrade will install equipment that allows 1GB connections to any house on the network. At that point, it does not require any extra equipment or labor to upgrade a 25Mb home to a 1GB home. The District could eliminate all of the rates for any service less than 1GB and just support one speed. The retail ISPs have the option to throttle their customers to something less than 1GB, but it would be based on their own internal bandwidth usage, not on the transport pipe. The District’s cost to turn up a one Gigabit connection would be the same as turning up a one Megabit connection. This plan has not been implemented because the backbone network on the fiber system has not been upgraded to handle that level of traffic. This backbone upgrade would be a onetime $5-10 million project. This would provide enough bandwidth for several years of growth on the network. Show More
At one point the District was talking about getting out of the water/ww business. If we're going to continue to provide these services, let's place more emphasis on conservation by emphasizing sustainable irrigation practices, system leak detection and consumer awareness. Even though scarcity is not the problem here that it is in the southwest, let's look to the future and begin to protect and enhance our water resource now. Show More
You need to extend fiber service to everyone in the County or at least the most populated portions of the County. It’s unacceptable that we, who live just outside Cashmere, don't have the same service as the people who live just outside of Leavenworth. Show More
Install recycling containers.
Work with community partners to develop recreation facilities in the Upper Valley, potentially at the old Peshastin mill site.
Work with community partners to enhance limited development of the Columbia waterfront, while preserving the parks for the use of everyone.
It's my belief that Chelan PUD should be a leader in sustainability. The PUD should be weighing its purchases of products and services on a scale that always tilts toward environmental stewardship. Our buildings should reflect an ethic of energy and water conservation; our vehicles should be electric, hybrids or low-fuel-consumers; our printers should be double-sided. We should do business with vendors who respect environmentally responsible practices and operate that way themselves. Show More
Please remember to reinvest in the great group of employees you have here, not just at the top but through all "bands." The current system that stops experienced, knowledgeable employees at a mid-range salary is unfair and discourages loyalty and innovation.
Provide rate-based incentives to attract data centers into Chelan County, much like Grant County does. However, attach contingencies to the incentives that require the data centers to bring ALL (or most) of the jobs here. Data Centers do actually employ a lot of people if you include all the support personnel that are typically stationed off site. This may require a partnership with other local public entities to provide other tax-related incentives. Show More
There is much growth in the Sunnyslope area. I see you updating existing fiber programs, but have not heard about expanding the network to this area where numerous good paying customers reside. I hope this will be taken into consideration as this is an area of customers who would appreciate the network. Show More
Create learning opportunities for employees interested in moving up or to a different department. Hire internally! There are a lot of people that would love to learn another job and further their career but are unable to due to a small lapse in training. People feel stuck and can only apply for low entry level jobs sometimes at the risk of a pay decrease. Show More
As our City and County move into the future, I suggest that we upgrade our in-city distribution system to an underground system. Our current over-head distribution system is old, getting unreliable and very unattractive. I would like to see our PUD develop a long range plan (say 10 to 20 years) to slowly replace the overhead components with underground components. Show More
Provide users with KWH price information in real time so users can schedule their usage during low cost periods.
Reinvest in the visitor center at Rocky Reach. Right now it seems incredibly dated and there isn't much draw there to get our community excited about all the things the PUD provides. The visitor center should feature all the services we offer, not just hydropower: fiber, water/wastewater, conservation, distribution, etc. . Grand Coulee redid their visitor center a few years ago and it is amazing. There are interesting, interactive displays. Rocky Reach is a bit of a snooze. Kids should grow up in the Valley being proud of their PUD heritage and I feel a quality visitors' center is an important piece of this. Show More
I suggest gradually raising electric rates to the true cost of delivering power and then distributing an equal share of the "profit" at the end of the year to the “customer/owners". The huge advantage of this is the incentive for people to save energy, which means more energy to sell on the open market, which means more money overall coming into the district and more money back to our customer/owners. Show More
Paint a yellow line down the riverfront path to give people sense of direction and where they need to be on the path, so they are not stepping in front of cyclists and other people. Without this, it is a recipe for injury to other people. Other paths have this (e.g., Greenlake in Seattle). This is something that has been needed for a long time. I would donate time for this, as would many other people. Show More
Build an all inclusive headquarters campus combining the employees from the CTC, Hawley St, F&W and the Service Building. We could really use a building with up to date technology and overall a better work environment. Design this facility with the idea of promoting wellness in mind (include locker rooms, etc). Happy, healthy employees are productive, innovative employees. Show More
Add dog parks (off leash).
Keep Lake Chelan water elevation up longer from Memorial Weekend through September. Even within the license take a little more risk and keep the lake up longer and be willing to compromise on the power generation revenue for the benefit of the Lake Chelan economy and therefor the economy of the entire county.
Please make more seating areas along the river in which you can actually see the water. There are benches but they are to far away from the fence or there are plants growing into the fence that you cant see anything at all. What’s the point of a beautiful relaxing river if you can't sit and actually see it? Show More
The PUD needs to be willing to keep the lake up longer even if it means compromising some power generation revenue for the benefit of the Lake Chelan valley. The PUD's lake level management program is destroying the recreational and economic viability of Lake Chelan for the residents, and putting at risk the economic viability of the tourist and hospitality businesses in the Lake Chelan Valley that depend on the lake. The lake level management goals SHOULD be to maintain the lake at a usable lake level from the Memorial Day weekend through the end of September. By Memorial Day weekend the lake level should be at not less than 1097 thus allowing limited use of docks and boat lifts. By July 1st the lake level should be at not less than 1099.5. The summer full lake level of not less than 1099.5 should be maintained through to September 30th. By October 31 the lake level could go down to not less than 1097. Hopefully there is operational flexibility within the license requirements to allow the PUD to address our lake level management concerns. Show More
Keep Lake Chelan full from July 1st through September.
I would like to see the water levels at higher levels from Memorial Day through the end of September. The lake is a valuable economic resource for the Chelan Valley from the tourism industry and also increases the tax base from the waterfront homes and vacation homes. A shortened season with low lake levels diminish property values and discourage tourism. Chelan County PUD is also a user of this valuable resource and should respect the property owners and other lake stakeholders around Lake Chelan. Show More
Please consider the residents and businesses of the Chelan area when managing the levels of Lake Chelan throughout the summer. It would be very helpful to maintain the lake at “useable” levels from memorial day to labor day—say around elevation 1097 at the end of May and the first two weeks of June, and then nearer full pool the rest of the summer. We understand you need to keep the lake at a certain level during the early months of summer to avoid spilling too much water that could damage the new fish habitat during a combination event of warm weather and thunderstorms. However, it seems that the margin of lake level safety needed is not nearly as great as what is currently being experienced during late May and the first two weeks of June. It is hard to understand why bringing the lake up earlier creates such a hardship on the PUD from losing power generation revenue. It would seem bringing the lake up earlier would allow you to generate more power spread out over the late June and early July time periods when power needs are greater than mid May to mid June. It would be great if you could respond to this comment. Also please note that keeping the lake levels low during the warm weather of late May and early June creates significant safety hazards around the shorelines of the lake, especially for children—rendering the lake virtually unusable and very unsightly. Show More
Re-establish the build out. Those of us in the rural area of the county deserve equal opportunity for 21st century service.
Replace our direct burial power line with a conduit run. We don't want another 8 hour failure.
I am not sure why you are in the P&R business. It seems to me the various localities, especially where the Parks are within designated cities like Chelan, should be owned and operated by those localities.
Please sell the Chelan Parking lot and Chamber building to the City of Chelan.
As far as I can tell those phone land line backup batteries are part of your original telecom delivery system, and must be replaced as part of a maintenance plan—so please don't pass the cost of this unplanned maintenance solely on your land line customers. It is part of the total system cost and should be spread accordingly. Show More
LocalTel does the finest job I have ever seen at telecom service delivery and customer service. Having said that I have got the impression the LocalTel is not happy with their dealings with the Chelan PUD. You should treat this quality business with the respect and favorable business relations they deserve.
You wanted to be in the retail delivery of fiber and fiber connections—so please operate it like a consumer responsive commercial business. I waited 8 weeks (breathe that in for a second) to get the fiber box on my house and the fiber run 35 feet. When you finally got around to doing it two crews showed up and watched while one person actually did the work. Responsive fiber connection installation times must be a priority (or get out of the business). Show More
Need to continue to harden the electrical system from power bumps. A short interruption still creates quite a bit of hassle to reset the various electronic devices in the home. The last time I called and complained one of the reasons I was given was birds flying into power lines. I have lived all over the United States and parts of Europe. It seems like I have seen more power hits here in the past 4 years than anywhere else I have lived. You need to make some capital investments in making this key infrastructure more reliable. Show More
The Chelan PUD's lake level management is the biggest single impediment to economic development to the Lake Chelan Valley. Your "excellent numbers" touting low rates and excess revenue is realized in part through impacting growth that hurts the business owners and taxpayers of your Chelan Valley Customers. Making Lake Chelan a RESERVOIR back in 1930 may have been a good idea back then. Nothing hurts us more today than the impact on recreation and tourism caused by over TWENTY FEET being drawn off of the lake for 9+ months of the year (think about that, really think about it). The valley didn't depend on recreation and tourism in 1930, but it sure does in 2014. You must change your priorities on power generation to allow our "Lake" to be full from at least Memorial Day until the end of September. And let me assure you that many who live in the Lake Chelan Valley do not care if it costs the folks in Wenatchee a few bucks more in their electric bill (or less excess power $$ banked). No need to spend thousands on a Wenatchee biased public opinion survey to defend your position. This will always be an issue for us in Chelan Valley until you fix it. A lot of County property taxes come from the Chelan Valley. This is the jewel of Washington and where we need to grow to keep recreation $$ in our State. We can't keep using Lake Chelan as a private water tank to bolster the PUD's financials. Show More
My wife and I are residents of Manson and regular users of Lake Chelan. It is our request that the lake be at reasonably useable levels from Memorial Day thru late September (the 25th or later). We believe that keeping the lake at 1097 feet or above meets this request.
We strongly suggest raising lake levels from memorial day until mid-late september. Although power revenue might go down, the entire valley's economy that depends on tourism would flourish. Both my husband and I own businesses in Chelan that would benefit. Not to mention, all the lake activity! Show More
I think the way the water is let up and down and up again this year made the worst wood debris ever. The wood is causing damage to the shoreline and docks. My grandson was pinned between a log and seawall with boat wake. Swimming is getting very dangerous.
Add emergency kiosks in parks.
We would really like to see Lake Chelan brought up to a usable level from Memorial Day through late September. This is such a beautiful lake and we would like to be able to boat and swim from our dock longer. Currently we can only use the lake 2 months a year and feel closer to 4 months is reasonable for all the residents and visitors that want to enjoy all the area has to offer. We feel this would be a fair balance between the needs of the hatchery, tax payers, and revenue generation. A usable level for our needs would ideally be 1099 feet but even if the lake could be up to 1098 feet for all of June and September this allow us to keep our boats in the water and make it safe to use our docks. Show More
Please keep water levels up Memorial weekend through end of so we can enjoy the lovely lake that we are so fortunate to have! It’s a tragedy to eliminate that to such a short amount of time if you reduce the levels to the short period of time throughout the year. Show More
The Chelan Riverwalk Park Pavilion Stage seems to rarely get used. Great resource, need to fix by promoting it and making it easy and hassle free to use. I would terrace the sloped lawn area for seating and promote more events at the stage. Someone should be put in charge of promoting and coordinating use of the facility. There ought to be something going on there every week in the summer. The process to use this facility must be quick, easy and unburdened or the usage will continue to be near non-existent. I asked a local business owner as to why it never seems to get used and they told me the PUD process to reserve the Pavilion was expensive, restrictive and just not worth the hassle. If an event sold alcohol they had to use a non-profit who would take the proceeds. Really? I was also told that sometimes groups would just show up with kegs, loud music and throw a party in the park without permission and there was no enforcement anyway. Show More
Mission Creep: see Chelan County. I see your core mission being to operate the dams—period. Look across the topics at the top of this survey. Outside of power generation I wonder why (and how) you have positioned yourselves in all these other areas. Private enterprise or local municipalities should be running parks, telecom, water, sewer and so on. Google "self licking ice cream cone”—that is what I see going on here. Be honest with yourselves and think about that for a moment. I am certain the PUD board or its executives have no interest in scaling back the empire or shutting down the propaganda machine, but brave leadership would recognize that the PUD has grown far beyond its core mission and start divesting itself in those areas it does not belong. Show More
I am aware that the fisheries plays the most important role in considering the lake levels as they rise and fall in the spring and fall. I am convinced that the PUD could engineer a breakwater (for lack of better term) to protect the fisheries if and when such time could occur that they would need to spill more water from the lake than the fisheries mandates. I hope the PUD takes a hard look at the economic future of Chelan, Manson, and surrounding areas which depend on tourism and the taxes raised by residents, and the lake level plays a strategic role for these areas. I believe every effort should be made to have the Lake level brought to a usable level for boaters by Memorial Day, then around 1099 prior to July 1 and through September. Show More
Mike WIFI available in parks.
I pay taxes on Lake Chelan waterfront property that isn’t. Why? Can someone explain? We as waterfront lake owners would like to know. What we know now after 9 years as a home owner on the lake is the same we knew then. Why can't the lake be filled by the 26th of May and left full till September 30th? It’s an absolute joke.
How about a recreational center named the Wright PUD Recreation Center?
How about clearing all the dangerous debris (logs, stumps and underwater snags) from the center of the Stehekin Reservoir area and turn the headwaters of Lake Chelan back into a scenic and safe recreation area?
Perhaps there could be a campaign of some kind to help increase people's awareness of the importance of picking up after your pet? Or plastic bags made available at the trailhead? Seems like a small thing, but that would be my request. I would be willing to help in some way if there were some kind of momentum to build a campaign educating users of the need to clean up after their pets as it would be something that would benefit all users of the trails. We recently moved here from Eugene, Oregon, and we love Wenatchee. There are a lot of similarities. One thing that is very different about Wenatchee, though, is that there seems to be an ambivalence about picking up after dog waste. At the beginning of nearly every hike, or trail we've been on there is a disturbing amount of dog poop. We are used to seeing "dog waste stations" or signs at the trailhead that say something about picking up after your pet. Here it seems to be culturally acceptable to not pick up after your pet. As a pet owner myself, I find this troubling. Show More
Reduce outage duration and locating costs as well as increase life expectancy of the distribution system by providing discounted customer construction costs for overhead construction.
I have been enjoying Lake Chelan for 60+ years and even though I understand the importance and financial impact of controlling the level of the lake to generate power, it also seems that the revenue that the lake generates from tourism, it seems that the PUD could increase the time the lake is "full" from sometime the first of June until at least the end of September. Thank you.
We need an off-road vehicle park where people can go mud bogging in a controlled area and then are not tempted to go out an tear up the countryside. This would fit under both parks and environmental. Show More
Limit the amount of contracting work out to out of area businesses. This would keep the money local and create more jobs for local people.
Work with the Forest Service and other public entities to create ATV trails throughout the county that drop into farm stands and our smaller communities. This would bring more tourists to the area and create additional jobs and recreational opportunities for the resident/owners of Chelan County PUD. Show More
Purchase land to build a large central warehouse building so bulk purchasing can be possible. This would save the District money. It would ensure a good quantity on hand of the items needed every day. Items could then be sent out to satellite facilities. Having a modern facility would ensure quality control and best efficient use of manpower and dollars. Show More
Have small sided soccer fields that work for teams that are 4 + goalie. This would allow many pickup games in a small footprint.
Allow for more space where small full time concession stands can border the parks.
Would love to have Lake Chelan level up by Memorial weekend through the end of September. It is frustrating to have such limited availability for such a short period of time.
I understand the PUD controls the lake level. Many of our tourists come from the west side of the state to seek warmer weather, so if we were able to extend the season as early as April or May we could entice more vacationers to our area. It is significantly nicer in Eastern Washington during those months. It is impressive how much the PUD contributes to the community, but I think it can have a greater impact for the area overall by taking a step back and seeing the broader picture. In light of these recent catastrophic fire events, tourism is down and will likely remain that way for the rest of the season. I know April is probably a stretch, but definitely May for Apple Blossom and Memorial Day would make the most sense. Increased tourism would have significant impact for local retailers, wineries and lodging facilities and help offset the impact of these unfortunate fires that keeps tourists away. Show More
Tell consumers about products such as WallyHome. It is a wireless sensor that detect water leaks as well as changes in temperature and humidity. If you are away from your home and a hose comes lose from your toilet or sink, it can cause significant water damage. WallyHome also alerts you when your HVAC goes out and the temperatures fall below normal so you can avoid freezing pipes. (http://wallyhome.com) Show More
Bring the lake level up in time for the Memorial Day weekend, thereby generating an extra month or more of usable lake for most people. This should attract more people to the area during the month of June with all the associated economic benefit tourism brings.
We need a new, modern HQ building. One large enough to house more of our departments under one roof. The physical separation among PUD employees leads to communication problems and lack of team cohesion. Despite the technologies of phone and e-mail, the best way to stay up to date with what's happening in your group is to be near your co-workers. We have several departments that are split amongst places like the CTC, Hawley Street, HQ, Service Building, Tech Shop and Fish & Wildlife that would all benefit from being together in one building. Show More
Build a gazebo for weddings.
My idea for fiber is to keep growing out into rural distribution—expand it to homes that don't have anything before you start upgrading the people that already have fiber. I have a phone line that won't even give me internet. I can't get cable. You promised me you'd deliver fiber by September 2012—and then backed out and I have nothing! Show More
I am disappointed in the PUD for it's plans to direct PUD funds towards upgrading Broadband Optical to Gigabit optical services for those who already have fiber service. I reside in the Entiat Valley. I contribute to Chelan PUD by purchasing power and paying taxes also. However, my PUD does not do much to support rural areas of the County (with the exception of the Lake Wenatchee area). Most of the residents in the Entiat Valley have access to only ancient dial-up internet. Cable TV, fiber optics, emergency alert system are non-existent. Even phone lines are outdated, of poor quality and insufficient. The power supply for the valley was antiquated and insufficient for decades before finally being upgraded in 2013. Our PUD spent 100s of thousands of dollars at least (probably more like millions) drilling wells for several landowners in the lower valley. PUD decided they wanted to get these folks off the irrigation ditch that provided irrigation to those properties so PUD would not have to maintain the ditch. Several years later, PUD still spends money maintaining the ditch, funds were spent on drilling wells, but our illustrious PUD has not finished the job by installing pumps at all wells. What a waste of money caused by PUD. I would expect that our PUD would do a better job of managing projects and our money. I would hope that our PUD would direct some of the funds we all provide to bringing the Entiat Valley out of the stone age and into at least the 1990's era, instead of spending most funds upgrading those who have been upgraded all along. Show More
I believe the lake level should be up by Memorial weekend and stay that way until the end of September. It would be beneficial to all the local economy.
Increase the footprint for row & paddle.
I would like to see the PUD fulfill its initial commitment of building out the fiber network. As a public utility with excess cash, re-investing that cash in services that improve the quality of life for the local residents should be a focal point. The fiber network should produce revenue to cover operating and maintenance costs but the initial infrastructure could be subsidized by generation. Show More
Consider feasibility of pumped-storage hydroelectricity as well as feasibility of renewing hydropower at Dryden. New projects would create more jobs.
Implement and fund a Wellness Program for employees that will improve employee health and overall well-being, as well as reduce District health care cost growth in the long-term. I am aware of several employees who are interested and willing to facilitate the development of such program. Show More
Affordable and high-quality childcare is a major concern for working parents. If facility improvements are being planned, please consider including a space for a day-care center. It could be like the cafeterias so that it is run by a private contractor but the facility costs are covered by the PUD. That should allow the cost to the PUD employee clients to be affordable. It would only be available to children of PUD employees. It would reduce commuting costs to employees and would greatly increase peace of mind of the parents who could check on their children during breaks. Show More
Please start the rollout of fiber again to all areas of Chelan County, especially all along US Highway 97.
Make facilities available year round.
Facilities and technology are woefully behind at PUD offices. Office spaces can be efficient and cost effective, all while inspiring employees to be creative and provide more customer value. Our employees work long, hard hours in dreary, dank spaces. Ceilings leak. Some people freeze in their offices while others roast. Conference rooms are ancient and the computers in them only work part of the time. One area has to make sure they turn on a faucet in the sink in a closet periodically or a sewage smell permeates the area. We pinch every penny until it bleeds. Please give employees the tools to continue to do their jobs well, but in spaces that don't impede health, creativity or teamwork. Show More
It would be nice to have the lake level at full height starting Memorial weekend through end of September.
Continue to build on the apprenticeship program.
Maintain and reinvest in the hydros, transmission, distribution as well as all work facilities. Buildings on the HQ campus are showing age and the parking area is not adequate. We need to update and show more pride in the facilities. HQ looks run down in several areas and the restrooms on 1st and 2nd floor are badly in need of updating. Is it feasible to build one campus rather than so many different locations within Wenatchee? Show More
Do our performance plans really help? Our goals are told to us and when we achieve them, then we don't get anything for it. We work hard all year to go above and beyond and we maybe get a pat on the back. You are lucky to have employees that have a good work ethic and want to work hard and do a good job. But, it would be good to be acknowledged as well. Our pay should be based on a job well done … not comparing to other jobs that are "kind of" similar. Show More
It would be nice to offer WIFI at Gerald's Place and Rocky Reach Visitor Center. This would provide a location that employees can go to during lunch and breaks and use WIFI. This could also improve business for the cafes.
Please put a fence in front of the new apartments on 9th street so the loop trail and PUD property is not used as a front yard. These should be separated as it was when the property was used as a mobile home park.
If an employee has the capabilities they should be allowed to work remotely, even if it's just once a week.
The current working environment is pretty bad in most areas of the building. Grey cubes, grey walls with out-dated facilities. It's not a building that you actually want to walk into on a nice day—and lets face it we have a bunch of those in this area.
With upcoming retirements in the general workforce, it would be a good idea to invest in and groom the employees that will be here to shape the future of the PUD.
It's time to put lines underground where possible.
We should start a couple community gardens in the parks. I think it would be perfect for the community to get together to do something fun and meaningful. We could also sell the produce in our local farmers market and have the proceeds go to the local parks, or schools, or even things such as keeping kids full! It would also be a great learning experience for students! Show More
Make more boat access available for power boats.
Economic development and reinvestment in the PUD look like the best headings to me. Expanding the fiber system could serve economic development, as would cutting rates.
I think we have enough PUD parks. There are other governmental entities formed to provide for parks and recreation. If the voters want more parks, let them agree to pay for the parks via taxes. Please consider that the last person who ran to become a commissioner with the idea of increasing our investment in parks and recreation lost. Show More
Align the Telecom and Electric groups so they can design, construct, and maintain their respective assets in a manner that optimizes resources to achieve the most for our stakeholders.
Allow electrical load growth that encourages benefits to the community (i.e., stable jobs, tax base).
Provide managers the resources to manage their people.
Remodel the campus or build a new one.
Parks and Recreation should build or land lease to a private operator to build a dry storage marina at the Mill Bay Park on the unused land. What a great way to improve access to Lake Chelan!
With current reluctance to raise rates on water and wastewater to the extent needed, consider developing business case alternatives using a one utility approach rather than the individual utility concept, in order to leverage the financial benefits offered by the electric wholesale business. The current 5-year forecast for water and wastewater is increasingly falling short of individual business line financial targets with zero to negative rate of returns, a declining cash position, and rates that do not support a sustainable path. Evaluate short and long-term alternatives to meet the needs of 6,000 customers using a measured approach that does not impact rates for electric retail customers and does not distract from the PUD meeting financial targets, capital and maintenance plans, or debt reduction strategies. This may be possible under the “expected” financial path given the materiality of financial resources needed by water and wastewater; however, alternatives should have strong consideration for the impacts and mitigation necessary if we find ourselves on the “unexpected” path. Show More
A launching point or points for kayaks and canoes would be great! Regular launch ramps are often not wide enough and there are not enough sandy (in contrast to rocky [ouch!]) beaches to launch from. It would also be wonderful if launching structures were handicapped-friendly, so that wheelchair-bound people could access a kayak. There are commercially available launchers available, and the cost is not prohibitive, I think. Even a fixed plank just above water level with a grab bar to help with entry and exit would be a big improvement. The docks on Lake Chelan are too high above the water level for canoe and kayak entry, IMHO. Show More
I would like to compliment the PUD on it's design for the Entiat park. It's a winner for Chelan county, Entiat, and recreation in general. Thanks so much!
Invest more into the lunchrooms that are provided for us. I feel Gerald deserves more than we give him. Put him and Chelsea on the payroll, so they have time off with pay and insurance. Gerald is one of this first people to lend a helping hand for anyone having problems. This way maybe he could afford to go on vacation, as all of us do as employees. Show More
Parks, along with outdoors and recreation, is one of the main attractions of the region. I would strongly encourage the PUD to continue to fund the parks system generously. What is lacking within the region, however, is more water-oriented park features. Rotary park is very crowded during the summer precisely because it has one of the few water-oriented features for kids. I would encourage additional water-features at existing parks, as well as new parks within the region. In my opinion, parks are an investment in the community and to our children. Show More
As the Peshastin area continues to grow and wastewater flows and loading increase, a time will come when treatment technology cannot reduce effluent phosphorus to the level required for year-round discharge to the Wenatchee River. A properly designed and managed land treatment system will provide reliable and sustainable wastewater service long term, well beyond the 20-year term of the current planning effort. Purchase the Peshastin Mill Site from the Port of Chelan County for a fair market price that considers any clean-up effort that may be needed. Enhance the riparian area along the nearly 1-mile length of Wenatchee River shoreline. Irrigate the riparian area and other landscaped areas of the property with reclaimed wastewater effluent, reducing or eliminating discharge to the river. Collaborate with Chelan County to develop a regional exposition center on the property. The existing Chelan County Exposition Center in Cashmere is inadequately sized and the facilities are outdated. A modern facility would be capable of supporting and attracting a much greater variety of events that enhance recreation and entertainment opportunities and the economy of the County. The Clark County Events Center in Ridgefield, WA and the Deschutes County Exposition Center in Redmond, OR are excellent examples of modern facilities and the events they attract. Develop the entire site as a demonstration project for effective stewardship of water resources including surface water, drinking water, irrigation water, storm water, wastewater and reclaimed water. Show More
I live in a new development in Chelan and would like Fiber in my area. Please consider expanding as this would benefit many new people.
Hire someone to police all the owners that don't clean up after their dogs in the parks.
There are a realm of possibilities and areas to consider in how we reinvest in the PUD, however two very important elements for long-term sustainable financial and operational strength are investment in people and assets. The long position that our hydro assets provide give us opportunity to leverage that position to optimize value for our customer owners in providing low rates and reliable service, while building a strong financial position. And to leverage and optimize that position, it requires strategic leadership, prudent decision making with consideration of financial impacts and risks, and hard work by talented, creative and dedicated people. Without either of those, Chelan PUD is a different kind of public utility. Let’s keep us moving in the direction we are headed towards: prudent decision making directed towards long-term sustainable financial health while providing value-added, cost effective and reliable utility services and having strong focus in these two areas, 1) managing our hydro and distribution assets in a timely and cost effective manner through prudent decision making and prioritized plans with consideration of risks, and 2) continuously developing our leaders and workforce throughout the PUD through technical and soft skill training, development programs, fostering a culture that attracts and retains, continue to develop bench strength and plan for the future, engage in proactive succession planning, and ensure adequate resources to maintain a safe, healthy and balanced work life. Show More
Replace Wenatchee Headquarters campus with a modern facility designed and constructed to LEED criteria, but keep administrative office downtown.
Reinvest in generation. Modernize existing hydros to maximize generation potential and venture into other renewables (wind, solar).
Add fishing docks, juvenile fishing ponds, and hunting and fishing access points to public lands.
Improve fish and wildlife habitat.
Maintaining local control of our PUD owned parks with no day-use fees for local residents would benefit our customer owners (rather than mismanaged by the State).
Parks and recreation are very important to enhancing the quality of life in Chelan County. Continued reinvestment in parks and recreation beyond minimum federal license requirements would benefit the whole community.
Promoting environmental stewardship and expanding recreational opportunities that benefit outdoor enthusiasts through programs and access would benefit many stakeholders. This could include expanding youth education programs with an emphasis on natural resources, fish and wildlife; similar to the very successful River of Power program.
Facilities issues with leased office space at the Confluence Technology Center have proved it is inadequate; and employees spread between different locations has been detrimental to communication, collaboration, and morale. Countless hours are wasted on travel time for meetings and a lack of meeting space or conference rooms with modern technology contribute to difficulty in scheduling and inefficient meeting management. Employees and customers will benefit greatly by having a more efficiently run organization with a modern, centralized headquarters facility for the majority of office employees and customer service needs.
Facilities planning should be a top priority at the District. Significant and costly investments continue to be made to our aging facilities that are inadequate and long outgrown—such as the main headquarters building. These are temporary fixes rather that permanent solutions.
In order for decision makers to make the best decisions, benefiting the most people, for the longest time; the District needs a consistent and standardized approach to enterprise reporting and business intelligence. This can be accomplished by removing barriers to analytics by unifying enterprise data and presenting it in business terms through self-service business intelligence. The District has a wealth of raw data and technology, but that data and technology is not fully leveraged because the data is in multiple systems and not staged in a way that is accessible to users; processes are not standardized or optimized; and there is a lack of human resources available to complete the necessary tasks. Staff spends a large amount of time manually compiling reports, duplicating efforts, and relying on others to extract and transform the data. A strong commitment from senior management to reinvest in our workforce and evolve our business intelligence capabilities will greatly benefit our employees and customers by transforming raw data into meaningful and useful information to support better decision making and provide self service analytics to decision makers and customers; which ultimately will increase efficiency and allow us to more effectively manage our organization. Show More
Please consider adding a children's playground to Hydro Park.
Create more water access points.
More covered picnic areas would be nice.
We need a free no leash public dog park with water for swimming! Our dogs have nowhere to go without having to be leashed. Dogs need to be able to run free and interact with other dogs. It would really nice to have a fenced area to take our dogs!
I would like to suggest that consideration be given to working with your customers on cost-sharing the installation of rooftop solar generating units with excess power being returned to the PUD for repayment of the amount contributed by them. I feel there may be many individuals who would consider installing one of these types of units—however, today’s cost in many cases make them prohibitively expensive. As more and more people move to Chelan County, there will be a greater demand for power and this would be one means to offset some of this usage of current power sources. I previously discussed this with a PUD Commissioner without any really apparent interest at that time. Show More
The Riverfront Park here in Chelan is a treasure for the City of Chelan. I really thank the PUD for providing and maintaining the wonderful recreational area for city and visiting folks. Well maintained, groomed and adds a source of recreation for all who use the area.
Appoint park employees or get serious volunteers to be at sports field when events are going on.
Find a space for sports officials at the locations with restrooms and concessions that they can use to change and leave property secured behind a door with a lock of some sort.
Level sports fields and fix the drainage.
Make the sports fields multi-use and put in at least 2 specific full size (130 x 80) soccer fields with field turf.
Please get new "legal" soccer goals at Walla Walla Point Park.
This is an idea for conservation of power. I’ve built a solar heated garage. It's a form of Trombe wall, but instead of only heat absorption and radiation, I incorporated convection as well. The Trombe wall is made of 8x12 hollow CMU block, with a row at the top and one at the bottom installed sideways so that the holes are exposed. Outside of the garage there's a corrugated clear fiberglass wall, offset about 6" away from the CMU. It forms the air plenum that provides the convection. The CMU is painted dark on the outside so that heat absorption is facilitated. Also the air in the plenum is heated up and then moves back thru the CMU wall holes at the top row into the garage space. Cool air from the garage is pulled into the plenum space at the bottom row. This has worked well in the past couple of winters. Once when the outside temp was 18 degrees it was 53 degrees inside the garage. I've got pics I can send if you want. Show More
Enhance economic development with more loops and links and multi-use trail systems. What if the Loop Trail extension up to Rocky Reach could actually then cross the top of the Dam? Families and visitors could bike or walk to the exhibits and picnic sites on the west side of the Dam. Crossing the Columbia above the spillways would be a huge attraction, a magnet attracting visitors further along the American/Canadian "Route 97" marketing effort. For biking tourists, who look for a destination with '30+miles' of trails, the shoulders of 97A are wide enough for some to use that as a section of a potential secondary Loop. Show More
A multi-use trail system up the Wenatchee River Valley, linking Leavenworth, Peshastin-Dryden, Cashmere, Wenatchee and East Wenatchee would be a huge attraction for active tourists and farm-to-table visitors, and it would make our area even more attractive for recruiting professionals and entrepreneurs.
Add more parking for boats.
I would like to see the PUD improve the area to the west, down at the PUD boat launch in Chelan. This is one of the very few places for dog owners to take their dogs to swim during the summer and it has been neglected for years. The boards on the benches were missing a few for over a year and my husband bought the wood and bolts and replaced the missing boards. Two weeks later, all the boards were replaced with new wood. I wish the PUD had taken care of it sooner. Now, the one bench facing north could possibly fall into the lake soon, as the ground underneath it is being washed away, which is very dangerous for people that may fall into the lake, with jagged rocks to break their fall. I've watched the decline for years and when we volunteered to fix the problem, we were told absolutely NO! I do hope this note does not fall on deaf ears and the PUD steps up to improve a valuable place for dog owners to give some summertime relief for our furry friends. Show More
Look to local needs in towns around Chelan.
Use high run off times and power generation that would otherwise be lost to make and store hydrogen gas that could later be used to generate power, or power vehicles or other equipment.
I would love to see some more connectivity with the riverfront and the Columbia River.
The sports recreation facilities other than softball are outdated. Soccer fields are sub-standard and inadequate to serve the largest user group in Washington (soccer, not softball). Teams from Wenatchee are forced to play soccer in Moses Lake due to fields not meeting league standards. The ability of the valley to host and fill soccer tournaments also suffers because of a lack of fields and the condition of existing ones.
Drop the water service. It’s a loser.
Continue to sponsor community events like the Lineman Rodeo. There is no better way to get community support, and to remind people about the parks, than to provide something fun and interesting for them to attend. Showcasing the PUD Parks is one place that stakeholders can come together and agree that the PUD works for the community. I would especially like to see the PUD expand their PUD fun run to include the public and be promoted as such. What a great way to meet our great people. Show More
Increase public education on the proper, courteous, and safe use of boat launches. This includes watercraft launching protocol and etiquette, swimming around, fishing from, playing on launches, and watercraft launching and recovery. Some folks new to waters ports (and some seasoned veterans) are not properly educated in the dos and don’ts (as well as the efficient use) of boat launches during peak use seasons. If we can't build bigger launch facilities surely we can educate users on the efficient use of the existing launch facilities. One other thing to consider is that seasoned boaters are a great resource that you can use during the design phase of new launch facilities. Show More
Create more camping availability.
Having the lake level at 1099 from Memorial Weekend through the end of September would be an economic driver for the Chelan Valley. Having the lake up sooner would enable more guests to visit the Chelan valley, and in turn this generates more tax revenue. This is the most important issue that is facing the Chelan valley. Please bring the lake up sooner and keep it up through the end of September. Show More
Let’s first realize the amount of money it takes for all of us to enjoy the Columbia riverfront. Just to maintain the vast park system is a huge expense in manpower, and products to keep the parks green, clean and ready for use. One thought that has been offered is a user fee—which I support. I think that if it would not disrupt how the park labor force works, my idea would be to have a monthly "make a difference day" at the most-used parks by getting users involved with keeping the parks clean and nice, by cleaning the trash, maintaining planting beds, walking accessible shorelines picking up debris and trash. It takes me a lot to maintain my yard, ridding it of weeds, dog deposits, and litter that is dropped by passersby. Now increase that yard to the size of the parks maintained by Chelan PUD! Wow that is huge, and daunting. We users need to realize what it takes for is to have something this great for free. After working for Chelan PUD for 21 years I honored to say what a privilege to work for an organization that has the community it serve in mind and that provides some of the best jobs in the valley along with unselfish services in electricity, water, waste water, and recreation to the customers and guests to the valley it serves. Sure there is always better way to do a certain thing or better ways to go about brainstorming ideas for the future, but if we look around to what has been offered in the past with regard to service outage response and helping with community projects this PUD shines. Show More
The PUD created a very hazardous condition at the head of the lake at Stehekin. Originally, they acknowledged this and corrected it. Now the area is again a danger and a hazard. This neglect involves the following conditions: dangerous flooding, recreational and navigational hazards constituting serious liabilities. PUD, please return to your original commitment to mitigate the conditions caused by the reservoir. Show More
Originally, the PUD removed the hazardous woody debris accumulation on the shallow delta that had once been the basis of the Stehekin community. This debris is now holding silt which holds more woody debris, etc.. This is dangerous and a liability. The PUD should/must act to mitigate what they have created.
I think money needs to be spent to train technicians to work on all the hybrid, plug-in hybrid, and battery electric vehicles that are already on the roads. It is current technology and we (Wenatchee/ North Central Washington) need to stay current. I think we are the perfect place for electric vehicles. They are becoming very mainstream. Education is a very important part of this. Our local college(W.V.C) has hosted 3 National Alternative Fuel Vehicle days (ODYSSEY) and teaches alternative fuels as part of the curriculum. Show More
Improve traditional camping opportunities.
I am not in favor of increased rates, but if there is extra money sitting around that need a home, my recommendations would include: out door concerts in the park, similar to what Moses Lake does, sponsored by community entities; lanes drawn on the loop trail for safety; and a water park similar to Bremerton's ocean front with fountains & pools for the kids.
If possible, I would like to see faster services available to customers with steady or reduced pricing.
I think it is important to continue building out and improving the fiber optic network. Chelan County PUD covers a large geographical area with many remote areas where PUD customers live. From a higher education standpoint, I think improved fiber optics that are reasonable priced allows individuals to receive distant education and work towards a degree that they would normally not be able to do. The traveling, especially during winter months, to a campus can be difficult, if not impossible. But an online education program is not affected by weather and for the most part can be a dependable constant for them. Show More
Partner with City of Chelan, Campbell's Resort, the Port and Historic Downtown Chelan Association to upgrade and beautify the segment behind Campbell's spa. It is currently an unused, slightly frumpy looking piece of the Riverwalk Park. This could be an outstanding "get" for our community at very little cost. Show More
Terrace the pavilion lawn seating area at Riverwalk Park. It is a gem that does not get properly utilized in large part to the funky seating arrangement.
Why do the maintenance work on weekend evenings? It is annoying to hear the machines going on weekend evenings. It is the time when residents sit outside to relax.
Keep lake levels up longer, it would do wonders for tourism in the fall.
Make the sale of the "Chamber lot" to the City of a Chelan/Link a reality.
Please consider putting electrical lines underground as it becomes possible. Clear our view of these lines, and keep them protected from the elements.
A renovation of the baseball fields at Rainier Fields would encourage youth baseball and softball in the Chelan area. Improved facilities would lead to the ability to host tournaments for little league teams in our valley, and bring more tourism dollars to our area.
Build a unique structure to do pull-ups and parallels along the Riverwalk, and a track.
Add more picnic shelters at a different site.
We believe that the primary purpose of the PUD should be to maintain or lower rates year over year by every means possible consistent with good business practice, regardless of what rates are in other parts of the country. All other purposes are secondary and less important, i.e. Fiber, Parks and Recreation, etc.. We object to the frequent comparison of Chelan PUD electric rates to those of the rest of Washington State and other parts of the country. While true, the rest of the State and Country do not have cheap electric hydro dams as a source and therefore the comparison is meaningless, unless used as a basis for raising rates based on "inexpensive" Chelan PUD rates. Show More
We are being left out of the opportunity to use fiber even though we are surrounded by it. Our particular stretch of street does not have conduit and the PUD has estimated that it would cost us individually $60,000 to have it installed. This is cost prohibitive to us. It was suggested that if the reliability of our electric power supply becomes a problem, the PUD may replace the underground wire with conduit and fiber could be installed at that time. While we would like to see the PUD accomplish this task, we are not looking for it any time soon. Show More
Run water into areas that don't have enough for irrigation or very good drinking water for a whole area. My example would be Nahahum Canyon.
Add dedicated soccer fields.
With extra dollars, lower customer-owner rates. Plain and simple.
It would be nice to see a long range study done on connecting all the sewer plants along the Wenatchee River from Peshastin to Wenatchee. If a sewer could be built along the high water mark of the river, then that would create the possibility of covering it with a trail (doesn't have to be paved). Such a project could serve the multiple purpose of cleaning up the effluent that enters the river from septic tanks and join these communities with a walking path along the river. How nice would that be! It’s the kind of long range thinking we need to engage in. Show More
I would like to see the PUD work with the Cascade school District and Chelan Co Port District to develop ball fields at the old Peshastin Mill site. Chelan County is out of compliance with the covenants of an IAC grant on the Monitor Park and has been told their Picker Camp amounts to a conversion of use. If that is the case, the RCO should act and require the County to build a substitute park–and the Peshastin Mill site would be a great location for one. Maybe the PUD could play a supporting role in this venture. Show More
Would love to see the PUD acquire the beautiful 15 acres that is in the sand dune area along the trail in East Wenatchee. This property has been identified for surplus by WSDOT. The PUD already owns the waterfront and it is heavily used by boaters in the summer at the beach. We don't need a developed park there, but at the very least a chemical toilet and waste cans would be helpful. This very area was identified in the original exhibit R plans for Rock Island Powerhouse 2 as having potential for a park and in fact I believe was planned to be a park but for the fact the WSDOT had not yet built its planned riverfront highway. To me it would be a tragedy to see any kind of development on this 15 acres because such a development would require crossing the trail and destroy the feeling of peace and serenity one gets at this location. Show More
Safety should be and is the promise of the PUD to be the first consideration. Please, focus on this at the head of Lake Chelan at Stehekin. Remove the dangerous hazards. There is no topic category for safety, although on the PUD web site home page the statement is "The PUD's goal is simple: to safely provide utility" (sic). Our concern in Stehekin is for safe navigation, safe recreation, safety for children, and flooding. We are not asking for more parks, although that is fine. Show More
Paint a line down the middle of the 10 mile trail and specify wheeled side from pedestrian side. Bikes and skate boards dominate and are often rude and dangerous.
Add more family oriented activities and games.
Maybe the PUD should reconsider their planning around dropping the water levels behind Rocky Reach and Rock Island, and actually plan to work around long Holiday weekends. No one buys the explanation that levels must be dropped over Labor Day weekend due to spring run-off levels. A couple of days earlier or later would suffice and their is no rational explanation for the necessity to have this event during the actual Holiday weekend. The damage to the local economies due to the lack of tourism and recreational activities through the negative effect to boating and water activities should be enough—not to mention the perception of the PUD's public relations awareness. There are a lot of very upset people and not one person buys the fact that the water levels MUST be dropped to the point that keeps people from launching their boats (not to mention the hazards they risk if they can), during the actual Holiday weekend itself. Personally I doubt anyone will see this feedback because all PUD employees will be gone for the Holiday weekend by now. Most people think is the real reason the water levels are being dropped—because everyone at the dam is on vacation, so it's not being monitored. Show More
Our current parks are well kept and their number is sufficient. Keep up the good work.
The existing kids educational programs are great.
Encourage the federal government to build fish ladders and juvenile migration infrastructure at Chief Joseph and Grand Coulee dams. It would greatly expand fish spawning habitat, increase the overall number of fish in the river, and enhance the ecosystem. Sport fishing, tourism, tribal fish harvests, and other opportunities related to the migratory salmon would be benefited. Show More
It would be nice if the Water and Wastewater systems could be financially independent and not have to be subsidized by other areas of the business, especially since they only serve a small footprint of the county.
Build out the network but implement wireless internet service where possible instead of fiber. Wireless technology has greatly advanced in speed and reliability, and its cost has dropped. Grant County PUD is conducting a wireless pilot program right now. Slowly build out the fiber network where wireless is impractical. Continue to work toward financial independence for the network. Show More
Most customers are currently with one ISP and more competition would be nice. Increased demand through additional customers could entice existing ISPs to enhance their services and new ISPs to start up.
The highest priority for Chelan County PUD should be to pay off its debt and have large reserves for drought years, emergencies, etc. Our high national debt may very well cause many "rainy days" in the future.
Make parks more mixed use—both natural and developed.
Don't play favorites with business sectors (lodging, manufacturing, etc.), individual businesses, or individuals. Focus on keeping rates low for, and services available to, everyone.
Keep rates low. Don't get involved in the global warming debate or its policies.
No additional investment in "green" technologies. Let public demand drive its adoption, not the voices of a loud minority.
It would be great to have portage routes for canoes and kayaks to walk (or wheel) around Rocky Reach and Rock Island Dams. It could be a path or simply the use of a service road (like the service road at Ross Dam). The portage route could be as long as three miles. This would enable long distance paddlers to experience the Columbia in a way currently not available and would encourage people outside of the area to come and paddle this route and spend money in the area. Using camping facilities at state and city parks, paddlers could make a trip from Pateros to Vantage or any shorter leg on the route, from an overnight stay to a week-long adventure. Show More
Develop a system where the rates are more competitive, but at the same time, set in place a system for a permanent dividend fund where a certain percentage allocation is set and then paid back to Chelan County residents that are within the CCPUD system; similar to what Alaska State has in place for their oil revenues. The rate system would be equitable to the market standards, but at the end of the year, the residents/owners of Chelan County who receive CCPUD power could receive dividends paid back to them from savings/earnings in the energy market. Show More
A few years ago the PUD spent thousands of dollars for a consultant and he said go build it! Now the PUD is spending money on committees to do it again.
Fiber was promised to everyone.
If there is excess cash, is there opportunity to lower rates?
Maintain the fiber system as is.
People are forgetting the meaning of the PUD. All we have is the PUD of Wenatchee and everyone else gets scraps.
The FCC is having issues defending the Broadband Initiative.
The Federal Government is mandating that every home will have Fiber. Are we going to go against that?
We are installing fiber conduit for fiber wherever it makes sense.
We may not want to reduce rates if that makes us a target; should we consider gradual rate increases to hedge this?
What can be done to get Lake Wenatchee fiber service equivalent to other areas?
You are spending money in Wenatchee to get faster speeds but Lake Wenatchee is treated unequal and have no speed.
The mission of any PUD is to provide utilities to rural areas that are not profitable for stock exchange companies, and the Federal Government policy is to provide broadband / fiber to all homes. Therefore the PUD must finish the fiber system that should have started in the rural areas. The White River Road needs its direct bury electric cable replaced which would allow fiber to be laid at the same time, with most of the cost coming from the electric budget. Show More
Don't "support" anything other than low cost power. The PUD might also want to learn about Lockheed's coming (so they say) fusion reactors that will create cheap, clean power everywhere in 10 years. Please let markets decide whether electric cars, or hydrogen, or whatever works in the marketplace without wasting our precious local resources trying to solve a problem that will be worked out at a national level. There is no benefit in being ahead of the curve. Be judicious with PUD funds, that would be revolutionary in current organizations. Show More
Develop an area for commercial space at Walla Walla Point Park to allow for restaurant, coffee shop,rental shop, etc. Similar to what has been done on the river in Hood River, OR.
The millfoil needs to be eliminated now. The PUD has dragged its feet on the issue too long. Trimming the millfoil with machines is a ridiculous waste of manpower and money. Hire an expert and get rid of it for good. Show More
The PUD needs to finish the fiber build-out before any new type of fiber is considered for the future. This is just as important to us today as the REA was to the citizens of the 1st half of the last century.