
Increased home value

Healthier to live in
Save energy and money
Jordan and Lyndsay Mynatt's story of building an efficient new home in Leavenworth and more about the program on
Josh's blog post.
Building a new home permitted after January, 2021?
Meeting the new energy code isn't difficult or expensive, but it does require some careful building techniques and slight energy-efficient upgrades.
Learn More

Your new home uses 20% less energy than code (details below)

Is your new home eligible for a rebate?
1. Your Home and Heating
2. New Home Energy Usage
3. Paperwork
4. When to Apply
5. Special Cases
Limited to 10 rebates per year. Please contact us and apply early.

1. Pick a Home Energy Rating System (HERS) Rater
Make sure to work with a HERS rater to make sure you qualify for a rebate. Builders can get a home certified as "green" through multiple programs in Washington. The PUD can help find the right fit. (One recommendation is Better Built NW.)
2. Build and Model Your Home Energy Usage
Have your HERS rater model your energy use and make sure it uses 20% less energy than code requires. PUD staff can help with resources, including typical ways to meet the higher efficiency standard, to help builders reach the 20% target.
3. Send in Paperwork
Gather your paperwork and send them (or ask your contractor to submit them) to or:
Chelan County PUD
PO Box 1231
Wenatchee, WA 98807-1231

What Happens Next?

We'll review your paperwork and contact you if anything is missing.

With your paperwork complete, we'll confirm your eligibility , review your modelling, and might schedule an inspection to review your home.
If all checks out, you'll receive your rebate check in the mail 6-8 weeks after we receive your complete application.

New Construction on the Power Hour

We're Here for You
Questions? Talk with Josh Mitchell, Chelan PUD residential energy adviser, at (509) 661-4380 or email

The following HERS rates serve Chelan County.