Heat Pump Water Heater Rebates

Heat Pump Water Heating: Efficient Water Heating


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Save up to 60% every month on heating your water

icon of hammer and wrench

Reliable and long life

icon of fingers snapping

Quick win!


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icon of water heater


Cash back on qualifying heat pump water heaters from Chelan PUD

* Rebate amounts apply to applications received now through March 31, 2026. Rebates paid cannot exceed total project costs.

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30% Tax Credit

In addition to Chelan PUD rebates, homeowners may qualify for a federal tax credit of 30% of project costs up to a maximum of $2,000. Before purchasing your water heater, verify eligibility at the EnergyStar website.

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Yes! Your heat pump water heater qualifies for low-rate EnergySmart financing.

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Heat Pump (Hybrid) Water Heaters

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Participant Feedback

What your neighbors say about their new efficient hybrid (heat pump) water heaters:

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"The higher price of the heat pump water heater was offset by the rebate. We want to reduce power usage."

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"Our heat pump water heater with the WiFi option is fantastic!"

(Read more about connected heat pump water heaters.)

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Over 96% of past participants would recommend an efficient hybrid water heater (and rebate!) to their friend.

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Is your home eligible for a heat pump water heater rebate?

1. Your Home and Water Heating


2. New Heat Pump Water Heater


3. Installation


4. Paperwork


Apply Now

5. When to Apply


6. Special Cases

Up to two heat pump water heater rebates per dwelling unit for qualifying products.


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1. Select Your Heat Pump Water Heater

Make sure to select an eligible model to qualify for a rebate

2. Install Your Heat Pump Water Heater

Pick a local contractor to install your heat pump water heater or do it yourself following your manufacturer's installation checklist

3. Send in Paperwork

Gather your paperwork and complete an online application. Or send your paper application and documentation to conservation@chelanpud.org or:

Chelan County PUD
PO Box 1231
Wenatchee, WA 98807-1231


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What Happens Next?

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We'll review your paperwork and contact you if anything is missing.

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With your paperwork complete, we'll confirm your eligibility and might schedule an inspection to make sure your heat pump water heater was installed correctly.

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If all checks out, you'll receive your rebate check in the mail 6-8 weeks after we receive your complete application.


Power Hour icon

Heat Pump (Hybrid) Water Heaters on the Power Hour

On the Power Hour


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We're Here for You

Questions? Talk with a Chelan PUD energy adviser! Call (509) 661-8008 or email conservation@chelanpud.org.

Common Questions


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Find a local heat pump water heater installer. Or install your own hybrid water heater after purchase from a local retailer: Home Depot or Lowe's.