Rates and Policies

Rate Plan Approved

On Nov. 18th, the commissioners approved a two-year extension of the current rate plan to address the rising costs of providing essential services. The rate plan includes annual adjustments of 3% electric, 4% water, and 4% wastewater. Increases will be effective June 2025 and June 2026. On average, residential electric customers can expect an increase of approximately $2 per month, while residential water and wastewater customers will see an additional $3-4 per month on their bills. Updated rate schedules are available here:


Electric Rate Schedules          Water Rate Schedules            Wastewater Rate Schedules

Rates at a glance

All questions or inquiries must be submitted through the Power Inquiry Form.

 Rate Schedule 1 (residential)
 Monthly Basic charge $16.45
 Energy Charge 2.7¢ per kWh
 Rate Schedule 2 (commercial)
 Monthly Basic Charge (single phase) $19.80
 Monthly Basic Charge (three phase) $29.70
 Energy Charge (0-39kW demand) 3.10¢ per kWh
 Energy Charge (40kW and over) 2.75¢ per kWh
 Demand Charge (40kW and over) $2.55 per kW
 Rate Schedule 3 (primary industrial)
 Monthly Basic Charge $142.00
 Energy Charge 1.60¢ per kWh
 Demand Charge $3.60 per kW
 Rate Schedule 35 (high density load)
 Monthly Basic Charges
 Up to 300kW $155.00 
 300kW to < 1MW $650.00
 1 MW to ≤ 5MW $995.00 
 Monthly Demand Charges $6.40 per kW
 Energy Charge 3.13¢ per kWh
 Rate Schedule 36 (data centers and similar loads)
 Monthly Basic Charges
 Up to 300kW $155.00
 300kW to < 1MW $650.00
 1 MW to ≤ 3MW $995.00
Monthly Demand Charges (residential) $16.85 per kW 
Monthly Demand Charges (non-residential) $6.40 per kW
Energy Charge  $0.0313/kWh effective 6/01/24
Market Energy Charge $0.1281/kWh effective June 1, 2024*

*The Market Energy Charge is recalculated at least annually in accordance with the provisions of Rate Schedule 36. 

General power inquiries can be submitted here: Power Inquiry Form

Water rates (residential)

Basic Charge $40.50
First 3,000 gallons   $3.20 per 1,000 gallons 
3,001 to 10,000 gallons   $4.25 per 1,000 gallons 
Over 10,000 gallons $5.30 per 1,000 gallons 

Wastewater rates (residential)

Basic Charge $93.35 
Additional ERU(s)   $93.35 

Fees and Charges Increases

  • Changes to connection Fees and Charges take effect on January 1, 2025
  • Click HERE to learn how these changes impact your project.

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