Stehekin Energy Demand

Graphic of energy conservation tips for Stehekin


After continued review of the options, members of the Board of Commissioners have indicated support for the allocation of Public Power Benefit funding towards new controls at the hydro facility and towards a battery system.


Chelan PUD staff worked with a Stehekin customer to install a hot water heater control device.  There have been challenges with installing additional devices due to a lack of licensed electricians and plumbers willing to install the devices.  There have also been communications issues with the one installed device.  Staff will continue to investigate this option, however there is not an identified solution at this time.   

Working with the County

Earlier this summer, representatives from the County, Chelan PUD, and the NPS met with Stehekin residents regarding the development of a Stehekin Community Plan.  Chelan PUD will be working with the County to fund this endeavor, and looks forward to working with the community to develop this plan.

Other ways you can help manage energy use in the Stehekin Valley:

  • Replace incandescent bulbs with LED bulbs
  • Visit or call PUD Energy Efficiency Adviser, Josh Mitchell at (509) 661-4380 for recommendations on energy savings and rebates
  • Share energy conservation tips with guests or renters on your property
  • Contact the PUD early if you are considering adding additional electrical services in Stehekin

More Electricity Use, Same Generation

The electrical system in the Stehekin Valley is unique. A single small hydro plant generates power for the community. This electrical system is completely independent from the rest of the county. This means that the community is limited to the amount of power generated locally.

Trying to use more power than is available can disrupt the whole community power system. All of us want to make sure that this doesn’t happen in the Stehekin Valley.

Graphic of power generation system in Stehekin

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