Good news on billing statements!
Billing statements from Chelan PUD will return to normal – with all of the usage data, graphs, and delivery options that customers expect – starting in late July. We continue to work to recover access to historical billing statements. More information: Online Billing Resumes (
Having challenges paying your utility bill?
We’re here for you. We have payment options to help our customers and other programs.
Already late?
If your account is past due or scheduled to be disconnected, please call the office, at (509) 661-8002. Assistance and payment options may be able to help you, our customer.
Keeping you connected during the heat
Pursuant to RCW 54.16.285 (5), on days when the National Weather Service has issued or is predicting a heat-related event such as excessive heat warning, heat advisory, or similar conditions in our area, Chelan PUD will temporarily delay disconnecting residential electric and water services for non-payment. Disconnections for non-payment will resume once the heat-related alerts have been removed or are cancelled.
If your residential electric or water service has been disconnected for non-payment, your service may be eligible for temporary reconnection at your request during heat-related alerts. Standard reconnection charges, security deposit requirements, and other related fees may be charged to the customer’s account.
To learn more about requesting temporary reconnection of your residential service, please contact our Customer Relations team at (509) 661-8002.