Is your building eligible for an incentive on connected thermostats?
1. Your Space and Heating
Buildings are eligible for more than one connected thermostat, as long as each connected thermostat controls an existing HVAC system with a separate supply fan serving a separate zone.
Note: New construction and additions are not eligible. Hotel rooms are not eligible.
2. New Connected Thermostat
Your new thermostat must:
3. Paperwork
1. Install Your Connected Thermostat
Work with your contractor to make sure an eligible connected thermostat is installed.
2. Send in Paperwork
Gather your paperwork and send them (or as your contractor to submit them) to conservation@chelanpud.org or:
Chelan County PUD
PO Box 1231
Wenatchee, WA 98807-1231
We're Here for You
Questions? Talk with Drew Thompson, Chelan PUD commercial energy advisor. Call (509) 661-8560 or email drew.thompson@chelanpud.org.