Energy-Efficient Controlled Environment Agriculture

Indoor agriculture

Maximize your production while minimizing your costs.

Let Chelan PUD pay for your building and system upgrades for better performance so you can meet crop needs while spending less on your energy bills. Modern, energy-efficient upgrades can save up to 50% of your energy expenses.

Chelan PUD pays up to 100% on energy-efficient upgrades, so you can get better equipment for less than standard efficiency gear. Also, extend your equipment life while reducing your maintenance and replacement costs with key hardware upgrades.


What's in It for Me?

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Reduce operating and replacement costs

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PUD pays up to 100% of your project costs for better equipment

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Better climate control and increased productivity

Psst―do you grow outdoors? Learn more about Chelan PUD programs for irrigation and orchards.

What about operating a cold storage facility? Check out our energy-efficient cold storage program, too!


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How Do Business Incentives Work?


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What Can Chelan PUD Help Me Pay For?

Your controlled environment agriculture (CEA) facility can save money when installing better equipment and making sure your existing systems are running optimally with incentives from Chelan PUD.


Want updates on our incentive programs for your indoor agriculture facility? We’re always adding ways for customers to save money on your electric bills and improve Chelan County buildings. Sign up for email updates and don't miss a chance to save on new equipment and upgrades!

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Lighting Solutions

Specific lighting characteristics are critical to your crop quality and yield, but you don’t have to pay so much to purchase or run them. Let us help.

Chelan PUD pays up to 75% of project costs for energy-saving lighting and controls, saving you money on new equipment purchases. High-efficiency lighting fixtures and controls use significantly less energy—and money— without sacrificing your crop production.

Learn more

Get started today by talking with your lighting contractor or contact Drew Thompson, our commercial energy advisor.

savings: 2/3 leaves

Ongoing Savings: Moderate to high
Save on lighting and maintenance costs for 10+ years

upfront investment: 2/3

Upfront Investment: Low to moderate
Chelan PUD pays up to 75% of your project costs. Remaining project costs are eligible for EnergySmart financing

effort: 2/5 easy to 3/5 moderate

Project Effort: Low to moderate
Projects range from quick and easy upgrades to involved relighting


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Insulation & Windows

New windows and improved insulation provide better control of the environment for your crops, reducing the need for extra lighting and excessive temperature and humidity control.

Chelan PUD pays for up to 100% the cost of insulation and high-efficiency windows, saving you money now and for years to come on lower energy costs. 

Get started today by talking with your contractor or contact Drew Thompson, our commercial energy advisor.

savings: 2/3 leaves

Ongoing Savings: Moderate
Save 10% to 40% on heating and cooling costs for 20+ years

upfront investment: 2/3

Upfront Investment: Moderate to high
Chelan PUD pays up to 100% of your project costs, which vary significantly by the windows you choose. Any remaining project costs are eligible for EnergySmart financing

effort: 3/3 involved

Project Effort: Moderate to high
Projects range from straightforward replacements to full redesigns


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Fan VFDs

Variable frequency drives (VFDs) could help your operation run more efficiently and reduce operating costs. Chelan PUD pays up to 100% of project costs for energy-saving VFDs.

Contact Drew Thompson, Chelan PUD commercial energy advisor, for more information.

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Connected Thermostats

Improve temperature control with a connected thermostat, saving money on reduced energy bills. Chelan PUD will pay for up to 100% of your project costs.

Learn more

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Custom Projects

Have another way to save energy in your CEA operation? We can help pay for projects that save electricity.

Contact Drew Thompson, Chelan PUD commercial energy advisor, about your project idea, and we'll see what we can fund.


Drew Thompson

Hi, I'm Drew.

Questions? Talk with Drew Thompson, Chelan PUD commercial energy advisor. Call (509) 661-8560 or email


We're always adding new ways to help you save money on your electricity bills and improve your buildings. Sign up for email updates on our money-saving programs for your indoor agriculture operation, so you don't miss a chance to save on new equipment or upgrades.

Send Me Updates