Public Safety Power Shutoff

A public safety power shutoff (PSPS) is a proactive power outage designed to prevent wildfire ignitions from utility infrastructure during very high winds and dry conditions. It is a tool in Chelan PUD's Wildfire Mitigation Program. We know the devastation that wildfires can have on a community, and we also recognize the impact on our customers when power is out. The decision to use a public safety power shutoff is one we take very seriously and is a rarely used measure of last resort.

Current Forecast

We are monitoring the weather forecast, and there are no outages anticipated at this time. Visit our address look-up tool to learn whether your home or business is in a PSPS zone.

Image of chelan county map tool showing areas that might be affected by a Fire Safety Outage


There are steps you can take now to prepare for a future outage:


About 48 hours before a potential PSPS:

  • We will send customer alerts as early and often as possible through email, social media, local news outlets, partner agencies, and on our outage webpage.
  • Stock up on water, shelf-stable food, gas for your car, ice for coolers, cash, medications and other things you’ll need for at least three days.
  • Charge your mobile phone; consider a portable device charger.
  • If you have a generator, review the owner’s manual to ensure safe operation. Learn more about how to choose a generator and operate it safely.
  • Review how to manually open your garage door.


If the forecasted weather conditions become imminent, Chelan PUD may turn off power as a measure of last resort:

  • The PUD will provide regular updates via local media, email, our website and social media channels, and through partner agency channels like Everbridge. 
  • Keep your refrigerator and freezer closed as much as possible. Here’s a Red Cross guide to determine if your food is safe.
  • Turn off all appliances and all but one light. Turn off the circuit breaker to your hot water heater. Wait 10 minutes after power is restored before turning these items back on. This reduces the strain on the system, and could prevent another outage.
  • Unplug any sensitive electronic equipment.
  • If you’re a PUD wastewater customer, remember to avoid dumping liquids down the drains (use short showers, few toilet flushes) to prevent a possible wastewater overflow.


  • After high winds have subsided, power will remain off to allow PUD crews to safely inspect powerlines for wind-blown debris, fallen trees, and other hazards.
  • Inspection times depend on the size of the outage and extent of the damage. It may take hours to days to ensure that all powerlines are safe to re-energize. We will restore power as soon as it's safe to do so.
  • When possible, we will provide the estimated time of restoration.

Public Safety Power Shutoff Conditions

Throughout the summer, the PUD will monitor the weather forecasts using data from the Forest Service, state Department of Natural Resources and other weather-monitoring services. We will track several factors, including predicted wind gusts, humidity, fuel moisture and potential fire behavior.

The conditions that trigger a public safety power shutoff are different and generally more severe than those that would issue a red flag warning. If we must use a PSPS, we will notify our customer-owners as soon as possible, ideally 48 hours in advance.

Learn More

Visit our Frequently Asked Questions page for more information. 

Do you want to learn more about how we developed this plan? Visit our background page. Learn more about Chelan PUD's Wildfire Mitigation Program here

Do you have questions or comments? Send them to