Community Services and Discounts

Our rates are the foundation.

As a publicly owned utility, Chelan PUD is deeply committed to the community we serve. Our top priority is ensuring our customers stay warm in the winter, cool during the summer’s heat, and enjoy all the benefits of reliable electricity — whether it's powering their businesses, keeping their homes running smoothly, or supporting modern conveniences that enhance daily life. 

The most powerful way we can support our community is by keeping electric rates among the lowest in the nation.

These low rates are possible thanks to the visionary early Chelan PUD leaders, who decades ago made bold investments in hydropower. Their forward-thinking decisions, made in the best interest of the community, now allow us to provide clean, reliable, and highly affordable electricity.

However, we recognize that even with low rates, some customers may struggle to pay their bills. That’s why Chelan PUD offers assistance programs, why we partner with trusted organizations like the Chelan-Douglas Community Action Council, and why our customer service team works one-on-one with customers to keep the lights on. 

If you need help with your PUD bills, call us at (509) 663-8121 and ask for Customer Relations. We're here to help!


Discounts and community services

Senior citizen discount
Seniors age 62 and over with a combined income of $41,000 or less may be eligible for a discount on their electric bills of up to $10.70 per month. The discount for seniors who are water customers is $11.55 per month; for sewer customers it’s $12.30 per month. Apply for a Senior Discount. Aplica para Descuento para Personas de la Tercera Edad.

Disabled customer discount
Disabled customers may be eligible for a discount on their electric bills of up to $10.74 per month. The discount for disabled customers for water is $11.55 per month; for sewer customers it's $12.30. Apply for a Disabled Discount. Aplica para Descuento de Discapacidad.

Helping Hand
Helping Hand helps low-income families pay their electric bills. Customers can make a Helping Hand donation every time they pay their bill. Helping Hand funds are managed by the Chelan-Douglas Community Action Council. Call them at (509) 662-6156 to see if you qualify for this assistance. Or enroll now to make a monthly contribution to Helping Hand.

PUD Medical Electric Needs Registry
It is important for the PUD to be aware of customers who rely on life-sustaining equipment. Click here to learn more about the PUD’s Medical Electric Needs Registry.  

Additional resources:

Chelan Douglas Community Action Council Main Office: (509) 662-6156
CAFÉ Main Office: (509) 415-8274
Serve Wenatchee Valley Main Office: (509) 663-4673
Upper Valley Mend Main Office: (509) 548-0408