Contact Us

We’re here for you. We want to talk to you if you need assistance with your Chelan PUD bill. 
We have payment options to help our customers.

We’re available by phone from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. weekdays. As always, your bill and payment options are available 24/7 at

Estaremos disponibles por teléfono desde  las 8 a.m. hasta las 5 p.m. de lunes a viernes. O visítanos en las 24/7

Power out?

Check out Outages and Alerts page for info, or call us at 877-PUD-8123, 24/7.

Wenatchee (main office)
Open Monday - Friday; 8 am. to 5 pm.
203 Olds Station Rd.
Wenatchee, WA 98801
(509) 663-8121
Toll free 1-888-663-8121
Get directions
Map of Wenatchee office

Mailing address
P.O. Box 1231
Wenatchee, WA 98807-1231


Lobby is currently closed to public.
1034 E. Woodin Ave.
Chelan, WA 98816
(509) 682-2581
Get directions

Lobby is currently closed to public.
222 Chumstick Highway
Leavenworth, WA 98826
(509) 548-7761
Get directions

Rocky Reach Discovery Center
Open Tuesday through Saturday
9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

(509) 663-7522
Get directions

Media contact

Rachel Hansen: (509) 661-4320
Libby Siebens: (509) 661-8291

Follow us on Facebook
Talk to us on Twitter

Watch our videos

General inquiries

For inquiries about parks, fiber and general questions:

For billing and account questions:
Phone: (509) 661-8002 - available 8 a.m.- 5 p.m.
Toll-free: (888) 663-8121

General Information line: (509) 661-8000 - Recorded messages on parks, river flows, fish counts and conservation tips.
Hearing impaired TTY: (509) 661-4621
Underground Utility Location: 811

Outages or emergencies

To report an outage or emergency involving power, water, or wastewater, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, call (877) 783-8123. Get outage alerts at

To report a problem that is not an emergency
  • Electricity: (509) 661-4325
  • Fiber optics: (509) 661-4151
  • Street or area lights: (509) 661-4325
  • Water/Wastewater: (509) 661-4254

Problems with the website

Email our WebDesk
Email for employment and online application issues

Department phone numbers

  • Customer Relations: (509) 661-8002
    • Bill pay by phone: (509) 661-8729
  • Conservation: (509) 661-8008
  • Employment: (509) 661-4793 or (800) 297-8074
  • Fiber Optics: (509) 661-4151
  • Parks: (509) 661-4551
  • Procurement & Contract Services: (509) 661-4479
  • Rocky Reach Visitor Center: (509) 663-7522