Fiber Equipment Upgrade

For information on the current fiber equipment failures and service outages, please see the Fiber Outage Information page

Important Information About Your Fiber Equipment Upgrade

At Chelan County, we’re committed to providing state-of-the-art, high-speed internet services that meet the growing demands of our customer-owners. To maintain the high level of service you've come to rely on, we’ve identified aging Customer Premises Equipment (CPE) that requires upgrading. If you're one of the affected customer-owners, you’ve likely received a postcard from the District about this necessary fiber equipment upgrade.

Below, you’ll find details about the upgrade and how it may impact you if you received the postcard.

Fiber Equipment Upgrade Postcard
Postcard sent to affected customers

Equipment Upgrade Map

We are working diligently to replace equipment in the targeted areas below. If you are experiencing issues with your equipment, please contact your service provider for assistance.


Your Customer Premises Equipment (CPE) is the critical link between your home and our internet service. It’s the hardware that ensures you receive a stable and high-speed internet connection. As technology evolves and your household's digital needs grow, it’s crucial that your CPE is up to date. Here's why upgrading your CPE is essential to prevent service outages and ensure a reliable connection: