Have you received a Water Leak Notice? Here are some helpful tips.
Water Leak notices are generated when the metering equipment has detected that water has failed to shut off for at least one hour during the last 24-hour period. These alerts could indicate a continually running toilet, for example, or they could simply mean that a homeowner left a faucet dripping to keep pipes from freezing during a winter cold spell. The Water Leak notice is intended to make customers aware that a leak may exist, and to provide some steps on how to determine the source. If additional assistance is needed identifying a household leak, you may want to contact a plumber.
If a household leak is not found, please contact Service Dispatch, Monday through Friday 8AM to 5PM by calling (509) 661-4254 or email svcdispatch@chelanpud.org for assistance.
Applying for a Leak Adjustment Credit
The maintenance and repair of a water service pipe on the customer side of the water meter is the responsibility of the owner/customer of the premises being served. Customers may be eligible for an adjustment to a portion of their water bill in the event of a loss of water through abnormal conditions when Chelan PUD determines that the cause was undetectable and not resulting from a lack of routine maintenance by the customer or property owner.
- Adjustments are limited to leaks or breaks in the section of the water service line between the water meter and the primary structure being served.
- No adjustment will be made for any leaks or breaks beyond the external entrance to the primary structure. This includes leaks within or under the structure, internal or exterior fixtures, or irrigation lines.
- Chelan PUD allows for one leak adjustment per service address in a two-year period. Adjustments are limited to water metered in excess of normal, seasonal average consumption.
To apply for a Leak Adjustment, please review and complete the Leak Adjustment Credit Form. Be sure to attach all required repair documentation to validate the claim. If approved, your account will be monitored to ensure the leak has stopped. This may take several months. Please continue to pay balances owing or contact Customer Relations at (509) 661-8002 to set up a payment arrangement.