Operating Responsibly Fish and Wildlife Habitat Conservation Plans Electric Vehicles Renewable Energy Home / Environment / Habitat Conservation Plans / Biological Opinions and Permits / Biological Opinions and Permits Biological Opinions - Mainstem Biological Opinion on the Rocky Reach Hydroelectric Project - August 12, 2003 Biological Opinion on the Rock Island Hydroelectric Project - August 12, 2003 Biological Opinion on the Rocky Reach, Rock Island, and Wells Hydroelectric Project - May 12, 2004 Biological Opinions - Hatchery Biological Opinion for Permit No. 1395 - Steelhead Hatchery Facilities Biological Opinion for Permit No. 1347 - Non-listed Anadromous Hatchery Facilities Biological Opinion for Permit No. 1196 - Spring Chinook Hatchery Facilities Biological Opinion on the NMFS proposed amendment to section 10(a)(1)(A) Permit to the WDFW to conduct enhancement activities on the Upper Columbia River steelhead in the UCR Basin Permits - Hatchery Permit No. 1395 - Steelhead Permit No. 1347 - Non-listed Species Permit No. 1196 - Spring Chinook - Amendment to Permit No. 1196 Permits - Mainstem Permit No. 1392 - NOAA Fisheries Permit for Incidental Take of Endangered/Threatened Species (Rocky Reach) Permit No. 1393 - NOAA Fisheries Permit for Incidental Take of Endangered/Threatened Species (Rock Island)