Low-e Storm Windows

Storm windows: efficiency with historic charm


umbrella blocking rain

Protects your primary windows

woman cozy on couch next to window

Year-round comfort

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Reduced outside noise


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You're adding low-e storm windows to existing single-pane windows with metal frames

$8 per sq.ft.

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You're adding low-e storm windows to existing single-pane windows with wood frames

$6 per sq.ft. 

* Rebate amounts apply to applications received through March 31, 2026. Rebates paid cannot exceed total project costs.

dollar sign in circle

Yes! Your storm windows qualify for low-rate EnergySmart financing.

Psst — Looking for cash back on regular windows or exterior doors?


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Is your home eligible for a rebate?

1. Your Home and Heating


2. New Storm Windows


3. Installation


4. Paperwork


Apply Now

5. When to Apply



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1. Select Your Storm Window

Make sure to select an eligible model to qualify for a rebate

2. Install Your Storm Window

Pick a local contractor to install your window or do it yourself (DIY)

3. Send in Paperwork

Gather your paperwork and send them (or ask your contractor to submit them) to conservation@chelanpud.org or:

Chelan County PUD
PO Box 1231
Wenatchee, WA 98807-1231


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What Happens Next?

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We'll review your paperwork and contact you if anything is missing.

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With your paperwork complete, we'll confirm your eligibility and might schedule an inspection to make sure your storm window was installed correctly and confirm your heating type.

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If all checks out, you'll receive your rebate check in the mail 6-8 weeks after we receive your complete application.


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We're Here for You

Questions? Talk with a Chelan PUD energy adviser. Call (509) 661-8008 or email conservation@chelanpud.org.

Common Questions


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These local contractors serve Chelan County.