
Project Overview

How does the PUD expand the Fiber Network?

  • Before we can extend fiber cable to the area, we must first upgrade the electrical system (poles, wires, and other equipment). Significant work, including property rights and permitting, is sometimes needed to upgrade the electrical system to bring them up to current standards before fiber cables can be added. These upgrades not only prepare the system for fiber cables, they will also improve electrical reliability in the area.

  • It takes a lot of planning and coordination to extend the fiber network and serve individual homes and businesses. These projects are multi-phase and take multiple years. If you chose to apply for fiber service and your property is eligible, please know it will take some time between submitting your application and having fiber service at your home or business.

  • For more information on fiber service and a list of service providers, please visit the PUD’s Fiber webpage.

Anticipated Timeline

S Lakeshore Fiber_Web_Timeline

How the PUD expands the Fiber network