Heat Pump Conversion

Heat pumps: efficient heating and cooling


Heating and cooling

Year-round comfort

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Reliable and long life

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Save energy and money on your bills


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Chelan PUD rebates are available for switching from an electric resistance furnace to an eligible heat pump. A written pre-approval is required. Heat pump installation must be commissioned by a certified HVAC contractor.

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Conversion: Variable Speed

You have an electric resistance furnace and want a variable speed heat pump.

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Conversion: Standard

You have an electric resistance furnace and want a heat pump.

* Rebate amounts are valid for applications received through March 31, 2026. Rebates paid cannot exceed total project costs.

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30% Tax Credit

In addition to Chelan PUD rebates, homeowners may qualify for a federal tax credit of 30% of project costs up to a maximum of $2,000. Before purchasing your heat pump, verify eligibility at the EnergyStar website.

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Yes! Your heat pump qualifies for low-rate EnergySmart financing.

Psst — No ducts? No problem. Get cash back on a ductless heat pump.

Business ownersCheck out our incentives for heat pumps in your commercial buildings.

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Participant Feedback

What your neighbors say about their new efficient heat pumps:

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"Our contractor took the lead on our rebate paperwork and made sure we knew what to buy. We appreciated that."

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"I would give it 9/10. Price was a bit higher than I wanted, but it's a superior product and a good team to install."

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Over 92% of past participants would recommend an efficient heat pump (and rebate!) to their friend.

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Is your home eligible for heat pump rebate?

0. Pre-Approval

Have your contractor email conservation@chelanpud.org to obtain written pre-approval from Chelan PUD for your rebate for a forced-air furnace to heat pump conversion.

1. Your Home and Heating

2. New Heat Pump & Installation

Contact your HVAC contractor to make sure your equipment and its installation are eligible for a rebate.

3. Paperwork

Contractors typically submit your application for you. Ask your contractor for the following:

4. When to Apply

5. Special Cases

Homes with heated floor area greater than 4,500 sq ft or with two separate duct systems may claim up to two heat pump rebates when two qualifying heat pumps are installed.


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1. Select Contractor

Pick a local certified HVAC contractor to install your heat pump and to ensure your equipment and its installation are eligible. Make sure your contractor requests written pre-approval from Chelan PUD.

2. Install Your Heat Pump

Work with your contractor to make sure an eligible heat pump is installed using air flow testing.

3. Send in Paperwork

Gather your paperwork and send them (or ask your contractor to submit them) to conservation@chelanpud.org or:

Chelan County PUD
PO Box 1231
Wenatchee, WA 98807-1231


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What Happens Next?

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We'll review your paperwork and contact you if anything is missing.

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With your paperwork complete, we'll confirm your eligibility and might schedule an inspection to make sure your heat pump was installed correctly.

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If all checks out, you'll receive your rebate check in the mail 6-8 weeks after we receive your complete application.


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Heat Pumps on the Power Hour

On the Power Hour


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We're Here for You

Questions? Talk with a Chelan PUD energy adviser. Call (509) 661-8008 or email conservation@chelanpud.org.

Common Questions


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Bigfoot's Big Heat Pump Rebate

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Local Contractors
Disclaimer: This list is provided as a convenience for Chelan County PUD customers. Chelan County PUD makes no representations or warranties regarding the qualifications or quality of workmanship of any of the listed contractors, nor is the listing to be considered an endorsement of any such contractor. The customer is solely responsible for arrangements for, and results of, any work performed by the contractor.

The state Department of Labor and Industries maintains a database of licensed contractors.

Contractors: If you would like to be listed here, please mail a copy of your license and bonding certification along with contact information to Chelan County PUD, Conservation Department, P.O. Box 1231, Wenatchee, WA 98807-1231.