$75 to $125 each
Anti-Sweat Heater (ASH) Controls
Controls installed in cooler ($75 each) or freezer case ($125 each) and reduces the ASH run time by at least 50%.
$9 to $30 per sq.ft.
Strip Curtains
$9 per sq.ft. of door area when added to grocery cooler or convenience store freezer. $30 per sq.ft. when added to a grocery freezer.
$250 to $500
ECM Evaporator Fan Motor
$250 per ECM motor for walk-ins with less than 23 Watt motors, $275 per ECM motor for display case motors, and $500 for walk-ins with 23 Watt and larger evaporator fan motors.
up to $17 per foot
LED Case Lighting
Contact us to have new LED lighting installed in your existing cases in our next round of retrofits.

Is your building eligible for an incentive on commercial refrigeration equipment?
1. Your Space & Fuel Type
2. New Equipment
Your new equipment must be electric and:
3. Paperwork

1. Install Your New Equipment
Work with your contractor to make sure eligible equipment is installed.
2. Send in Paperwork
Gather your paperwork and send them (or as your contractor to submit them) to drew.thompson@chelanpud.org or:
Chelan County PUD
PO Box 1231
Wenatchee, WA 98807-1231

What Happens Next?

We'll review your paperwork, and contact you if anything is missing or we need more information.

With your paperwork complete, we might schedule an inspection to make sure the correct equipment was installed.
If all checks out, you'll receive your incentive payment in the mail, or we can pay your contractor directly.
Hi, I'm Drew
Questions? Talk with Drew Thompson, Chelan PUD commercial energy advisor. Call (509) 661-8560 or email drew.thompson@chelanpud.org.