Lighting Projects
In 2018 and 2019, all cities in Chelan County converted their streetlights to LEDs (light-emitting diodes).
On Jan. 8, 2018, Chelan County PUD Commissioners approved a rate for municipal LED streetlights that lowered power costs for cities that install the energy-saving lamps. The new rate reflects the energy savings of LEDs.
The 2018/2019 project replaced approximately 3,750 streetlights throughout Chelan County, most of which are standard streetlights called cobra heads. Most of the streetlights in Chelan County were high pressure sodium. High pressure sodium streetlights are less efficient and cast an orange, low-quality light. LED streetlights are energy efficient and have long life spans.
The LED lights selected for this project called for “warm 3000°K” colored lights that have a softer glow and minimize the amount of harsh blue light.